Monday, September 19, 2011

Born to Die

The sky was dark and the air was cool. It was nighttime and Andrew awoke in some place that he had never seen before in his life. Houses lined the dirt street on both sides as far as he could see. It looked like a small village, but the village appeared to have no end.

Andrew slowly picked his way up in the darkness and looked in every direction, but there was no exit as far as his eye could see. Not that the darkness helped it much, but Andrew could see no escape.

A man was walking on the street up ahead of him, so Andrew went up to meet him and see where in the world he was. Andrew ran towards the man who just watched him as he approached him.

“You finally made it.” The man spoke with a deep voice which seemed to match his all black outfit. Did he not want to be seen in the darkness, or did he just like black?

The man not only scared Andrew because of his strange greeting and not because he only wore black clothes, but his personality scared him. What was it about him that was so strange? Maybe it was just everything. Andrew dropped the thought and tried to think of a response to the man.

The man wore a black jacket with a black shirt underneath and wore black slacks. His hair was black was made into dreadlocks. The man even had dark skin. Everything about this man was dark. No, he wasn’t scary because he was dark skinned, but because he was almost totally black. Andrew wasn’t racist; he would have been scared of this man no matter what color his skin was. The man also had appeared to have a black beard, but Andrew couldn’t confirm that in the darkness.

He spoke softly, but it seemed powerful at the exact same time. “You seem in shock. You must not know who I am. My name is David and I am the most powerful man in this village. There is only one way out of here and I hold the key. I can’t tell you on the street, though; you must follow me to my house.” Andrew’s heart rate returned to normal because this man David spoke with comfort.

Andrew knew nothing else to do other than follow the man. He said that he knew a way out and Andrew was eager to get out of this scary place. Even if it meant following this eerie man.

They walked into a house that was as black as the man himself was. He must have really like the color black. The door was black, the siding on the house was black. The table in the dining was black. Only the ceiling was not black, it was white. It was the only thing that let the house have any life. His food wasn’t black either, but before he ate it, he probably made it black.

This man must hate every color except for black. Even though that is really an oxymoron because black is every color. This meant he like every color, but only if they were mixed together. He must really like chaos. That was basically what the color black was, a chaos of color.

The man sat down on a recliner and then invited Andrew to sit down on the couch across from him with only a coffee table in between. The man leaned back in his chair and put the foot rest up. Andrew sat down and didn’t slouch a bit as he waited for the man to speak. The man stayed silent.

Andrew didn’t know if that was a good or a bad sign, so he decided to start the conversation. “So, how do I get out of this village?” Andrew asked rather rudely, but tried to be polite.

“That is up to you. I have the key that can get you out, but you have to earn the key. The key is the only way that you can get out of here. There is only one way to get the key from me. You must follow me and do everything I tell you. You must be perfectly obedient to me. Understand?”

Andrew understood, but didn’t want to admit it. He had no desire to follow this man and do everything that he said. He basically hated this man, why would he want to follow him? Andrew wanted to get out though, so he agreed. “I understand. Now what do I do now?”

“Calm down, you ask too many questions.” David answered quickly. “The first and far most rule is that you stay away from everyone else. What they tell you is wrong. I am the only one that knows the right way to get out. Some will tell you they know the way, but they really don’t.”

Andrew was getting even more uninterested at the moment. He was willing to listen to anyone else if they had a way out. They would have to be far better than listening to this guy and doing what he says. “Why should I believe you? Maybe one of them is right?”

“They’re not!” David snapped. “There is one that will do whatever she can to make you follow her. She is a prostitute and will try to seduce you into following her own ways. Her name is Abigail and she is up to no good. Nobody likes her and neither do I, so you must not like her either.”

Andrew just wanted to leave David hanging by his neck and find whatever key this was that he had and then leave this place. The only problem was that this key might be more of a figure of speech than an object. There seemed to be no way out and Andrew had no idea how an actual key would help.

Andrew stayed silent and listened to whatever David was going to say to him next. As much as he wanted to kill David, he wanted out so he had to listen to him. David started speaking again. “You must keep this secret and not tell anyone what you are doing. If they find out they will come and try to kill me. If I die, then I will make absolute sure that you die as well. Your first task is going to be to get me the pyramid of Cush. Do not listen to what anyone else tells you. All of their ways lead to death, but only my way gives life. I don’t want to see you again until you have it. Now leave!”

Andrew made no effort to move. He had no idea what this pyramid was that David wanted and he wasn’t going to go search for something that he knew nothing about. David glared at him giving him the look that said “get out of here.”

“I’m not going until you tell me why I need to get this, or what it is. I am not going to go get something for someone I don’t know and get something I know nothing about.”

“That’s not my problem.” David snapped. “Don’t you dare come into my house and tell me what to do. You are not my master, I am yours. Now do as I say, or you will surely die. Obey me, or I will kill you. I am helping you, but I don’t need you for anything. Now get out!” David yelled at Andrew.

Andrew got up reluctantly and glared at David as he got up and left.

The air was still cold and the night was still dark when Andrew walked out of David’s house. Where did he go know? He had no place to stay and he had this mission that he knew no way to get. Did he follow David and obey him, or did he reject him and see if he could find some other way that was actually the truth. Andrew stood still on the dirt road and looked around in the darkness.

No one was out on the road, except one young lady. She stood out as she walked along. She had short blond hair that didn’t look good on her. She was quite short and excessively skinny. She was about as white as a person could get and was wearing an ugly white dress. No wonder she went out at night. She was the least attractive person Andrew had ever seen in his life. Who was she?

The woman approached him with a nice smile on her face. Andrew wanted to run away from her because of how hideous she looked, but he couldn’t move. There was no way that he could be so rude to a person, no matter how ugly they looked.

“Hello. You must be new here. My name is Abigail Baker.” She spoke politely.

Andrew’s heart stopped right when she said her name. This must be the Abigail that David spoke of. No wonder she was hated by everyone, she was so ugly. Why was she talking to him? He couldn’t talk to her, or at least listen to her because David had forbid it. Would David know about it? Andrew was scared for his life. Then Abigail spoke again.

“Would you like a place to stay for the night? I have plenty of room in my house for you to stay if you would like. Don’t mind David, you don’t need to listen to him. He has a mind of his own.”

Now she was telling him almost exactly what David had said. Well, the exact opposite. It was for sure that they were fighting against each other to win him. Why? Why would they want him? What was he to them? Which one was he supposed to follow? A million of those spots spiraled through his head while he thought up a response to Abigail. He really hoped David wasn’t watching him.

“Sure, I have nothing right now. I just ended up here randomly and I think I have only been here for a few minutes. I would love a place to stay.” Andrew responded with a smile.

It wasn’t that he wanted to go with this ugly woman. If she was a prostitute like David said, it was a wonder how she actually made any money. Did anyone actually go to her? Andrew didn’t care at the moment; he was more concerned about a place to say. From the way that she spoke she must have had a mansion, so Andrew followed her towards her house.

As they got closer to her house, Andrew could see that her house wasn’t a mansion. It was nothing more than a shack. This was the ugliest house he had ever seen in his life. Why had he left David’s mansion and come to this shack? Well, there was the fact that David had kicked him out, but with enough ambition, Andrew could sure get back in to the house and find a bed to sleep on.

Andrew followed Abigail into her house and then went to the room that she showed him. He could see only two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom in the house. It was tiny. Andrew was already regretting his decision, but what choice did he have? He couldn’t just leave Abigail alone after he had agreed to come with her. He had to refocus his mind while he spent the night here.

He would leave early in the morning and avoid her and then go after this pyramid of Cush that David wanted him to get. He needed more information. Did he ask Abigail? Certainly not, David would surely find out and Andrew would be in trouble. Then again, he could get killed for staying here. The problem was that he didn’t have much else of a choice. He would stay here. He would leave early and find the pyramid and never say a word to Abigail ever again.

The sun shone brightly through the blinds in the room that Andrew was staying in. They hit his face and his eyes twitched until they could get used to the light. After a few seconds his eyes adjusted to the light and he was able to open his eyes.

What he saw when his eyes opened was not what he had expected. It was definitely not the same thing he saw when he went to sleep, but it was the same room. It had to be the same room. How had this room transformed over night? It was still completely white in the room, a stark contrast to David’s home, but everything was bigger and better. The twin bed had become a king sized bed. He went to the window, which was much smaller the night before, and looked out.

Andrew was shocked to learn that he was on the second floor. There was only one floor the night before. What was going on? Was he seeing things? That couldn’t be possible.

Andrew went to the door, turned the cool door knob and exited the room. He walked down the hallway that there the night before, but right now it was so much larger. He walked down the hallway and then reached the stairs, which definitely were not there before this morning. He walked down and entered the kitchen to the smell of bacon and eggs and potatoes being cooked.

Should he confront Abigail? No, he couldn’t or he would for sure get caught by David. Then again if he didn’t get in trouble for sleeping in her house, then he wouldn’t get in trouble for that. What would it hurt to talk to her and maybe even eat something?

“Not an early riser are you?” Abigail asked Andrew with her back turned to him while she cooked. It caught Andrew of guard because he didn’t know that Abigail could know he was there.

“Is it really that late? I woke up with the sun. Isn’t that the normal time to wake up?” Andrew said a little more flustered than he wanted to be.

“Well, most people in the village get up before the sun to get an early start. Though, most travelers like you sleep until now, or even later. There is nothing to worry about. You hungry?”

“I have one question that is really on my mind.”

“Ask it.” Abigail spoke with comfort and it made Andrew at ease.

“Is the house bigger this morning than it was last night? Either I am seeing things, or something strange goes on in this village. Did you or have you ever experienced that?”

“It didn’t change. Now before you started questioning what I am saying, or thinking you are seeing things or are delusional. This thing happens to those who are still in the stage of making a choice. Those are the people that don’t live here, but are just visiting. The darkness shows what is false, while the light reveals the truth. Everything you see in the darkness is a lie. You can go off and try to talk to everyone else here, but they won’t believe you. They are all deceived and believe in the darkness.

“You must make a choice within 40 days of being here, or else you will be killed. There is some kind of curse that is put on this village. I don’t like to think of it as that because I don’t believe in curses, so I just call it the rules of the village. Believe it or not, it is still the truth. You must either follow the light and be able to go home, or follow the darkness and be stuck here forever. Trust what is true.”

“David told me that he was the only one that was right and everyone else was wrong. He also said that you were hated by everyone in the city, a prostitute, and had you totally strange way to escape. He told me he knew the way out and that what you said is wrong. What do I believe.”

“That isn’t the smartest question to ask a person. Of course I am going to tell you to believe me. That isn’t because I want you to follow me, though I do, but because it is the truth. The only truth. What David tells you is a punch of lies. He is totally deceived and wants all to go to the death with him. He wants you to die and tries to send you on missions so you will lose the 40 days. He also never tells you about the whole 40 day thing. Everyone who lives here has heard it from me.

“They are still here because they have heard the truth, but rejected it. Only those who have heard the truth and believed it and lived and died for it can get out of the village. Only one person has ever done this and has been able to return home. What are you going to choose?”

Andrew’s heart was torn. He knew that David would kill him for talking to Abigail, but even more for staying the night at her house. Was she really a prostitute, or was she right and she knew the truth and everything David said was lies. What was he supposed to believe?

“What is the pyramid of Cush?” Andrew finally asked after a few minutes of silence.

“It really doesn’t matter what it is. It doesn’t exist. Don’t waste your time listening to David and all of his lies. Listen to me and what I tell you. Follow the Light. It will set you free.”

Andrew couldn’t help but stare at Abigail. She was beautiful this morning, exactly opposite of how she looked last night. Her white dress looked beautiful on her. Her hair was long and beautiful. Why didn’t he totally believe her? She was so beautiful, how could people hate her? She was way too nice and was definitely not the type to be a prostitute. Maybe he should listen to her and ignore David. No, no he had to follow David. As much as he hated him, he knew this pyramid was important.

“If this pyramid doesn’t exist, then why does David want me to get it for him?”

“Did I not already tell you? He wants you dead. He wants you to waste your 40 days looking for something that doesn’t exist. Yes, it can be seen at night, but in the morning it will be no more. I will not tell you anymore about it because it is not important to anything. Stop listening to that follow and believe the truth. Follow me and follow the light. Let’s eat.”

Abigail took everything from the stove and went over to the table and set them down. She then went back and got two plates and forks for them to eat with. Andrew went over to the table and sat down with Abigail to eat the breakfast that she had made for both of them.

They ate and talked a little more, but then Andrew decided that it was time to leave. He had to find that pyramid of Cush. He just knew that it was important.

Kaitlyn slowly walked out of her room after Andrew had finally left and had gone on his own way. She hated living in the village and wished that she could leave, but she couldn’t. Her mother would never leave because she spent her life trying to help people leave. Help the people who were strangers in this village escape and go back to wherever they were from.

Kaitlyn hardly even believed that her mother actually knew the way out. She hated the villagers, but she did side with them on one thing, hatred for her own mother.

Abigail did seem to be a prostitute. No, not one that got paid to have sex with a man, but one who took people in and seduced them. She tried to tell them that her own way was right, and that no one else knew the way. Kaitlyn hated being the daughter of the rudest person in the village. She tried to ruin people’s lives by telling them that the only way that they could get out is by giving up their own lives. She would tell them that to be able to escape they must die. Why anyone would believe that was beyond Abigail, but when someone did decide to believe her, they did leave the village, but only by death. They may have left, but didn’t leave with life. Well, Kaitlyn didn’t know this for sure, but there was no way that you could die, and then come back to life somewhere else.

“Hey mom, what do you think about him?” Kaitlyn asked as she walked into the kitchen.

“I think that he needs some serious work. He is still stuck on finding the pyramid of Cush that David wants him to get. He won’t ever find it, but he will perish at the end of 40 days unless I can convince him to believe me and actually get out of this place.” Abigail responded.

“Why are you so sure that he will never find it? You and I both know that it really does exist. Of course David has no idea, but it is there and he might find it. No one but you and I know where it actually is, or even that it truly exists, but Andrew strikes me as a smart boy.”

“Is that so? You hardly even saw him. How would you know anything about him being smart or not? Don’t forget the power that the pyramid of Cush has. We can’t let David get his hands on it, or else everything will go chaotic and we will surely die.”

“Stop being so self-centered mom. All you do is think about yourself. First of all, if he got it only you would die, not me. Don’t forget what the prophesy said mom, if it even is true. If you are so worried about him getting his hands on it, then why don’t you just kill him?”

“In due time by daughter, in due time. Right now he shall still live and do what he wants. I just have to stop him from doing what he plans to do. You do know that he knows that he will never get his hands on the pyramid of Cush. Only you and I know where it is and there is no way that some person that he lies to will actually find it. He will be banished soon enough.”

“Give it a rest mom. Just take care of him right now. You have the power if you get the pyramid of Cush. You know that you have even more with the pyramid that he would and you know where it is. Just go and get it right now and wipe him out. Come on mom, you are killing me.”

Abigail just sat stuck in her thoughts and ignored her daughter. Kaitlyn hated when her mother did this. Kaitlyn was ready for her mother’s power that David had given her to be over taken by David when his son or daughter came and saved the whole entire village. The problem was that David didn’t have a son or a daughter at the moment, so there was no one to save them.

For the time being all Kaitlyn could do is help David receive the power that he could get. There were 10 things that he needed to have done, or items gotten for him to get rid of Abigail’s power. Kaitlyn could help any of the people that David had sent on the missions to accomplish it for him, but her mother had forbidden her. She knew that if David had the power it would be bad for her mother, and maybe even herself and she believed it to be true, but didn’t really feel it that way.

Kaitlyn ate the breakfast that her mom had made for her and then went back into her room to try to think of a plan to set the rest of her life around. She loved her mom because she was her mom, but hated her for who she was. She wished that she knew her father so that she could go and talk to him about things on her mind. Talking with her mom had just gotten boring anymore. There was no fun in it, only stupid business that she really cared nothing about.

Did she turn her back on her mom and help Andrew? No, she could never do that to her mom. But, oh could she. It would be so simple and she would have little regret. Yes, she would help Andrew. The problem was not letting her mom find out. She would have to do everything secretive, the problem was that secret was not her forte. First, she needed to know from David that if he got all of the power from the pyramid that he would not kill her along with her mother.

After a whole day of searching the entire village, or at least the way that Andrew saw it, and nothing came up. He found nothing that even resembled a pyramid. What was he missing? He needed to know where to look, or he was just looking in vain. He would go and try and ask someone if they knew anything? No, never mind that he couldn’t ask anyone. He couldn’t let anyone know about this mission of his. He also had to stay away from Abigail, or at least that was what David had said.

The sun was heading west and was descending towards the horizon and Andrew still didn’t have a place to stay for the night. He couldn’t go and stay with Abigail again, there was just no way that he could break David’s rules again. He needed to be perfect in all that he did. So, where was he going to stay for the night? He had stayed away from all of the villagers for the day and none of them seemed to even notice or like him anyways, so he wouldn’t stay with one of them. Oh how he longed to stay with David in that lovely mansion of his, but David told him he didn’t want to see him until he had the pyramid. He needed that pyramid, but he also needed a place to stay.

He headed west to see how far he could make it down the road before the sun finally set. He spotted a lovely girl that was walking towards him. She looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn’t place her face. No, he hadn’t ever seen her before, but yet she looked so familiar. What was it with this girl that made Andrew look toward her? She was younger, probably about 14 or 15 or so.

The teenager had beautiful red hair that went with her lovely perfectly white skin. He had only seen such white skin in this village once before. Abigail had white skin, but not quite this white or this beautiful. She was beautiful and her blue eyes matched the lovely blue dress that she was wearing. The dress was strapless and stretched down just a few inches above her knees. The teenage girl was beautiful and Andrew wanted to meet her, but yet he was scared to meet her.

He made no move towards her and tried to not let her see that he had looked at her. Andrew wasn’t usually shy around women, but this girl was the more beautiful than anyone he had ever seen. She was even walking towards him. Andrew began to panic, but made sure that he didn’t show it. This was what he wanted wasn’t it? Yes, of course it was, but it was so much more scary because it was actually happening. It was his dream to meet a girl this beautiful, but he never believed it would happen.

“You look lost and look like you might need a place to stay for the night.” The girl spoke to him as she approached Andrew with his head down. “My name is Kaitlyn. I live here as you might have guessed. You look like you need a place to stay and I know just the place. I don’t have a place of my own, but it is a house owned by my mother that she gave to me for when I get married. You can tell she likes to plan ahead. I told her I was going to stay there tonight, and I want you to join me.”

Andrew stood still not knowing what to say. This beautiful girl was inviting him to stay with her in a house. Never before even in his life before the village had anyone asked him anything like this. No girl ever seemed to have much interest in him, which was why he was still single. Why would this beautiful girl be the first? Andrew had no idea. “I’m Andrew. I arrived here last night and I am still trying to catch my bearings. I don’t know much about this village yet. Thanks for the offer.”

“Oh, thank goodness you accept,” Kaitlyn said knowing full well that he hadn’t accepted yet, but knowing that he would. She just looked at him waiting for him to say something, or at least Andrew thought. “It is the most beautiful house that you will ever see. My mother cares a lot for me. That is a good thing because I don’t know who my father was. That makes me an illegitimate child, but I hate that term. I hate it because my mom isn’t like that, even though that is what everyone thinks.”

Andrew didn’t know what to say. He had never accepted her offer, but yet she seemed to think he did. Maybe that wasn’t exactly what she thought, but it was what she had said. There was no way that he could decline now. He needed a place to stay and he would accept almost anything. Of course, he wasn’t disappointed that Kaitlyn had asked him, but he was excited. “So, where is this house? I can’t wait to see it. It’s getting dark, I think we should get going.”

Kaitlyn’s face lit up when she knew that Andrew had vocally accepted her offer. She even jumped up with joy, but then calmed herself and led the way to her house.

The meeting with David had not gone at all as Kaitlyn had hoped. He told Kaitlyn that he didn’t need the help of a teenager to get the power to destroy her mother. He stated quite clearly that he could do it all on his own, but he took joy in letting these people perish. It was a game to him, in which he enjoyed it when they died. He hardly wanted the power, but one day he really would.

Kaitlyn had decided that she would concoct a plot of her own in order to get the power that David wanted to get. David didn’t believe that any person could ever get the pyramid to begin with, so he never had to let it known what the next thing was that needed to be done to get this power. The power to destroy all of the power that was held by Abigail was something that Kaitlyn definitely wanted. What Kaitlyn didn’t know was that it also took away the power of David, and the person who gained the power had all of the power over the village.

Kaitlyn also didn’t know the fact that she was the one that was prophesied to save the city from the two powers, Abigail and David. She was the one meant for all of the power. There were two ways that she could gain this power. One, in the same way that David searched to obtain. The other in a far different matter that was much more humbling and something that Kaitlyn had no knowledge of. She would have to one day make a choice between the two, and would have to save the city.

For the time being she was content in finding out the 10 things that must be done to get rid of Abigail’s power. This was Kaitlyn’s greatest desire at the moment. She was tired of living here, and after her mom stopped having power, they would be able to leave and go live somewhere nicer. Kaitlyn wanted out, and the only way that she could see out was through stopping her mom. That could only be done through 10 actions and or items and she knew only one of them.

Kaitlyn was going to use Andrew to be able to destroy Abigail’s power. Kaitlyn didn’t really know what kind of power Abigail held, but it was enough to keep them in this hell. Andrew would do the first 9 actions, or find the first 9 items, or a combination, and then tell Kaitlyn the last one. She would help Andrew with the first 9 because she was the wisest in the land. Well, that was besides her mother. She knew things most didn’t and could help Andrew out. She would take the last one for herself.

Yes, it would require stealing from David, which she was sure would not be an easy task, but she had all the time in the world. She didn’t have only 40 days like Andrew, but she had her whole life. She needed to get this power so that she could get out of hell and hopefully end up in paradise. She didn’t know where paradise was, but it had to be a lot better that this place. She wanted to be anywhere but this village where the people despised her to an extent because Abigail was her mother.

Kaitlyn already had dinner in the oven and took it out right when she arrived back with Andrew. She had timed it perfectly, something Kaitlyn seemed to be good at. Kaitlyn and Andrew sat down at the table to eat dinner. Kaitlyn could tell that Andrew was very thankful that he had a place to stay for the night and it made her feel even better about herself. “So, I hear you are looking for the pyramid of Cush? Is what I hear actually true?” Kaitlyn asked him politely.

“Yes, I met with this man David and he told me that I must find this pyramid of Cush and bring it to him. I then met this woman Abigail and she told me just the opposite. She told me that there was another way out and that I only had 40 days here before I died unless I chose some side. She also said that David makes people do this so they don’t know of this decision and all of them will die. I don’t know what to do, but I think looking for this pyramid is the better choice and what I will do.”

Kaitlyn let herself give a smile that he was rejecting her mom. Kaitlyn loved it when they did that. She hated it when David won and they died and hated when her mom one and they disappeared. What she liked one was when they just chose to stay and suffer with her. She loved it when other people had to suffer in the same way she did, in this hell. “Yes, I hear a lot about those 2. I think they are both wrong, but I think that there is some truth to what David says. I think you should stay searching.”

Kaitlyn took a bit of her food and stared at Andrew looking for an answer. She already knew what he was thinking. No, she couldn’t read his mind, but she knew David and Abigail far too well. She knew that David told them that they couldn’t tell anyone what they were doing. Andrew was trying to decide if to ask for help because she already knew he was looking for it. She just sat and smiled at him as she waited for his response. “Well, since you already know, could you help me find it?”

“I would love to help you find this rare artifact. Actually, I already know where it is so it won’t be too hard to find. That was partially what I wanted to talk to you about, but there is a bit more as well. I want you to help me with something. Every time David tells you a job to do, come and tell me. I will help you get them done in exchange for you telling me what you have to do. No, I won’t tell him and get you in trouble. I will find out anyways because I could easily stalk you, so you should tell me.”

“Why in the world would I need you to help me do everything? You know there are some things that I can do on my own. I think I would rather obey him than tell you anyways.”

“Okay, have it your way, but that means I will tell him that you told me about the pyramid. If that is what you want I will tell him and not help you find it.” Kaitlyn let that settle in.

Andrew sat in thought thinking up his response to Kaitlyn. “Ok, ok, I will tell you what he tells me as long as you keep your mouth shut and I get the job done. If at any time you break your end of the deal, I will hunt you down and I will kill you. Do you understand me?”

Kaitlyn nodded. She knew that Andrew was just trying to act tough and look mean. She could see right through his lie. He had no intention of killing her if she broke her promise, which she would do. She wouldn’t break it until not helping him complete the last task, but she would still break the promise. “I do want to warn you about one thing. My mother was right about one thing. You do only have 40 days to decide what you want to do. Don’t get caught at the end of that time still trying to decide.”

She knew it might be bad to let him know that Abigail was her mother, but she didn’t care. She knew that even if he felt it was wrong to stay with the daughter of the woman he was forbid to be with, he would still stay because he needed her. He needed her more than anything. She needed him, but she only needed him for a short time, while he needed her for the rest of his life.

The air was cool as Kaitlyn stepped outside early in the morning. She loved to go out and go for a nice job in the morning while it was still cool. It helped her refresh and get ready for the long day. Today she needed to just stay calm as she went along and helped Andrew complete his mission.

She knew that she couldn’t move too quickly in getting everything or else David would begin to thinking something was up. The last thing Kaitlyn needed was to be found out about. That would totally foil her plan because she knew that David would kill her if he found out that she was helping. The problem was that he might already have an idea because of her talk she had with him.

She should have just skipped the talk and went straight to Andrew, but it was too late now. She couldn’t take back her mistake, but instead she would have to make it part of her plan.

Andrew was still asleep back at the house and breakfast was cooking and would be done right when she got back. The jog was as refreshing this morning as it was every other morning. The cool air touching her skin as she ran through the village was the best feeling that Kaitlyn ever had.

She arrived back at the house just in time for the breakfast to be done and just as Andrew walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” Kaitlyn asked him when she saw him.

“I think I am.” Andrew had seen her shut the door and gave her a weird look. “So, where have you been to already this morning?” He asked her after a few seconds pause.

“Well, I went out for my morning jog that I go out on every day. I go out early in the morning to avoid the heat and because I love running with cool air rushing against my skin.”

Kaitlyn put the food on two different plates and then brought them both over to the table and they began eating. They ate in silence for a few minutes before Andrew began talking.

“So, where is this pyramid of Cush?” Andrew asked, breaking the silence that Kaitlyn had liked.

“I will show you. There is no need to tell you right now. Besides, it is a bit hard to explain in words. It is much easier to show. Just have patients Andrew, you will get it, and then you will be able to take it to David and continue on with your search. Don’t get too caught up in the search though.”

Andrew didn’t like the answer that Kaitlyn gave him, but gave up because he knew that he wouldn’t get anywhere with her.

The sat in silence for the rest of breakfast. Kaitlyn sat wishing that she had picked a different person to try this with. One that wasn’t so obsessed with his mission. It didn’t fit her style.

She didn’t want it to feel as much of her helping him as she wanted it to feel like he was helping her. She wanted him to be doing this for her. Yes, she did think that she was the most important person in the world because she had access to take away her mother’s power.

It would be such a relief when Abigail lost all of her power, and they could finally get out of this hell. Kaitlyn needed to work quickly at this, but not too quickly or else David would know and he would probably come and kill her. With her dead, only David could get the power, and her mother would surely die. Kaitlyn didn’t want her mother dead, just stripped of power. She was the only one in the city who felt this way, so she was the only one who could use the power in the right way.

It was such a big task and it had a feeling of scariness and a feeling of self-accomplishment. She wanted to be known, which she was, but she wanted to be known by herself, and not just as Abigail’s daughter. Not only that, but she wanted to be liked instead of hated. Acceptance was the one thing that Kaitlyn wanted in this village and about the only thing that she could not get, and she hated it.

After breakfast Kaitlyn washed the dishes and put them away, and then got herself ready. Today she decided that she would wear a pretty black dress that she had. Black felt like the right color for the day. It also felt good to wear because her mother had forbidden her from wearing the color. It was the only color her enemy, David, wore and she didn’t want her to join his team. She hated wearing white all the time like her mother, so she went to other colors. She had even taken this black one and hidden it here so that she could wear it when her mother didn’t know.

She looked more beautiful in the dress than anyone in the entire world. Though, the only world that Kaitlyn knew was this village, this hell. Her task now was to gain acceptance. Whether she would get it here or not, she could go elsewhere and gain it there. It was her one life desire.

Kaitlyn and Andrew left the house and went out into the village. Kaitlyn’s house was on the far west end of the village with no house farther west, but nothing else west either. To the south of her house was another house that was along the other road that ran through town. There was really one road that was a skinny horseshoe that was rounded and connected the two straight sections on the far east side of the village. On the curve were the town store, the library, the hospital, and the jail.

The village was quite small, it was only about a mile long from the east to the west. Kaitlyn set out and walked east down the road that led into the downtown area. Andrew followed her step by step having no idea where they were going. Kaitlyn pulled up when they got to the curve. She stopped right in front of the library. It was a small green building, but was larger than any of the houses in the village. It was tall, a bit narrow, but stretched back a good distance from the road. It was right at the peak of the corner. Almost any house could be seen from the library.

Kaitlyn had been waiting for this day for a long time. The day when the pyramid of Cush would finally be taken out of the library and given to David and would eventually end up in Kaitlyn’s hands.

Kaitlyn would stop at nothing to get this out of the library. She knew that a couple days to find the pyramid would seem reasonable to David, so today was the perfect day to retrieve it. Kaitlyn stepped up to the door, turned the cold metal handle and entered into the building. There was a nice hallway down the middle of the building and on each side were rows and rows of book shelves with a plethora of books on them. Almost any book a person wanted to read was in this library.

Kaitlyn had only been in the library a few times. She hated books and had no desire in reading, so she just stayed away. She had never gone to school, which was in the upstairs of the same building as the library, so she had never been forced to read. Kaitlyn walked down the middle aisle like she owned the place. She showed no fear, no emotion at all, but looked as if she belonged, even though she was way out of her element. She got rude stares by those who hated her mother, but she ignored them.

She walked to the end of the building, and then took a right and headed towards a lone door. It was a normal wooden door, and behind it was nothing special. Kaitlyn opened the door, and entered the walked towards the stairs that led towards the second story. Once Andrew had followed her in, she told him to shut the door. She couldn’t let anyone know what they were doing.

Kaitlyn and Abigail were the only two in the entire village that knew there was a secret door in the stair room that led to a basement. A basement that was unknown to everyone else.

Kaitlyn walked towards a wall that looked like it had nothing on it and got to work quickly. There was a star on the wall that she touched with her finger. The wood suddenly moved inward, and then moved right and disappeared. Kaitlyn motioned Andrew to hurry it up and get in so that they could close the door before anyone saw them. Kaitlyn shut the door and they were in complete darkness.

Kaitlyn felt along the wall on the opposite side of the way the door opened and found a light switch. Kaitlyn flipped the switch on and the stairwell filled with light. Kaitlyn walked towards the stairs and descended them into the basement. The basement was as large as the rest of the building. There wasn’t much there besides a few rugs and a few chairs and a few tables. On one of the tables sat a golden pyramid. It was the most beautiful thing Andrew had ever seen.

Kaitlyn had seen it before, so she wasn’t as thrilled with the sight. Kaitlyn walked up to it and picked it up and stared into it and saw her reflection. She looked just as beautiful as she had when she had gotten dressed in the morning.

Kaitlyn turned towards Andrew and put the pyramid behind her back. Andrew stared back at her shocked at what he had just seen. Was she not going to let him have it?

Kaitlyn let a smile show on her face. “You think I won’t give it to you don’t you? Well, you might very well be right. With this object I hold 1 piece of the 10 pieces that I need to get out of this hell. If only I knew what the other 9 were, I wouldn’t need you. The thing is I really have no intentions of helping you. I just need to know the other 9, and then I will have all of the power I need to get out of here. I want you to know that this whole mission is for you helping me, not me helping you.”

Andrew looked very confused. What did it matter who was helping who? They were helping each other. “Just hand it over Kaitlyn, and I will go and give it to David and you will get your next clue. If you don’t give it to me, you will never know the next clue.”

“That isn’t entirely true Andrew. I can just wait for the next stray that comes in and use them. I don’t need you, I have my whole life. It is you that needs me because you only have 40 days, and you have already lost 2 of them. You are my slave, I want you to realize that.”

“Quit this talking, we need to get a move on this before I die—”

“Not so fast Andrew! Did you not hear me, I don’t need you, I can wait for the next one. There is a way that could make this go much faster. All we have to do is steal the list that shows the 10 pieces to gaining this power from David’s house. He has never told anyone past the first piece because no one has even found the pyramid. I know he doesn’t have it memorized because I have talked to him. He said that there is a list hidden in his house. Now my first assignment for you is to steal it from him.”

“Why should I follow you? Maybe, I want to follow him and do what he says. Whoever said that I wanted to help you? You are such a selfish person. I hate you!”

“You seem to keep forgetting the simple fact that only I can help you defeat David and his plan to give you freedom, even though it really doesn’t lead to that. He is the selfish one, he wants the power all for himself. If I get the power, I will take you and my mom with me. The rest can suffer and die. If David were to get it, he would kill my mom, and maybe me, and give you nothing. Don’t you understand? I am willing to help you if you are willing to help me.”

“As you said, it is me helping you, and I think that is ridiculous.”

“Whatever you say, I don’t need you. If I do it on my own though, I will only take my mom with me, and you will be left here dead, or to suffer on your own. Understand?”

“Fine, I will help you, but I don’t wanted to be treated like a slave. Treat me like I am you brother or sister, or a friend. Treat me nicely and I will help you. I know you don’t need me, but I don’t want to help someone who is rude to me all of the time.”

“You have yourself a deal. Thank you.” Kaitlyn went up and kissed him on the cheek.

The night was cool and darkness hovered around the small village. It was nighttime, so everything looked opposite of what it did in the daylight. Abigail looked ugly compared to her daytime beauty. David looked much worse in the day than he did at night. The large houses during the day were small at night and vice versa. Kaitlyn was the only person or thing that didn’t become opposite. She was beautiful at all times and this perplexed Andrew.

Andrew didn’t know why he was really helping Kaitlyn. He didn’t really believe that she could help him get out of here and if she could he didn’t believe she would actually help him. Why was he helping her? Only because she made the most sense. She had some of David in her, but yet she had some of Abigail, who happened to be her mother. She knew what the full truth was, though he didn’t believe that she had actually told him all of it, but he would get it at some time.

Andrew slowly walked up to David’s house scared of what he was about to do. He was no thief. He didn’t want to steal it, but yet he did for some reason want to help Kaitlyn. Yes, her mother was Abigail, but she, she was different. She was beautiful all of the time and she was so nice.

She had some of David and some of Abigail. She was about the perfect middle between them. It was almost as if David was her dad. That though disturbed Andrew because it was so absurd. How could a girl have a dad that hates her mother and a mother who hates her father? Yes, it was possible, but it was not most improbable explanation that could exist in the entire world.

The lights were still on at David’s house, so Andrew milled around the outside for a little while trying to not look to suspicious. The moment the Andrew saw the lights in the house go out, he went straight to work on the plan Kaitlyn had given him. He was frustrated that he had to work alone, but it made sense. The less people going in, the less likelihood of getting caught.

Andrew went to a window in the back of the house that was open. There was still a screen, but after a little work with a screwdriver, the screen was off and Andrew was in the house. The house was completely dark and Andrew was in a computer room. The door of the room was wide open, so Andrew stepped quietly towards it and went out into the hallway. The hallway opened to the right and to the left. According to Kaitlyn, his bedroom was to the left, but he left the piece of paper with the writing on it in a safe in a closet near the bathroom that was near the kitchen. That all meant that he needed to turn right.

Andrew turned to his right and walked down the hallway towards the living room and kitchen. The kitchen was on the right and the living room was on the left and straight ahead was the bathroom and next to it a closet. Andrew walked right towards the closet and quietly opened the door.

There was a large safe the filled the entire closet. Nothing else was in there, but this safe with a combination lock. Kaitlyn said that she didn’t know the code, but had a few guesses. Five to be exact. Andrew began punching in the combinations into the electronic lock. The first one was totally wrong, so was the next, and so were the next two. He was running out of guesses and if none of them worked, then he would have to find another way in. He entered the last combination and pulled the safe.

It opened thankfully and Andrew quickly pulled the piece of paper out and quickly closed the safe and the closet.

Andrew heard a noise from the bedroom and quickly made a choice to run for the front door. He turned the door knob and opened the door, went out and closed it, just in time before David reached the living room. He hadn’t heard the door shut so Andrew had been safe, but had cut it close.

David used the bathroom before he returned to his bed for the rest of the night.

Andrew returned to Kaitlyn’s house with the piece of paper. He was welcomed by a smile on her face and a nice kiss on the cheek, which Andrew was really growing to like about her.

Kaitlyn sat with the piece of paper right in front of her. The piece of paper was rightfully her’s because David had stolen it from her mother long ago. Abigail had kept it so that no one could come and take her power from her, but David had tricked her and stolen it from her.

Kaitlyn hardly saw it as stealing because it was her mother’s and whatever was her mother’s was basically her’s because she was the daughter. It was nice for her to know that David had no power over anything anymore because he didn’t have the list that he needed to win. She was now winning.

Kaitlyn had gone for a run and then eaten breakfast with Andrew and now looked over this piece of paper. Andrew had left after breakfast and gone out to get some things from the store, or at least it was what he had said. Kaitlyn didn’t trust him, but she had to give him some leeway.

Kaitlyn stared at the list that held the key to her leaving the village.

1.     Get the Pyramid of Cush

2.    Get the Prism of Amor

3.    Get the Cube of Life

4.    Get the Cone of Hell

5.    Get the Sphere of Death

6.    Put the five objects on the five points of the Star of Adam

7.    Pour blood over each of the objects

8.    Stand in the middle of the star

9.    Take off your clothes and return to the state that you were in when you were born, nakedness


What? This could not be happening. There was no number 10. There had to be a tenth thing. The legend said quite clearly that there were 10 things that must e completed in order for this to work. Kaitlyn was devastated as she looked on and saw that there were only 9 items.

What could she do now? It was not fully possible for her to get out of this hell. Kaitlyn was stuck here with her mother and all the people who hated her mother and hated her. There was no escape for Kaitlyn, she was stuck for good. There were not 10 things, there were only 9.

“Can we talk?” Andrew asked Abigail after she answered the door.

“Yes, please, come right on in. I was hoping that you would come back.” She answered politely.

“Well, I am not here for what you think I might be here for, but something that might surprise you. I almost don’t know if I should actually tell you, but my gut tells me that I should.” Abigail nodded telling him to continue on. “It’s your daughter. She is really beginning to scare me a little bit. She has me wrapped up in this plan to do 10 things that will take away your power.” Andrew let it sink in.

Abigail wasn’t surprised. She knew that one day Kaitlyn would get curious and try to rebel against her. She just didn’t assume that she would go to this measure. “Are you referring to the list of 10 things that David tries to make everyone do, but no one ever gets past the first?”

“Yes, that would be the list. Last night she had me steal it from David’s house and bring it to her. I don’t mean to be helping her, but she offered me a place to stay and I couldn’t turn it down. Now, she has gotten me sucked in to this big scheme. It all started with her saying she could help me with the tasks that David had laid out for me and me helping her by telling her about them. After we got the pyramid yesterday, she decided that she would just steal the list instead. She did tell me that she has no intentions of hurting you, but just taking your power so that you would leave this place.”

It made more sense now. Kaitlyn had always hated the village and had wanted to leave for so long. The problem was that she was from here and had nowhere to go. She couldn’t use Abigail’s or David’s method, whichever was right, if either, because she had no place to go. This was her home.

“I thank you for telling me, but if you are trying to get her punished nothing will happen.”

“No, I just wanted to warn you that you may lose your power and that I plan on helping her. She told me that she could help me and take me out with both of you. I have decided that I will help her. Sorry that it means I don’t follow you, but I trust Kaitlyn and I don’t think she means any harm.”

Abigail knew Kaitlyn meant no harm, but she also knew Kaitlyn had no idea what she was getting herself into. Abigail knew that there were only 9 listed. That was because it really didn’t work. David had his own number 10 that he had convinced himself would work even though he didn’t believe that it would. Abigail was safe with her power because she didn’t really have any powers.

Why did everyone seem to believe these legends that went around everywhere? All they really were was just terrible rumors that were made up. There were no powers that she had, and David certainly had some. Yes, she did have the power to help people leave the village, but she didn’t see that as a power. Besides, no one even believed that she could do that. Kaitlyn really didn’t even believe it. If she did, she would have tried a long time ago to get out of the village using it. It wouldn’t work, but she would have tried if it was something she believed. Nope, Kaitlyn believed in the rumors.

She also believed the prophesy about David’s child saving the whole entire city. That prophesy was true, and would come true soon. After David’s child realized that they were the chosen one, they would have to make a choice on whether or not to save the village. The village’s only hope lay in that chosen one. Once the chosen one saved them, more eyes would be open to Truth. More of them would see the truth, come running and escape. The rest would hate the chosen one even more.

Kaitlyn was the only child that was actually born in the village. The other children had entered as children. It wasn’t that none of the adults found attractions to the other adults, but none of the women could have children. While they were in the village, they were barren. Abigail was the only woman who wasn’t, and the only one who had ever given birth in the village.

Andrew entered into Kaitlyn’s house about an hour after he had left with a few bags of things he had bought from the store. Could it really have taken him that long to go shopping? Well, Kaitlyn didn’t really care, but it did cause a little suspicion with him, but she decided to just let it go.

Kaitlyn had busied herself during the day trying to figure out what the tenth item on the list could be. She had found nothing so far. Any kind of ritual would seem to end at 9, and there was no logical explanation for a tenth. Well, 9 was a bit strange in itself, but there needed to be nothing more.

Kaitlyn could go and ask David what number 10 was. No, there was no way, he would know that she had stolen his list and would be angry. Besides, he hated her anyways and there was no way that he would tell her a thing. What could she do? She was stuck. She needed help.

The problem was that the only one besides David and her that knew much of anything about this was her mother. There was no way that she could tell her mother what she was doing. Abigail would kill her. Kaitlyn was stuck. She couldn’t ask for anyone’s help without getting into trouble.

The rest of the village only knew rumors about all of this. They didn’t necessarily know about the list, but they knew about the powers and the pyramid. What they really believed she had no idea, but she did know of the rumors that circulated.

Kaitlyn was going to be officially stuck in this hell with her mother forever. That was the reality in all of this. What more could she do? She could do one through nine and hope that nine was the end. Yes, it could work, but she didn’t believe it would, so what was the point? Kaitlyn needed something. Something was missing, but she didn’t know what. She was stuck and needed help.

Her stubbornness however made it nearly impossible to be able to get anywhere. The only help that she would agree to use was Andrew. The problem was he knew nothing about it besides the rumors. Yes, maybe through David and Abigail he had learned a little, but not much.

Well, for now all she could do was look for the Prism of Amor. Yes, she knew where it was, but it would be much more of a challenge than getting to the pyramid. It was also a very risk task. It would basically involve stealing from the school. It was a common object and no one knew what it was.

In the school the Prism of Amor had become the object of excellence. The person each year who excelled the most each year got there name engraved in it. They won the Prism Award and they got their name on the prism. The prism was about a foot long, 6 inches wide, and 6 inches tall.

Only Abigail and Kaitlyn knew the true identity of the prism. Instead of the Prism of Excellence like the rest of the village called it, it was the Prism of Amor. Nobody had ever heard the name because no one had ever reached number 2 on David’s list. It was known, but known differently.

Why Abigail had known about the pyramid and prism and the other 3 objects Kaitlyn didn’t know, but she knew as well. Abigail had entrusted Kaitlyn with her knowledge of life in the village when Kaitlyn turned 13. She was now 16, so that was 3 years ago.

Did her mom know that this knowledge would one day come in handy for Kaitlyn? No, how could that be possible. Unless her mom was hiding something from her. That was possible, but very unlikely. She had never hidden anything from Kaitlyn. Why would she hide something so life changing from her? It wasn’t Abigail, so Kaitlyn let the idea go.

Andrew walked up to Kaitlyn after he had put his things he had gotten from the store in his room. “I want to thank you again for letting me stay here it is so nice of you.” Andrew gave her a kiss on the cheek and Kaitlyn gave a subtle blush trying to hide it. “Well, what do we do next?”

Kaitlyn stood speechless for a few seconds still lost in another world. She was surprised he would kiss her. No one ever had showed that kind of compassion towards her. It was very nice. “Well, we need to go after the Prism of Amor. It is the next item on the list. This one will be a little trickier than the pyramid, but still doable. It is in the school, which is on the second story of the library.”

“What would make this so tricky? You should be in school, so you could easily pass for a student there. Why don’t you just go in and take it?”

“That is where the problem begins to arise. Everyone in the village, besides my mom, now you, and I know the prism as the Prism of Excellence. It is part of the Prism award given to the student who excels the most academically each year. They get a certificate and there name engraved in the prism. The prism is locked up tightly in a display case. That mean we will have to do this at night.”

“So when do we do it? Do we go tonight or tomorrow? Or do we go later this week?”

Andrew was becoming too impatient for Kaitlyn. He was hardly getting anything out of this whole thing, so why is he becoming so obsessed with it? “Calm down Andrew. We will go soon. Well, we will try to go tonight, but I will warn you that there is a possibility that it won’t work.”

Andrew seemed to calm down, but he seemed to look very anxious and was beginning to get on Kaitlyn’s nerve. Did she really want to work with him? Well, not really, but he was nice. The truth was if it weren’t for him having given her the kiss earlier, she would probably go solo. The problem was she needed compassion, and Andrew seemed to be the only person who would give it to her. Yes, there was her mom, but Abigail could not know what she was doing, so that left only Andrew.

The moon shone through the dark sky and down on the village. There were no street lights, but it was lit solely by the moon.

Kaitlyn walked out of the house followed closely behind by Andrew. They were going to take the Prism of Amor tonight. The first problem would be getting in to the library, and then in to the school, but it was possible. Kaitlyn had a plan, but there were so many ways it could go wrong, she was scared.

It was the first time that real fear had cut through Kaitlyn’s heart. Yes, she had been scared of things before, but never in this way. She believed that there was a very good chance that it could go wrong. It couldn’t go wrong, but Kaitlyn felt that it would find some way to go wrong.

She pushed on anyways because there was still a chance it would work. She would have to take this chance and run with it. She needed to get the prism so that she could go on to the next step. She didn’t know how it would end out with there being no number 10, but she hoped only 9 would work. She didn’t really believe that it would work only doing the first 9, but she did hope it would.

Nothing would stop her from getting out of the village. She could not last another day. She was taking the necessary steps, but it all seemed to be too much. She wished it was as easy for her to get out as the rest of the people. All they had to do was follow her mom and they could get out. There were only two ways for Kaitlyn. This way, or finding some way to get her mom to leave. She could follow her mom out, but she knew her mom would never leave, so it was hopeless, and it left only this way.

The library stood light up, as Kaitlyn half expected. It stayed open all night with three different job shifts operating it. It wouldn’t be the same people that saw them enter to get the pyramid. That was a relief, but the hard part would be getting up the stairs. Yes, there was part of the library upstairs, but it was barely frequented this late at night. Kaitlyn took a deep breath, and then walked in.

What was going on? She wanted to do this, but something deep down inside was taking her away. Maybe obsession hadn’t taken over, so the fear was still with her. Obviously passion wasn’t enough for the fear to be beat. Yet, Kaitlyn pressed on without stopping.

Andrew had agreed to stay downstairs to not draw too much suspicion to them. Andrew would pretend to be a customer actually looking to check out books.

Kaitlyn’s heart was racing as they walked towards the back of the library. A computer to search for books stood very near the door to the stairs and should be just enough to block the view of Kaitlyn entering the door. Kaitlyn’s only hope now was that there was no one upstairs. It would go a whole lot easier and Kaitlyn could more easily break in to the school to get to the prism.

Her largest problem was to do it without making too much noise and causing suspicion.

After exiting the stairwell, Kaitlyn walked straight passed a row of bookshelves, and then took a left down the center aisle and towards the door to the school. The door was about a quarter of the way down the building right in the middle of the wall that separated the two.

Kaitlyn knew enough about the school and the staff members to know that there was a key in the drawer of the small table that sat right next to the door with a computer on it. Kaitlyn searched the upstairs, but saw no one, so she got the key out of the drawer and quickly unlocked the door and entered into the school.

She shut the door softly, being careful not to make any noise. Kaitlyn could see almost nothing because of the darkness. The only light was through the windows that had no blinds that let the sunlight in. Why they had no blinds, Kaitlyn didn’t know, but it definitely made her job easier.

There were windows on the three walls. The only wall that had none was the one that led back to the library. The moon illuminated through the windows and lit up the school just enough to see where she was going, but not much more. The window on the door to the library posed little threat because they were used to see that much light. The only problem was that they might be able to see her.

Thankfully she wore a black dress, long black socks, and a black long-sleeved shirt under her dress. Her beautiful white skin was almost entirely covered with only the exception of her hands. She wore black tennis shoes to cover up her feet. The only part of her body that wasn’t cover besides her hands was her face, and with that her hair. Her face was pale white like the rest of her body, and her hair was long and red. It was the only thing that posed a threat to being seen.

She knew this threat, and it was what scared her the most. She was only 16, and she definitely didn’t have the nerve for doing this. She wasn’t one to break the law by illegally entering, but she needed this. She would have had Andrew do this, but she believed he would be more easily seen.

She got to work quickly and tried the same key that she had used to open the door to open the glass encasing that held the Prism of Amor. To her surprise, it actually worked. The encasing opened quietly, and Kaitlyn slipped the prism out and placed it in her pocket. No wait, she didn’t have any pockets, she was wearing a dress. It probably was too large to put in one anyways.

Kaitlyn cursed. A little louder than she meant to. Hopefully nobody had heard her. She could easily be caught red-handed with this thing now. What was she to do? She had a humongous prism that she had to take out, but she had no way to get it out. She needed Andrew, but he was downstairs, and she had no way of contacting him. Kaitlyn was in a serious hard spot.

The windows. Nope, that wouldn’t work, there was no way to open them up, which meant that there was no way to escape through them without breaking them. What was she to do? She was stuck with a glass prism that was a foot long, and half a foot wide and tall. It was way too large to be able to sneak out. Even if she did, it would be noticed and she might get caught.

Kaitlyn sat down on the floor and began to cry. No, she couldn’t let her emotions get the best of her, but she did anyways. What could she do? She couldn’t get out with the prism. The only way would be if she came back again the next day with a backpack. Yeah, but what would someone be doing with a backpack in a library, she knew she would get caught.

Kaitlyn sat with her back to the door and began to whisper curses and cry silently.

Abigail searched the upstairs of the library and was thankful to find nobody. She had gone to Kaitlyn’s house to try and talk to her, but she had found it completely empty. She then noticed the piece of paper with the 9 things that she believed would get her out of the village.

Abigail had then realized that Kaitlyn would go after the Prism of Amor, which she had told her herself was in the school. She knew that Kaitlyn was crazy enough to try to steal it, and she had to stop her, but she had to find her first.

A quick walk to the library made it quite obvious Kaitlyn was there when she had seen Andrew. A quick inquiry of him revealed nothing. She then forced him to reveal where Kaitlyn was, and he told her. This had all led her to the place she expected Kaitlyn to be, the library.

She knew the door was unlocked because Kaitlyn was in there and would have thought to have locked it. She nudged the door open softly, and then closed it softly. Kaitlyn had her back turned to the door and was sitting on the ground next to the prism, crying. She was crying.

What was going on? First, she had never seen Kaitlyn cry. She had always been so strong and had never needed to cry. This was what she wanted. What was it that was making her cry?

Abigail took a deep breath and approached Kaitlyn. She knew it was probably a bad idea because Kaitlyn didn’t want her to know what she was doing, but she needed help and right now.

Abigail put her hand softly onto Kaitlyn’s shoulder. Kaitlyn turned around so quickly that it knocked Abigail, who was kneeling, off balanced and to the ground. When Kaitlyn saw the face of her mom, she cursed and began to cry even more, believing she was caught.

Yes, she was caught. She was caught, but she wasn’t going to be in trouble. Not in trouble for stealing, as long as she could convince her to leave it. Not in trouble for trying to steal her mom’s power, but then again that was because there was no power. Well, power, but not the way that Kaitlyn thought.

Abigail didn’t know the words to say. She just sat silently next to Kaitlyn doing the best that she could to comfort her. What could she do? Her daughter hated her to some extent, but yet she needed her at the same time. It would have to be up to Kaitlyn to decide how she felt about it all.

Kaitlyn seemed a bit surprised that her mom hadn’t started talking yet. She had assumed that yelling and punishing would be involved, but she had been mistaken. Yes, there might be a little punishment for intention to steal, but not so much that she would be hurt and hate her mom.

She would be surprised and might actually like the outcome. Abigail still waited and let Kaitlyn cry as she put her hand on her shoulder. She then realized that she wasn’t doing enough. This was her daughter! She needed to put a little more effort into being a comfort for her. Maybe this was why she always seemed to be annoyed with her. She put so much effort into helping others, but yet she seemed to neglect her own daughter. Maybe this was why she seemed to be a little more rebellious as she got older. No, it wasn’t just the teenage years, it was something more. It was Abigail.

Abigail sat down with her legs crossed, and then tried to pick up her teenage daughter. She was a little heavier than she had expected. No she wasn’t overweight, or even fat, but she did have some weight. Enough wait for Abigail to sigh as she picked her daughter up. She set her daughter on her legs and let her lean up against her.

Once Kaitlyn seemed to realize that Abigail was meaning to be nice rather than mean, she turned. Kaitlyn put her legs around her mother’s waist and then leaned her body on her mother, burying her head into her mother’s shirt. It was a little awkward at first because her head was right in her mother’s breasts, but the though faded. This was her mother for goodness’s sakes. It was the person that should mean the most to her because she had brought her into this world.

Kaitlyn saw that her mom seemed to care and everything else faded away. All she needed was her mother’s love. Crying on her mother’s shirt was exactly what she needed. Maybe her mom really did care about her. Though, it didn’t really matter because at the moment she did, and Kaitlyn loved it.

Love, that was what Kaitlyn needed. She didn’t need to escape, all she needed was love. Love was all she needed. She needed the love of someone, and that was the love of her mom.

Not even her feelings for Andrew could compare to what she felt now. Her connection with him was nothing compared to the connection that she had with her mom. Her mom was showing a compassion on her that no one else could show. Something so powerful.

She wanted nothing more at the moment. No escape from this town was necessary. This town needed her mom, and she would do everything she could to show them that. The village hated her mom, and would now hate her even more. She couldn’t turn the back on the one she loved even if it meant that she would be hated by everyone. She found the one love she needed. The one love that mattered.

“Well, are you coming Kaitlyn? We need to get out of here at some time. Let’s take the Prism and get out of here before we get caught. Come on!” It was Andrew.

“Get out Andrew! The prism is going to stay in its rightful space. The prism has no power in it. There is no way you can take away my power. I don’t have the kind of power that you have heard. I have the power to let you get out of the village, and that can’t be taken away.” Abigail responded.

Andrew ignored Abigail response and talked again to Kaitlyn. “Don’t believe this fool, she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Let’s get out of here.”

Fear suddenly hit Abigail like a baseball bat over the head. Andrew had a knife in his hand and he meant to kill, or at least injure Abigail. He wanted to get out of here with the prism and Kaitlyn.

“If you want to live woman, you will let the girl and the prism go. I don’t want to hurt you or harm you, but they must leave. Come on Kaitlyn!” Andrew yelled and then cursed at the both of them.

Kaitlyn didn’t move, but remained crying in her mother’s arms. She wanted her mom, not Andrew. She regretted the time that she had wasted with the fool and would have rather have spent it with her mother. She would rather help the people that hated her, than leave and be away from them.

“Fine, if you don’t come Kaitlyn, I will kill you mom.” Andrew was getting impatient.

“He can’t kill me Kaitlyn. Don’t follow him. He can’t hurt me.”

Kaitlyn ignored both of them and talked to Andrew. Andrew seemed satisfied enough until her heard what she said. “Get out of here Andrew! The prism, the pyramid, they all mean nothing. Go and take the pyramid from my house and take it and try and use it. You could find all five, and then do the other four things, but nothing will happen. Let my mother go, and instead kill me!”

Andrew seemed a little shocked at Kaitlyn’s request. There was no way that he could kill her, but there was also no way that he could disobey her and kill her mom. Kaitlyn meant so much to him, but yet she was getting in the way of what he wanted, to get out of the village. What could he do?

“Leave, both of you. Get out of here!” Andrew screamed. When neither of them moved he began to curse at them. The only movement they made was to stand, but they stood still.

“We won’t leave until you leave. You aren’t going to leave with the prism. It belongs to the school and it will stay with the school. Once you leave we will leave.” Kaitlyn responded sternly.

Abigail was proud of her daughter. She had no fear in spite of this tough place that she was in at the moment. She also thought clearly and spoke with such wisdom. Most in this situation would have gone with Andrew. She knew that Kaitlyn loved him, maybe a little less now, but she still did. It was great to see that Kaitlyn would turn down what she loved for what she knew was right.

This was the Kaitlyn that she had longed for. It was the one that knew she was loved by her mother, so she went out and did what she knew was right. She had taken the control.

The control of this situation wasn’t with Andrew and the knife, but with Kaitlyn. Yes, Andrew would stop at nothing to get the prism, but Kaitlyn wouldn’t let him. He would also never disobey or kill Kaitlyn, which is what gave Kaitlyn the power at the moment.

Kaitlyn cursed Andrew. “Get out!” Kaitlyn was now taking it a little far. Her anger was getting the best of her. No, she wouldn’t kill Andrew, but there a chance she would do something stupid.

Abigail put her arm on Kaitlyn to try to calm her down. Kaitlyn accepted it, took a deep breath and just stared at Andrew. She would stare until he left.

He did. He left after Kaitlyn had given him the stare for less than ten seconds. Kaitlyn had won. She had won more than just beating Andrew, a lot more. She had won her mom. She had won the love she wanted. She had also won something that she knew nothing about at the moment, only Abigail did.

Andrew had no place to go now. Well, maybe he did. Kaitlyn’s house would be empty. She would hopefully move back in with her mom and stay away from her house.

Then again, Kaitlyn told him he could take the pyramid. That was a thought. He could then take it to David and try some trickery of his own. He could try to get David to help him. He would have the pyramid and knew the location of the Prism of Amor and could help David find the rest.

David had only told him that he had to stay out of his house until he had the pyramid. He now had the pyramid, so he now could take the pyramid to David. A way to enter his house.

Andrew took the pyramid from Kaitlyn’s house, and then headed straight for to David’s house. David was probably asleep just like he was the night that he had stolen the list from him. Andrew had taken the list as well to show David what he had, how close he was to having some power. Hopefully David would see how useful Andrew was and then listen to Andrew’s plan.

Andrew knocked on the door to David’s house and then waited for an answer. After three knocks, the door finally opened and David appeared. Andrew immediately put the pyramid in front of him to show David that he had something, so that he would be able to come in.

David’s frustration from seeing Andrew turned to hope when he saw the pyramid. “Come on in. It is so nice to see you again Andrew. I see that you have something that I want,” David said.

Andrew entered the house, which looked the same as the first time he walked in. It was still large and dark, but that seemed to match David quite well.

Andrew took a seat on the couch across from where David sat. He sat quietly waiting for David to speak, but David stayed quiet as well. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to brag about the pyramid and ask for help with his plan? Well, it was a start anyways.

“Well, as you can see I brought you the Pyramid of Cush. I also have brought you the list that gives the 10 things to break Abigail’s power, even thought there are only 9 on the list. I would like to ask you for help with something. I want to use this power to kill Abigail.” Andrew spoke politely.

“You do don’t you. Well, I will refuse to help you. That is exactly what I want. Why would I help you gain the power that I want? You are a terrible negotiator. Now give me the pyramid and get out.”

“I do have something that might interest you if you will kindly listen to me.” As Andrew spoke, David just rolled his eyes, and Andrew could see that he had no interest in what he was going to say. He continued on anyways. “I also know the location of number 2 on the list, the Prism of Amor.”

David’s eyebrow perked up a little bit. He did seem to have the slightest interest in what Andrew had told him. Yes, Andrew could be quite useful to David. The problem was that Andrew wanted David’s help, not for him to help David. He had apparently underestimated this man. Then again, who would want to help somebody else get something that they themselves wanted?

“I can see that you would be quite useful to me. I can also see that you have no intentions of helping me, like I have no intentions of helping you. This could lead to a race to get this power. I have also seen that you have been talking to Abigail, which I told you not to. This frustrates me and leads me to have no trust for you. I will make you an offer however. I want to give you one task and if you complete it, I will help you get the power you want. If you complete the task, we will share the power.”

“And why in the world would I want to share power with you?” That was a bit of a stupid question. David would say the same thing, but he had agreed. David was willing, so he should be as well. “Okay, never mind that last question. May I hear the assignment before I accept, though?”

“I will give you that liberty, but please no more questions. Your assignment will be to find my daughter. There is a prophesy that my child will save this village one day. I have a daughter somewhere in this city, but I can’t find her. I want you to find her for me, so that I can show her how to save the village. If you don’t find her, it will not come true, and the village will be destroyed. Once you find my daughter, take her and bring her to me and kill her mother as well.”

“So, after this we will complete the rest of the list and share the power? The power that we take from Abigail. Power to do good, and take away the evil power that Abigail hold?”

“Yes, yes we will Andrew. We will take away the evil power of Abigail and hold it for ourselves. At that time you will become my son, and I will be your father. It will be great times.”

A smile pierced the faces of Andrew and David. They then had a few drinks and celebrated the new power that they would have, and the fact that he could help his daughter save the town. Andrew was happy that he could appease David in this way.

David had allowed Andrew to stay with him if that was what he pleased. It was a relief to Andrew that David would allow him to do this, even though he had lost his trust by staying with Abigail earlier. Andrew had found the real love that he had, the love of such of a father. He really did feel like David was his father. He felt it as he saw Kaitlyn feel it towards Abigail earlier that night.

The light pierced through the darkness that Kaitlyn could see as she slept. Her mom had turned the lights on in her room, and her eyes were not enjoying it. Kaitlyn had gotten a nice sleep that night, but was still wishing for more. Why was her mom waking her up anyways?

“Come on Kaitlyn, it really is time to get up now. You have been asleep for nearly ten hours. You have a new job, and you really need to get up.” Abigail spoke with comfort and peace in her tone.

Kaitlyn turned and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed and saw that the clock read 12:00. Wow, had she really slept that long? They had gotten home a little after midnight, and then had celebrated the fact that they had come back together for a few hours before retiring to their beds.

Kaitlyn got out of bed and got herself ready. She had already wasted half of the day away. Her commitment to help people see that her mom was for real was failing. She was really falling behind.

Her first way to help out was to try to show the way to Andrew. She had to show him the way out before he decided that he wanted to stay, or worse not make a choice. She couldn’t let him die. She also couldn’t just let him stay here; he needed to know the way out. She had to show him.

She had to go out and find Andrew, and then help him see the right path. It was the one thing that she could not sleep until she did. Well, she knew it wouldn’t be that easy, but she wouldn’t stop until it was completed. She would need the sleep so she could deal with him. He wouldn’t be easy.

The first problem was that Kaitlyn had no idea where Andrew would be. He didn’t have a home and the only empty home was her own home. She would have to start there.

Kaitlyn told her mom what she was doing, and then left out on her mission. She had to stop Andrew from doing anything foolish. She wasn’t sure exactly what foolish thing he could do, but she had to stop him anyways. She knew that deep down he wanted to go to where he came from, but couldn’t. Kaitlyn, through her mom was the only way that Andrew could get out and back to his real home. She would stop at nothing to help him leave. She loved him that much.

It wasn’t the love that she had to have, but a different kind of love. A love that she wanted what was best for him. A love that wanted whatever he wanted. The love that knew that he wanted to go to his real home, and away from here. She would use that love to drive her to help him get his wish.

The problem would be convincing him that Abigail was the way out. No one ever seemed to believe. Kaitlyn used to understand, but something had changed and it made no sense anymore. Abigail had always treated them the way that Kaitlyn want Abigail to treat her. Abigail had been so focused on them that she would forget Kaitlyn. It was really what had driven her away. Now that Kaitlyn knew the love that Abigail had towards them, she couldn’t see why they had ever hated Abigail.

Yes, Abigail was different, but still she was the nicest person that anyone could ever meet. She was treat worse than anyone could ever be treated, but she returned the favor with love. A love that no one could ever match. A love that everyone wanted, but they just didn’t know how to get.

Kaitlyn opened the door to her house and walked in. She found it completely deserted. There was no sign of Andrew, the pyramid, or the list. That meant that Andrew was definitely gone. Where would he have gone? Would he have gone to David’s house? It was possible. There was nowhere else for him to go. He had no home here, but it was David wasn’t the nicest man either.

Yes, Andrew did have the pyramid, the list, and the location of number 2, but would that be enough for David? Kaitlyn didn’t know, but it was the first place that she could go to look for Andrew. The only problem was that she had no desire to run in to David. She wanted to see only Andrew. David probably wanted to kill her, so it wouldn’t be wise run into him.

Kaitlyn wanted to go and search for Andrew, but she was too scared of David to search there. She would have to wait for him to come to her, wouldn’t she? Would he come to her? Didn’t he love her? Or was that even enough to make Andrew come? Kaitlyn didn’t know, but she could only hope.

Kaitlyn strode back to her mom’s house. She knew that Andrew was smart enough to know that she would be staying there instead of her own house. She needed him to come. He needed her help.

Andrew had no idea where he should even start. Who could possibly be David’s daughter? Wouldn’t he know who his daughter was anyways? He probably would. Maybe it was just a task for Andrew to complete. As well as a task to get rid of the daughter’s mother.

David would for sure know the mother of the child. The problem was that he didn’t know where to begin. Why would they be hiding the child, if the child was meant to save the village? Maybe they weren’t hiding them and they were just a normal child. He didn’t even know the age of the child.

The only thought that even came to Andrew’s mind was Kaitlyn. She seemed to know a lot of information. She knew where the pyramid was, the Prism of Amor, and she seemed to know everything. She had lived here for so long that she obviously knew more than he did. He would start there. No, wait, there was a problem. Could he let her know that he was searching for David’s daughter? No, he couldn’t. He would have to make her think he was there for her, and then find a way to ask her.

Andrew walked towards Abigail’s house knowing that it was now Kaitlyn’s house as well. She would have abandoned the old one and moved in with her mother. He was almost certain. If it weren’t the case, he would try to see if he could get the same questions answered by Abigail. She probably knew even more than Kaitlyn because she had been around longer than her.

Andrew knocked on the door and awaited a response. A tall woman that was quite pale and white and wore a white dress answered the door and let him in. Abigail was look absolutely amazing this morning. She let him in, and he asked for Abigail, and then went and sat in the living room.

The living room was nicely furnished with two nice white couches that were adjacent and perpendicular to each other. Across from the couch on the far wall was a white recliner. On the wall to the right of that were two large windows that looked out the front and on to the village. Between the couch opposite that wall and the wall with the windows stood another white recliner. Andrew took the couch that was on the wall that looked out towards the window.

The village, as usual looked rather opposite this day than it did last night. David’s house looked much smaller when he woke up than it did during the nighttime. It scared him a little, but he ignored it. When he asked David, David told him that you just get used to it, and ignore it. After a while it goes away and what you see at night is all that you see even during the day. It was all very strange, but Andrew hated to strain his mind over something that was so pointless. What was even odder was David. He looked different that he had at night, when Andrew had seen him before. He didn’t look as nice, and from a woman’s perspective he didn’t look as good looking as he did at night. It was strange.

Kaitlyn walked into the living room after only a little bit and sat down right next to him. She looked as gorgeous as she had the day before. She wore a beautiful white dress today. Her long red hair was combed and well taken care of and looked extremely nice. She still looked as pale as she always had, but Andrew beginning to come to a liking of that.

“So, I heard you wanted to talk to me. What about?” Kaitlyn talked so beautifully, it left Andrew nearly speechless. He was surprised. Something had changed about her, but not her appearance.

“Well, I just wanted to come by and see you. I also wanted to apologize for the way that I acted last night. I had no reason to get so mad at you. I thought I was trying to help you, but I see that I guess I had you all wrong.” Kaitlyn seemed to take a little offense to his last statement.

“No, you really didn’t have me wrong. You had me all right. I was the person you thought I was. However, I am not that person anymore. I have seen my mom’s real love and I accept it. It is something that is much better than getting out of here. I want it more than leaving this village.”

“So you don’t care about completing the list and getting out of here?”

“First of all, no. Second of all, there is no way that the list actually works. There has to be 9 things, but there are only 10 on that list. It is only a rumor. You know, you can’t believe every rumor that goes around here. The only thing that you can believe is my mom. Well, actually you can believe me know as well. I have now given my life to helping my mom. Telling everyone the real truth. I want to help people see that my mom is the way out and they all can get a second chance to leave.”

“Since you know all that is true, is the prophesy about David’s child true?”

“Yes, my mom tells me that it is entirely true. One day David’s child will come and save the village. I don’t know what from and my mom won’t tell me, but it is true. The only problem is that David doesn’t have a child right now. I can’t wait until he does and we are all saved.”

“Kaitlyn, you are wrong. David does have a child.” A voice came from the kitchen, but was coming towards them. It was Abigail, her mom. “Anyways, do you want anything to drink you two?”

“What do you mean mom?” Kaitlyn sat looking past Andrew at her mom. She sat with her legs up on the couch and folded under her and leaning towards Andrew. To David: “Do you want anything to eat or drink?” Kaitlyn smiled at Andrew as she talked.

“No thanks Abigail, but thanks for the offer. Actually, some water might be nice if it isn’t too much trouble.” Andrew was trying to be polite. He then returned Kaitlyn’s smile.

“Okay, I will be right back, and then I will tell you a little more about David’s child.” Abigail left and went into the kitchen to get some water for all of them.

She returned with three classes of water and set them on the coffee table in the middle of the room, and then took a seat in the recliner closest to Andrew. “Sorry to intrude on you conversation, but it is true that David has a child right now. The child doesn’t know that David is their father, but he still is. It does pose a bit of a problem for them saving the village, but sooner or later they will learn of their true identity. Then they will go and save this village.”

“Will you tell me what they will save the village from?” Kaitlyn asked as if she had asked a thousand times, but never been given an answer, which was the case. She really wanted to know.

“In time you will see Abigail. You must be patient. It will be a shock, but that is all I will tell.”

Abigail took her glass of water and took a drink before setting the glass back on the table. She sat with uncertainty on whether Kaitlyn and or Andrew wanted her to stay or leave. She sat in the recliner anyways and waited for them to kick her out before she actually left them.

“So, do you know who David’s child is? Kaitlyn tells me that you know the truth about everything. I haven’t heard any rumors about this anyways, but was wondering what you knew about this. Kaitlyn didn’t seem to know, so that makes you my next best source.”

“You never asked me Andrew. How would you know whether I knew or not?”

“Sorry, but I didn’t figure you knew. You didn’t even know what they would save the village from. You didn’t even know he had a child right now anyways, so you couldn’t have known.”

Kaitlyn gave him a nod agreeing with him, but she didn’t seem too thrilled with it.

“I can’t say that I do know who David’s child is. I can tell you though, that this isn’t a rumor. This is the complete truth. David has a child, and I do know for sure that they will save the village soon.”

Something seemed strange about her answer. The first part was her word choice. She said she can’t say. Yes, it could have been an expression, or a way to make it so she wouldn’t be lying. Maybe she couldn’t tell him, and she didn’t want to lie. She could have said she didn’t know, but she said she couldn’t say. The second strange thing was that she knew the child would save the village soon. Yes, she supposedly knew all of the truth, or at least believed that, but still it just caught Andrew as strange.

Andrew didn’t seem to be getting anywhere with them. Abigail either was not willing to tell him, couldn’t tell him, or didn’t actually know. Kaitlyn obviously didn’t know because she didn’t even know that David actually had a child before Abigail had said something about it. He needed to know.

He couldn’t let David down again. Thankfully he hadn’t told Andrew that he couldn’t talk to Abigail or Kaitlyn about this. He had only given him the assignment of bringing him the child and killing the mother. Actually, he had said daughter to be exact. That narrowed it down a little bit.

“How many children live in the village right now? That sort of limits who it could be. I was just curious about who I could expect to be saving the village.”

“There aren’t many children. I would say less than twenty. It really doesn’t matter who it is though. It is a prophesy, which means that it will come true no matter who it is. You and Kaitlyn are so impatient. You really are a lot alike in that sense. Just wait and let it happen.”

Andrew was not satisfied with Abigail’s answer. He wanted more. He needed more! He needed to find the daughter of David. He then needed to kidnap her and kill the mother. He sure hoped that the daughter wasn’t a teenager, or else kidnapping them might be a bit of a challenge. A young girl of less than 10 would be much easier. They would hardly be able to put up a fight against him. Now his only hope was to go and search through the village and find the girl who was David’s daughter.

He didn’t want to waste time, but to not look to suspicious he decided to stay and talk with Kaitlyn. He truly loved her and he wanted to marry her. It could pose a few problems, like their differences and all, but still he loved her, and he really wanted her. He had to bring her back.

“Have you made your decision on whether or not you are going to stay yet? Your 40 days are slowly ticking away. If you are going to stay, you can take up official residency in my house. If you want to leave, then you must follow me. Well, you must follow Abigail, and I will teach you how to do so.”

Oh great, not this again. She really had changed. She was becoming too much like her mother. This was not going good. He would be taking away Abigail’s power from doing this, and then basically killing her. David would then want Kaitlyn dead because she was like Abigail. The problem was that
Andrew could never kill Kaitlyn, or let David kill Kaitlyn. What was he going to do? He needed Kaitlyn.

“I don’t know, I am still in the process of thinking. Actually, I was thinking that you and I could move together into your house.”

By the look on Kaitlyn’s face, it didn’t seem to be a very good question. Abigail didn’t seem to like it as well and got up and left the room. What had he done? Had he gone in the wrong direction? Was he hurting himself? Why did they seem to take such offense to that question?

“Maybe someday we could get married and move there, but not right now. My job right now is to help people see that my mom is right, and then help them accept the second chance to go and get out of this hell. Once you see the truth, maybe you could somehow return and marry me. I would never agree though, to marry you if you make your decision just to stay here.”

Andrew didn’t truly understand what Kaitlyn was saying, but he gave a nod anyways. Andrew didn’t really believe that Abigail was the way out of this village, or whatever it was exactly that Kaitlyn was saying. No, the way out was to destroy Abigail and to use the power that would be gained from the list to get out of the village. It must open some kind of portal that people can use to get out.

Andrew had no reason whatsoever to follow what Kaitlyn was saying. That unfortunately meant that he could never marry her, but then again one day he might be able to change her mind.

“Come on Kaitlyn don’t be so stubborn. You yourself told me that what you mom says is a bunch of junk that really meant nothing. Are you trying to tell me that you are a li—”

“No, I was totally wrong then Andrew. Don’t believe anything that I told you before today. If it is something that I have said again today, then yes you can believe it. But, I still told you it today, so in that sense you can believe it anyways. I have changed Andrew. Who I am now is who I am supposed to be.”

Andrew didn’t like this at all. The girl that he loved had changed. She wasn’t who he once was. No, she wasn’t changed, she was so totally changed that he couldn’t really even recognize her as Kaitlyn. Yes, he still loved her, but not in the same way that he had before. He didn’t like the new her as well.

She seemed like she was a more well-mannered person today. She hadn’t cursed as much today as she had when they had been together in the past. In their arguing she would have sure cursed, but today she had seemed to have restrained. What had her mom done to her? Whatever it was he hated it.

Though, he dressing didn’t seem to have changed much. Yes, she was wearing white, which she had hardly worn before, but she was no more modest than she had been. Her dress sank down a bit and showed a bit of cleavage. More cleavage than he had ever seen her wear before. Not only that, but she was not wearing any undergarments. Her lower end had flown up a little bit and revealed only skin, not something that Andrew was expecting from this girl who seemed more well mannered.

She also seemed a little more sexual with him today. What was going on with her? She was becoming less modest in the way she dressed and acted, but she was talking with a more mannered tone. She hadn’t totally changed to be well-mannered, actually only in her talking. Then again, her talk also seemed a little sexual. Well, maybe not sexual, but pretty close. She definitely loved him. That was the only explanation. She was changed, but she loved him and wanted to show that off as well.

Abigail definitely noticed a change with her daughter. Her speech had not only become more beautiful, but it had become more well-mannered. She cursed less, and spoke nicer. She spoke to try and get Andrew to follow her, even if it came out a little sexual at times, or near sexual.

However, the way that she dressed was not as good. She decided to go the day without putting on a bra or underwear. She would later find out that it was accidental and not sexual. Yes, she did find her dress with the most cleavage to be wearing with Andrew, but she had totally forgotten to put on underwear. She wasn’t trying to be too sexual to him. Yes, she wanted to show that she loved him, but she hadn’t wanted to take it as far as it had gone.

This did bring Abigail some relief, but she was still worried about her daughter. Would she ever truly learn her ways and ever turn completely? Of course she would, who was she kidding. She was so close at the moment and showed no moves of turning back to what she used to have. She just wanted what was old to become new with her, like Andrew. She wanted Andrew to join her.

Abigail had sat on the bar in the kitchen waiting to see when Andrew would leave. Andrew had left a little while later after she had left the two of them alone. Kaitlyn had gone up to her room and tried to find some meaning behind everything that was going on, but after failing she had gone back downstairs so that she could try and talk to her mom about it all.

Abigail sat on the same recliner in the living room that she had when Andrew was over. After Andrew had left, and Kaitlyn had gone up to her room, Abigail had moved in there to just sit and look out over the village. She wanted to help all of them, but none of them seemed to listen anymore. She needed to get a better plan in motion, one that would show that she was for real so that they would listen to her. One that would have to include Kaitlyn, because they could somewhat tolerate her.

The only reason they hated her in the least bit was because Abigail was her mom. Abigail hated the fact that it was her for why her daughter was so miserable. Yes, she had met a few friends that were teenagers her age now, but Kaitlyn still felt lonely. She spent most time at home. Yes, she was changing now because she wanted to help them all make their way home, but she was still lonely.

Kaitlyn walked into the living room and lay down the on couch that Andrew and she had sat on earlier. She seemed more tired than normal. Abigail just sat in silence and admired her beautiful daughter waiting for her to say something. She knew she wanted to talk; Kaitlyn never just came down like this to sit by her mom. Or, maybe something really had changed totally in her.

Her first theory was confirmed after only about five minutes of silence. “I have a few questions for you, mom. I guess it was brought up by Andrew’s whole obsession with David’s child.” She paused to see if her mom was going to saying anything, but after fifteen seconds of silence she continued. “The first one is: why does it seem like there is never a baby born here? As long as I have been alive, or at least can remember which is since I was 5 or so, had there never been a child born. Yes, children have come, but they come at ages no younger than 5. Why is that?”

“Well, that is a bit of a long story.” Abigail paused trying to decide how she wanted to tell Kaitlyn. “Well, the truth is all of the women, and even girls, that show up here are all barren. Not because they were barren where they came from, but when they get here they are cursed with having to be barren. I don’t know why, but it is just the way that things are.”

“Then why was I born? If every woman and girl in this village is barren, how did you get pregnant with me? And also, what about Stephanie, she had parents here, how did that happen?”

“The truth is that I was here before the curse was put on. I was the first woman in this village. One of the first few people here. That is why I know the truth about escaping. I know it is hard to understand, but I was here before the people started coming from their homes to end up here. Stephanie must be here because she was sent here when she was young. You didn’t know her before you were five, so it still fits with that possibility.”

“So, Stephanie’s home isn’t really here it is elsewhere? Why do I have to be so different?”

“Calm down Kaitlyn, it makes you unique. You were born in this village. It is something that not many people can say. Yes, Stephanie isn’t from here. She chose to live here even though it isn’t her home. You live here because it is your home. You were born here and know nowhere else. This is my home as well, and that is why we are here to show people the way back to their home. I know the way because I came before all of them and was shown the way. It then told you so you can help them.”

“So then there were others born here? Do you know who David’s child is?”

Abigail was afraid Kaitlyn would one day ask this question. She didn’t know if it was time to tell her the complete truth behind her origin. No, not yet, it wasn’t a good time for her to know. She also didn’t want Kaitlyn to know that she was the only one that was ever born here.

“Well, I don’t really know if others were born here. There may have been other woman here before the curse was put on, but I don’t fully know that truth.” Well she did, but it was not time for Kaitlyn to know. Not yet. “I can’t say that I know who David’s child is. The same as I told Andrew.”

“Wouldn’t David’s child have had to be born here? Or is his child from elsewhere and this is only a temporary home like Stephanie? Or are they like me and born here?”

“It doesn’t matter Kaitlyn. You will find out soon enough who David’s child is. It won’t make any difference who it is. It is a prophesy and will come true no matter who it is that is the chosen one. They will save the village. It really shouldn’t matter to you who it is. It is who it is.”

Kaitlyn did not like the answer at all. For whatever reason she believed that she had to know who it was. Did she think she was David’s daughter? There was no way that she would believe that. How could she believe that she was the daughter of two people who were complete opposites? Then why was it that she seemed to want to know so badly? Was it because of Andrew’s sudden obsession with it?

Abigail didn’t know and let the thought go. Thought it couldn’t leave her for much longer when Kaitlyn began to ask even more questions. Abigail was beginning to get more and more uncomfortable. These questions needed to stay unanswered for a little longer for Kaitlyn’s safety. Kaitlyn would never accept that fact though. She wanted the questions answered, and would never believe such an answer.

“Okay, if you won’t answer that, then maybe you can answer my next question. It doesn’t have to do with the village, but instead with me. Who is my father?”

This was the question that beyond the shadow of a doubt had to stay unanswered. If Kaitlyn knew the truth, it could hurt her. “I can’t tell you Kaitlyn. It is for your safety.”

“I don’t believe you mom. You are trying to hide something from me. That was something that you would never do before. Why are you living in such secrecy from me? Just last night you came to my rescue and showed me the love that I could never reject, but now you are turning from that love.”

“Trust me Kaitlyn, this is something that is left better unanswered. This is for your safety. Unless you want to die because of it, you need to just let it go and live the way you are supposed to.”

“I still don’t believe you mom. When have you ever been concerned about my safety? Why do you try so hard to hide these answers from me mom? I need to know the answer.”

“Fine. It isn’t totally about your safety. It is more about mine. Yes, I know that sounds selfish, but that isn’t why I want to keep it from you. If you ever let the words slip, you could possibly be kidnapped, and I could possibly end up dead. It is better for you to not know so that things can work out right. You must wait it out until David’s child saves the village, and then it will be time for you to know. This time is coming much sooner than you expect. When you are ready, then I will tell you.”

Kaitlyn still did not like the answer that she was getting, but she knew that it was right. As much as she hated to believe it and decided not to accept it, she knew it was true. No, her mom was telling the truth. She was trying to keep them safe and be able to help people, but it wasn’t fully true.

“I want to tell you that I am keeping you safe, but yet I am not. You will still be face with death one of these days. The thing is though, you will be ready to face it. You will know the truth that point. However, at that point, the truth won’t hurt you, but it will be what you need to win life. I love you Kaitlyn, and I just want what is best for you. You must believe that I am telling you the truth.”

Kaitlyn still lay on her back looking up at the ceiling. Tears began to fill in her eyes. She knew that her mom was now telling the truth. She now believed it. She was finally coming to terms with it and was accepting it. She didn’t fully understand what her mom had just said, but she knew it would be true.

“Hey Kaitlyn, I want you to come with me for a minute. There is something that I want to show you.” Abigail got up out of the recliner and started walking towards her bedroom. Kaitlyn followed her, and sat down on the bed next to her mother after she entered the room.

Abigail pulled out a box of something that was in the drawer on the night stand next to her bed. Kaitlyn had no idea what it was. Abigail could see the curiosity in Kaitlyn’s eyes. She could also feel the pain in her heart telling her that what she was doing was wrong. Yes, it wasn’t completely right, but the truth was here in this village it was different than on earth. It the world the rest of them came from.

“First I want to tell you about the villagers who show up here randomly. They come from a place called earth, or the world. It is called both depending on how they are talking about it. There are some things that happen in the world that are considered bad, but have a different meaning here. In this box is one of those examples. On earth, the contents of this box are considered morally wrong by society. They are even considered evil by many people.”

Abigail wasn’t sure on how exactly to proceed. She hoped that Kaitlyn understood what she was saying. Abigail took one of the white sticks out of the box and showed it to Kaitlyn. “This is what is known as a cigarette. In the world, on earth, it is full of toxic chemicals that fill up your lungs with smoke and leave tar in them. They can basically kill a person’s lungs, and they make it very hard to breath. The cigarettes are lit with fire, and they are burned and give off smoke.

“In the village here, the simulation of the world, they are only partially that. There are no toxic chemicals in these, but instead they are filled with something that when burned and entered into your lungs, creates the feeling of love. It is the same feeling that you felt yesterday in the school. The feeling that you felt when you mom finally realized that she had been neglecting you.”

Abigail’s heart seemed to stop. She didn’t know what more to say. She had said everything that she wanted, but for some reason Kaitlyn didn’t seem to be getting it. Kaitlyn just gave her the same blank stare that she gave when she didn’t understand. What else could she say?

“So, you are saying that when they want to feel true love, all they have to do is smoke one of these things you call cigarettes? This is supposed to symbolize something it their world.” Kaitlyn’s eyes began to tear up as she spoke to her mom. “So you are saying that all I am is part of a simulation? Am I seriously nothing more than just some symbol?” Kaitlyn cursed what she had discovered.

Abigail’s heart sank. What Kaitlyn said was the truth. It would be hard for her to grasp, but she would have to at some time. She was real, yes, but she was only a symbol of something. It was a simulation of what was supposed to be discovered in the real world. Their job was to simply help them get back to that world. That was their job, and it was hard to grasp.

“I am so sorry Kaitlyn. This is the truth. Our job is to simply help people get back to the world. Most of them that do end up back won’t see the symbolism, but that is what it is for. We are real, yes, but yet we aren’t. We are basically a figment of their imagination. Well, we really aren’t, but when they get back to their own world, that is all they will see us as. Once our job here is done, we will enter the real world that they come from, and then help out there. You will see. You will soon be human.”

Kaitlyn still didn’t seem to accept this very well. She didn’t seem to like the fact that she was hardly real. None of them would see her as real when they got back to reality. She wasn’t part of reality; she was part of a simulation. It was difficult to accept, but Abigail knew she would someday.

Well, Kaitlyn and Abigail were sure no help. What had he concluded from the talk? Nothing. He still couldn’t even prove it wasn’t Kaitlyn. Yes, of course the chances of Kaitlyn have both Abigail and David as her parents was about the most unlikely thing ever, but still possible. He couldn’t rule her out. She was still on the list mainly because of David’s instructions. If he had never said anything about killing the mother, then Kaitlyn would have probably been first off of the list.

The problem was that David surely wanted Abigail dead. With Abigail dead, he had all of the power, and he would have Kaitlyn. He would control the entire village and would be able to do whatever it was that he wanted to do with it. David longed for this power, and that was why Kaitlyn was still a possibility. Yes, she was the most unlikely candidate, but it was still possible.

His first order of business would be to do his best to figure out what the age of the daughter of David would be. Would she be Kaitlyn’s age? Would she be older? Would she be younger? He didn’t know, but what he did know was that David’s child was born here, unlike him. The child was not born on earth or in the world, but was born in this village. This village that Kaitlyn liked to call hell.

Why she called it that, Andrew didn’t know. Yes, he had heard of hell from the Christians in the world, but he didn’t know how Kaitlyn would know about that. Maybe she just knew the meaning that was used by most non-Christians, which was basically and undesirable place. That was most likely right.

Well, there was one thing that he was almost certain of. Kaitlyn had to have been born in this place. She hardly knew anything about the world, and he just knew that she had to have been. If he couldn’t find anyone else, then he would know that it would have to be her.

So, that meant that the child was most likely Kaitlyn’s age or older. Possibly younger, but not much judging from Kaitlyn and how old she seemed. Secondly the child had to have a mother that was present here in this village. David had made the order for the execution of the mother, which meant that she had to be here. That hopefully narrowed it down a little more. From what Andrew could determine, there didn’t seem like there could be more than 20 girls in this village anyways.

His search shouldn’t take too terribly long and he would have the chance to gain all of the power that he longed for very soon. Well, all that Andrew could do was go around and look for girls who looked the same age as Kaitlyn. He would then try and befriend them and make it into their house. If they had a mother, then he would have to try to find out about the father. Once he was satisfied on whether or not they were David’s daughter, he would either leave, or make his move.

Andrew looked up and saw his first victim right away. Well, maybe victim wasn’t quite the right word, but it was close enough. He had found the first teenage girl who appeared to be the same age as Kaitlyn. The girl was quite tall. Almost as tall as he was, but a bit shorter. She had long dark brown hair that looked beautiful in the sunlight. She was a bit tan, definitely tanner than Kaitlyn and Abigail. She definitely was not skinny. No, she wasn’t fat per se, but she did carry quite the amount of weight around. All around though, she was the most beautiful girl, besides Kaitlyn, that Andrew had ever seen.

Andrew walked up to the girl. Once she noticed him, she turned away shyly and pretended to be doing something else. Andrew could see that she had blushed and knew she wanted to meet him, but was a bit shy. Andrew still continued to make his way closer to the girl.

What was he supposed to say? Andrew’s mind went blank. He had been so wrapped up in her, he had forgotten how he would get the important information out of her. He pressed on anyways, and decided to just make it up as he went along. “Hey, you don’t have to be so shy. I’m not that terribly bad of a person. My name is Andrew. How are you doing today?” Andrew spoke, but he thought it was childish. It definitely had not come out the way that he had wanted it to.

The girl turned around and stared at him, still blushing a little bit. She was a very shy girl, and apparently didn’t know how to talk to young men. “My name is Stephanie.” As she spoke her voice cracked. She could hardly get the words out, and she said it so softly Andrew could barely hear her.

“I am new here in this village. I don’t fully understand everything that is going on and I don’t have a place to stay. I was wondering if you could help me in any way with this.”

Stephanie stared at him blankly not knowing how to answer him. She seemed as if she wanted to help him, but had some strange feeling that it was wrong. “Well, I might be able to help you. I can go ask my mother if you can stay with us. I can then fill you in about things about this village.”

Stephanie jogged away from him and right into the house behind where he had first found her. She threw open the door of the brown house, and went inside and disappeared. She reappeared out through the door and right in front of Andrew only about a minute later. “My mom said that she would be happy to help house someone who doesn’t have a home.” Stephanie smiled as she told him.

Andrew followed her into her house. There was a beautiful entryway on the house. A beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling. The floor right by the door was hardwood floors and had a nice rug that lay on the ground. Straight ahead was a hallway that had the stairs off to the left only a few feet down, the living room to the right, and the kitchen straight ahead. A hallway was directly off to the left that led to some bedroom and a bathroom.

Andrew followed Stephanie into the kitchen where her mom was waiting. She was a nice looking woman who was a bit darker skinned than Stephanie, and she had beautiful long black hair. She was shorter, about a head shorter than Stephanie, and she was much skinnier than Stephanie as well. She appeared to only be about 15 to 20 years older than her daughter, which seemed quite odd.

This would be a nice place to live for the time being while Andrew scoped her out. He would spend a few days with each girl that he saw and try and determine whether they were David’s daughter or not. It wouldn’t be easy, but he figured he would get the hang of it pretty soon.

Andrew took a seat on a bar stool next to where Stephanie had sat down. Her mom gave a weird look from Andrew’s gesture, but then gave it up. Her mother stood across the bar from them behind the sink that in the middle of the bar and directly across from where Andrew sat. She was cleaning some dishes at the time.

Stephanie saw her mom was saying nothing, and turned to talk to Andrew. “So, what is it that you want to know about our lovely village here?” Stephanie chuckled after making fun of the village.

“Well, I really don’t know a whole lot. I have met both David and Abigail, which I have been told is quite normal. I just don’t know anything about life here and what you all do every day.”

“Well, it is definitely normal for everyone to meet David and Abigail. They seem to always be attracted to the newcomers. I don’t know why, but it just seems to be the normal. How long have you been here?”

“Only a few days. Abigail let me stay with her which was nice, but I figured I would try to find somewhere else to get out of her hair before I bother her. I am still trying to find a place to settle down and make my own home, but I don’t fully understand how this place works.”

“Well, there isn’t much to know. Most of us farm so that we can get food. Money is used here, but most people don’t have much. Once you decide to become a resident, you go to the library and fill out some forms, and then you get a set amount of money. You can do certain jobs to get more money, but most people don’t do too much of that. We usually just eat the food that we have, and there isn’t much more to buy or do here, so money isn’t really that important. Does that help you any?”

“Yeah, that is definitely some nice information. What is your take on David and Abigail?”

This question seemed to leave Stephanie speechless. Her mom looked at her as if she was wondering how her daughter would answer. Something seemed fishy about the whole thing. “Well, I don’t really have much of an opinion on them. I turned both of their offers down because I don’t believe either of them. I just chose to live here rather than going back home.”

“Are you with the rest of the town and hate Abigail?”

“Actually, I am one of the rare ones who doesn’t hate her. Yes, she can be annoying at times and I don’t believe her, but that is no reason to hate her. Most people tend to hate her daughter, Kaitlyn as well. I actually have become friends with Kaitlyn. She is really a nice girl and I like her.”

That was a strange response. Who was this Stephanie? She was unlike the rest of them. If she was really David’s daughter, then she had been away from him for a long time. She must have not been old enough when her mother left for her to have learned anything from her dad. Whether she took after her mom, he didn’t know, but if she was David’s daughter, she didn’t take after him.

“Wow, you are definitely a strange one from what I can tell. You don’t appear to agree with the rest of the village. You sound like an individual. Do you go to the school here?”

“Yeah, well sometimes. I go when I feel like it. Some days I just don’t want to go, and since my mom is so nice she doesn’t make me.” Stephanie and her mom exchanged smiles after that comment. “The school seems a bit pointless to me. There doesn’t seem to be much to need to learn here. We all live simple lives. None of the information would help us much if we ever went back to our old lives anyways. I hardly pay attention to what they say; I just go when I have nothing better to do.”

She was definitely and individualist. She seemed to stray from what the rest of the village taught and go off in her own way. Kaitlyn must have been having a big influence of her.

“Hey Stephanie, why don’t you go outside and pick some raspberries while I talk to this nice young man for a little bit.” Stephanie’s mom handed Stephanie a bowl to put them in. Stephanie then went out the back door and into the garden to pick the raspberries.

“What is it that you want? I know that you don’t desire to just stay in this place. You don’t just walk up to the girl teenage girl you see and ask to stay with them. What do you want?!”

“All that I have told you so far has been true. I am new here and I needed a place to stay. I have heard that there are no open houses, so I asked the first person I saw. I’m sorry it happened to be your daughter, I didn’t realize it would be this big of a problem.”

She stared at him still stuck in disbelief. She was either on to him, or knew that he was searching for something and wanted to know what. How did she know that he wasn’t telling the whole truth to them? It made no sense at all to Andrew.

What was he supposed to respond? She was right, he was targeting teenage girls. How she knew, he didn’t know for sure, but she was definitely a smart woman. He would have to come up with some kind of a better excuse to be able to stay here. This had to be the right girl. How he had come across her so fast, he had no idea, but David’s daughter had to Stephanie.

“Okay, there were a few other anterior motives, but that is the truth for the most part. Yes, the fact that it was your daughter that was chosen wasn’t by chance. I’m sorry but when I saw your daughter I had an attraction to her, and I just couldn’t stop. I do need a place to stay though.”

“You are a very sick man that I still don’t fully believe. Yes I believe you had an attraction to my daughter, but that doesn’t fully explain why you asked to stay. Still, what man in his 20s should go after a 16 year old girl? That is the most sickening thing that I have heard all day.”

What was he to do? She knew that he was lying. What kind of excuse could he use to state why he would want to stay? No person just asks to stay at a house of a person that they are attracted to. There was no way that he could tell her, but he could come up with no other excuses.

Andrew was quickly running out of options. How could he tell her about what David had told him? Was it a good idea? Of course it wasn’t, David would probably kill him. He needed to keep it a secret and come up with a better excuse. There house wasn’t that nice looking from the outside, so that couldn’t be a good excuse. What was a good reason for why he would want to stay?

“If you don’t quickly come up with a good reason of why I should let you stay at this house, then get out! I don’t need some perverted man at my house with my daughter around.”

“Fine, I was looking for someone who could be my wife. I saw your daughter and wanted to then see her mom. I just used the excuse to be able to get into the house so that I could see you. I truly don’t have a place to stay, but if I really wanted to I could find one somewhere else. I wanted to meet you.”

“I am flattered that you would want to see me because of my daughter, but I don’t believe you. Don’t think that you are getting away with anything, but you may stay here. You can stay upstairs for the night, and Stephanie will sleep in my room with me. You are to go nowhere near her or touch her. I will kick you out and possibly kill her if you come close to touching her. Do you understand?”

“Yes, thank you so much. It will be nice to have a little change of a place to live.”

“Tomorrow I will take you to the library so that you can sign up for residency and can try to find you another house here and you can get the money to survive here. If there is no house for you, you will be allowed to stay here under the same terms, but you will pay me a little bit everyday for it. Not too much that you will lose all of your money quickly, but you won’t stay for free.”

“You have no idea how much I appreciate this. I will follow everything that you tell me, and I will help you out with your garden if you want. I will do anything you want me to.”

Stephanie’s mom liked that idea, and smiled. “Oh, I am so sorry; I never told you my name. My name is Rachel. Now I will show you to your room. After that I would like you to go take over Stephanie’s job, and then come back in to get your next job for working out in the garden.”

Rachel showed Andrew to his room. Andrew then went out and took over for Stephanie. He would now have at least one night to be able to get a feel for Stephanie. Right now she appeared like she had to be the right girl. Andrew however needed more information. Tomorrow he would go to David and see if he could pull any more information out of him.

Abigail and Kaitlyn ate dinner that night as they usually did.

“Kaitlyn, there is something that I really need to tell you. There are some things that I failed to mention earlier. First of all I need to tell you that you have a sister. Actually, she is your twin sister. Her name is Rachel. She was born at the same time as you and you grew up a little bit together. When you were both 3 years old David got her and changed her. He deceived her and stripped her of her real name. He changed her name, gave her to a new mother and now she is living a lie. I don’t know who she is anymore because of what David has done.” Abigail spoke in a low tone.

Kaitlyn was in shock. She had a sister?! How was that possible? Not just that, but she had a twin sister. It was something that Kaitlyn had never suspected before. So maybe her mother really was hiding something. Well, she had already figured that out earlier. There was something there that Abigail was trying to save her from. She didn’t know what, but she knew it had to be something big.

After Kaitlyn gave no verbal response, Abigail continued. “I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that she needs to be found. Something in me is telling me that she is in great danger. I think that David wants to do something with her. I don’t know what, but I don’t suspect that it is good. You need to save her and bring her here. You need to bring her back home, where she belongs.”

Kaitlyn was speechless. She still couldn’t get past the fact that she had a twin sister. How was this possible? Then again nothing seemed to fit with anything else recently. Anything could easily make sense even if it didn’t seem to make sense. “How am I supposed to find her?”

Abigail thought for a second of how to answer the question. “All I know is that her name is Rachel. Actually, I can’t even be sure of that anymore. That was what she was named, but who knows what David could have done to her. I can’t tell you anything for sure. He probably changed her appearance so that she wouldn’t look like you because you were identical twins. I don’t know how you will ever be able to find her, but it is something that you must do. You must bring her home.”

Kaitlyn’s stomach fell sick. She didn’t know what to do. She had a sister that she needed to bring home, but the problem was that she didn’t know anything about her sister. Her mom didn’t even know for sure what he name was. At one point it was Rachel and at one point she looked so much like herself.

“The only person that I know in this village that is named Rachel is Stephanie’s mom. There is no way that it could be Stephanie’s mom could it? She has to be too old.”

“Of course it isn’t. Stephanie is your age, and so is your twin. If Rachel is Stephanie’s mom, there is no way that Stephanie could be your age. She is definitely not your twin sister. How are things going between you and Stephanie recently anyways?”

Kaitlyn still felt stupid from asking if it could be Stephanie’s mom that she hardly heard the question. She then snapped out of it and heard what her mom had asked her. “Well, as far as I know they are going good. We don’t do that much together, but I think she still likes me.”

Rachel came storming through the front door and headed straight towards the kitchen. “Abigail, we really need to talk.” That was all that Rachel had to say to get Abigail’s full attention.

“Kaitlyn, why don’t you go find Rach―, sorry, I mean Stephanie and go and do something.” Right as she said that Stephanie walked right through the door and into their house. “Well, there she is. That was pretty easy. Why don’t you two go do something while we talk.”

Kaitlyn and Stephanie went up the stairs and disappeared and went into Kaitlyn’s room. The two girls hadn’t seen each other in a few days and had a lot of things to get caught up on.

“I am really scared Kaitlyn. My mom is freaking out because this man who is somewhere in his 20s came in asking to stay with us. He is actually quite cute, and I may have even blushed in front of him. It was a little embarrassing, but I think I might like him a little bit. He seemed to like me.”

“I bet I have something even stranger than that. My mom started talking to me at dinner about how I have a sister. Apparently I have a twin sister that David stole when we were both 3, and he deceived her and changed her and made her believe that she was someone else totally.”

“Wow, that is really strange. I don’t know why my mom is acting so weird about this guy. He is just new in town and needed a place to stay. He said that he had stayed over here for a few days, but wanted to get away from your mom. He was actually a really nice man.”

“Was his name Andrew?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“As you said, he stayed over here. He didn’t stay over here for a few nights, but just one night. I also want you to know that he is lying to you. I can almost assure that whatever he says is a lie. I think he is working with David. I don’t know what it is about, but possibly trying to find David’s child. He seemed real interested in trying to find out about David’s child the other day. He came over and started to talk to my mom and me about it. He is really become weird.”

“So everything that he says to me is a lie?”

“Yes. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think he actually likes you. Don’t take this the wrong way, but something between me and him has been going on. I don’t mean to say that I am better than you and he should like me better, but I think his thing with you was just a ploy to get into your house.”

“Why would he want to get into my house?”

“I don’t know, but I can almost assure you that he is up to no good. There is something strange about him. I really think that he is working with David, and that is what scared me most.”

There was a break of silence between the two girls as they sat on Kaitlyn’s bed in deep thought. Kaitlyn then pulled out one of the smoking sticks that her mother had given it and lit it.

“What are you doing Kaitlyn? You know that is against the law, don’t you?”

“So I have heard, but my mom tells me that there is nothing wrong with them. They are only against the law because she uses them. She tells me, and I agree that they have a special power in them. The power of a greater love than can be comprehended. The power to comfort someone who is in need. They actually work very well. My mom says they are harmless as compared to the cigarettes of the world. I assume you would know what I am talking about.”

“I have never seen the cigarettes because I guess I was too young when I was there. I really don’t remember anything that happened before I was 5, which was when I showed up at my mom’s house. I have heard about cigarettes though, and I heard that they cause cancer. What is in those?”

“These aren’t like those cigarettes. Those cause cancer because they have rat poison, tobacco and a bunch of other deadly chemicals. There are no chemicals in these. I guess they would be called organic or something like that from the world. They just have some wood, this one has pine, and some other things that mom found from around the kitchen. It is just smoke that you breath in.”

“Isn’t it bad to get smoke in your lungs though?”

“Yes that is true, but there is apparently some sacrifice with this. I don’t fully understand it, but my mom told me, so that means that it is true. You do know that my mom knows complete truth?”

“Yeah, you have told me, and I think that I even believe it. Could I maybe try one of them?”

“Of course, but you do realize that if you get caught, you could be arrested? I can’t, but that is only because I am Abigail’s daughter, and she can because they hate her anyways.”

“Yeah, I realize that, but I want to at least try it.”

Kaitlyn was about to hand Stephanie one of the smoking sticks when Rachel and Abigail walked in. “What in the world are you doing Kaitlyn? Keep those away from my daughter!” Rachel screamed.

Stephanie back away trying to make it look as if she had nothing to do with it. “Come on Stephanie, we have to get out of this house before Kaitlyn get you in trouble. Let’s go!”

Stephanie gave a frown at Kaitlyn, and then left with her angry mother.

The crisis that was going on in the village right now was not a good thing. David had apparently sent Andrew on a mission to search for his child, or daughter to be more exact. That was what Rachel seemed to believe, and from what she had told, Abigail agreed that it seemed the most logical.

It was definitely time that she told Kaitlyn the whole story. Everything was falling apart in the village, and Kaitlyn was the last hope, but she needed to know the whole truth. The truth couldn’t hurt her anymore, but it was the only thing that could save the village.

Abigail walked over to the stairs and ascended them and headed straight to Kaitlyn’s room. Her heart was racing with each step she took. She was scared. She didn’t fully know if this was the right thing to do, but there wasn’t a whole lot else that could be done at the moment. David intended to get his hands on both Kaitlyn and Stephanie and then do who knows what.

Abigail knocked on the door to Kaitlyn’s room, and then walked into the room. She didn’t bother waiting for a response from Kaitlyn; she needed to talk to her, and right now.

“Kaitlyn, we really need to talk. I am done hiding anything from you. I will tell you the entire truth now. I can’t hide it from you any longer; you need to know all of it. This village is falling apart, and you are the only hope for them. You must show them the truth, but you must first know all of it.”

“What is going on mom?” Kaitlyn was a bit scared. She didn’t fully know what was going on. She inhaled the smoke from the smoking stick that she had named a smick. Yes, it was a childish approach to naming something like that by just combining the two words, but she wasn’t feeling very creative.

“First of all I need to tell you about Rachel and Stephanie. The first thing that you must know is that Stephanie is really Rachel and Rachel is really Stephanie. Stephanie, your friend’s mom switched their names in hope that David wouldn’t ever realize who Rachel was. Stephanie and I had met early on when she had first got here and had become friends. She had rejected my teachings and still does, but we still were able to make a friendship even through it.

“She came and told me one day that David had left this girl in the middle of the village. She was Rachel, but David had changed her so she hardly looked like you anymore. Stephanie picked her up and brought her to me. At that point we decided that you would be best separated. I told Stephanie to take care of Rachel and I would keep you and take care of you. At this point you were both almost 5 years old. Stephanie and I also made a vow that if David ever came looking for Rachel, she would warn me.

“Andrew stopped by their house earlier trying to get a place to stay. We assume, and it is an educated guess, that Andrew is working for David trying to find his daughter. Andrew started with the first teenage girl that he saw that was your age, and that happened to be Rachel. He then convinced her to let him in to her house and try to see if Rachel was actually David’s daughter. As far as we know he doesn’t know for sure, but Stephanie seems to believe that he is convinced that he has found her.

“It may seem weird to you that Andrew thinks Rachel is David’s child, but it really isn’t. The truth is that Rachel’s father, and your father is David.”

Kaitlyn cursed right when she heard what her mother had said. She did not believe for one minute that her parents could be the two people who hated each other more than anything. Was it even possible that David could be her father? Apparently it was.

“No, this can’t be. You must be mistaken mom.” Kaitlyn began to cry as she talked. She inhaled another breath of smoke from the smick. The smoke reached her chest and filled her with comfort. A comfort that she couldn’t explain. It was the love that her mom had showed for her and was showing for her at the current moment. It was her connection to get the love from her mom whenever she wanted.

“This is the truth Kaitlyn. I got pregnant with you and Rachel from David. I know it is hard to believe now, but it wasn’t so much then. There was a time, and this was when David and I were the only two who existed in the village, when we were friends. We became very good friends and you two were the product. David, when you were 3 years old turned against me and left. At that time the curse was brought over the whole entire town. Stephanie was the first person to come from the world here. She was given the choice between living here and going back. David did something to convince her to stay here and she followed him, and that is what brought the curse on.

“David took Rachel when he left, and then you know the story from then. Both you and Rachel are David’s children. You, however, are the one that is chosen to save the village. Rachel has rejected the truth, but you have to save her and bring her to us. You will save the village, but not in the way they think. You will be saving them from David, and showing them the way to get back home. It will be much easier of a way once you save the village.”

Abigail didn’t know how much farther to take it at the time. She decided to just let it sink in and sit silently by Kaitlyn and smoke a smick next to her daughter, who was doing the same thing. No, the smick really had no affect on Abigail because it really couldn’t. She was really right now in the home that they all were from. She had been with them for a time, but now she would be leaving them. She would be going back to the world and waiting for them to follow Kaitlyn there. For the rest of the lifetime totally, Abigail would not be visible. She would be leaving, leaving Kaitlyn to save all of them.

“Kaitlyn there is a bit more I must tell you. At midnight tonight, I will leave and go back to the world. I will go to earth. That is my real home. I have spent my time here with them, but now it is your turn to save them. It is time that you reveal what your job is. You must show them all the way to get back to earth. That is their home, and that is where they long to be. Now they won’t go home immediately after they follow you, but will stay here until life has taken their course.

“After you save the village, you will stay with them for just a short day before you come to earth to join me. They will hate you, but you must accept it. Your job is to save them. That is all that matters. You must show them the smicks. That is what they will use when they need comfort. They will endure great hardships because just like you, they will be hated by the world. I leave you the village.”

Tears fell down Kaitlyn’s cheek. She was only 16; she was hardly ready to go through what she would have to go through. She knew what was going to happen to her and it wouldn’t be pretty. She could not wait for the day when she would be able to go to earth to join her mom. Right now she would stay with her mom and cry in her arms. Once midnight hit, and she woke up the next morning it would be to work. It was now here job to show people the way to get home.

Abigail knew that it would feel like hell for Kaitlyn. It would be even more hell to her now that it had been before. Kaitlyn would become her and she would take on the same roll. She would be hated even more than she already was, and she wouldn’t like it. There was nothing in Kaitlyn that would want to go through with this. Well, that wasn’t completely true. Once Abigail left, she would be filled with the same kind of love. She would love these people and want to save them. She would want it.

Kaitlyn stopped crying and was able to compose herself. “I am ready mom. I am ready to save these people and allow them to go home so that they can be with you, where they are supposed to be. I accept the challenge and am ready to take on the same love that you have for them. I’m ready.”

Abigail smiled at her daughter. She knew that she was ready and she knew that she would do a great job. She would get the love from her and it would be all she needed and she would love them. Her whole life from then on would be spent loving them. Love would be her life.

It was getting late in the night. A minute before midnight to be exact. Abigail shifted up in her bed and walked to the living room and looked out her window over the entire village. She then went and walked out onto the road to look over the village that she loved. Even though they hated her.

Suddenly a flash of light swept through the entire town. It was exactly midnight, and in the rush of light the woman that stood on the road was swept away and would never be seen again.

Kaitlyn saw the flash of light rush through the city. She picked her head up from her pillow and looked at the clock. She then knew that her mom was taken away and would not come back for a very long time. It was now her job to save the village.

Kaitlyn turned back over on her bed and lay her head on her pillow and fell back to sleep. She was tired and would need to reserve her strength for the long battle ahead.

Kaitlyn woke up hours later on her own, and went in to the kitchen to make herself breakfast. She pulled out a smick and smoked it. It felt so great to get the feeling of love inside of her. It would be her own way to have any kind of a connection with her mom. Yes, it was only the feeling of her love towards her, but it felt as if she was actually there. It was Kaitlyn’s most favorite feeling.

After she ate and spent time remembering her mom, she went outside into the village. Yes, they all knew her. She was Kaitlyn, daughter of Abigail. But did they really know who Abigail was? Of course not, they were too blinded by doing whatever they felt like. They had no reason to want to go back to their real home, so they had no desire to listen to her mom who had the way. Yes, each one had talked to her, but each one had also rejected her. There was not one in the village that hadn’t rejected her, accept Kaitlyn herself. She was the daughter of Abigail. Abigail who was above them all.

The daughter of love. Abigail was love. Abigail showed Kaitlyn what love really was. Now it was Kaitlyn’s turn to return the favor to the people that Abigail also loved so dearly. They were truly all her children, they just didn’t realize it. On earth they were decedents of hers. Each and every one of them was her child. Not just decedents, but children, or grand children. Kaitlyn was to save them.

Her first job, though, was to get Rachel on the right page. First she would have to convince her friend that she wasn’t really named Stephanie, but her real name was Rachel. She was deceived and she never had a chance to be who she truly was. That would not be an easy task. Especially because her mom now hated her. She had tried to give her a smick, but then Stephanie came in and ruined everything. She had caught Kaitlyn, and was angry at her daughter. Rachel would probably then turn around and be mad at Kaitlyn because Kaitlyn was the one who got her in trouble.

That was the way that Rachel seemed to work. She would refuse to take responsibility for what she did. It was probably because of the way her mom treated her when she actually was guilty. Kaitlyn had never experienced that because she not only knew her true mom, but her true mom was Abigail. Abigail only knew love. Well, yes she knew how to discipline, but she did it in love. That was what had made life so easy for Kaitlyn. She felt love and knew that she could never reject her mom.

The truth would never leave Kaitlyn. It was all that she had. She knew the love and she knew the one that gave love. She also knew the one that gave life. Gave them back the true life that they had lost when they had rejected her. She had brought them here to give them a new way to what their job was. It was simply to simulate what was supposed to happen on earth. They were supposed to see the truth so that they could get true life. The instead chose the village.

Stephanie was the first born, and the first to arrive in the village. She was given the first choice, but she choice the village instead of the world where she was from. Because of that the rest of them were condemned to the village. Abigail left for a while the rest of the children got there and began to set up their lives. She then made her way back and decided to have two more children. Why she had picked David, Kaitlyn still didn’t understand, but he was the only one that wasn’t her child. Kaitlyn and Rachel were the result of that, and then the mess they were in now was the result of the rest. Abigail had been with them, but was tired, so she had left them and sent her daughter to save them.

Kaitlyn was there to show them the real way to get back home. Kaitlyn didn’t remember ever being on earth, but her mom had told her that both her and Rachel were born there. When they were a year old, Abigail went back, and the rest of Kaitlyn’s story would light up.

Now, only 15 years later, Kaitlyn was here. She had lived here 15 years, and that would be all that she would live there for. After she saved them, she would spend one day with them, and then leave and go join her mom on earth. She would then leave Rachel to help the rest of them see the way.

Her first problem was that she would have to get Rachel to believe the whole story. The problem with that would beginning with getting past Stephanie to see Rachel. Then, Kaitlyn would have to convince Rachel of her true identity. After that, Kaitlyn would have to tell her everything she knew and would have to convince Rachel of the entire story, and reveal to her all truth.

Kaitlyn would then go on to save the city and with her last day, she would make sure that Rachel was ready to help them realize what Kaitlyn did. Rachel would then be the carrier of love. She would be the messenger of the love and story that Abigail wrote for them and Kaitlyn fulfilled.

Once Kaitlyn could convince Rachel of the whole truth, the rest would be easy. Her mind shifted to Rachel and helping her see the truth as she walked out her front door onto the village street.

The sun was out in full force to day and the sunbeams beat against Kaitlyn’s skin. It was very hot outside, but it didn’t seem to bother Kaitlyn. She wore her beautiful white dress that was perfectly white. Her skin was whiter than normal. There was not a speck in her skin that wasn’t white. Her hair was still a beautiful red color and she looked more beautiful than ever. If she wasn’t the daughter of Abigail, she could have married any man that she pleased. The problem was that her job didn’t involve getting married, and everyone in the village seemed to hate her. With maybe the exception of Rachel.

Kaitlyn had been out in the sun so many times without sunscreen. Even though her skin was as white as possible, she never even got a hint of a sun burn. It was amazing, but she didn’t even seem to notice. She never knew anything about it because she had never been to earth to experience it.

Kaitlyn walked down the street and then stood right in front of Rachel’s house.

Few people were out on the streets so early in the morning and Kaitlyn assumed Rachel would still be sleeping, but she couldn’t just give up and not tell her. She needed to talk to Rachel now! There was nothing that was going to stop her, not even Stephanie or Andrew or David.

Kaitlyn knocked on the door and after only a few seconds, Stephanie opened the door. “What do you want Kaitlyn. Go get a life, and stay away from my daughter!”

“She’s not your daughter Stephanie. Now let me speak to my sister!” Kaitlyn screamed.

Stephanie was shutting the door as Kaitlyn was screaming, but she still heard every word. Stephanie cursed. Had Abigail told her daughter everything?

“What did your mom tell you?” Stephanie opened the door back up and glared at Kaitlyn.

“She told me the entire truth. She told about how you were the one who rejected her. Since you were the first born, you forced everyone to be stuck in this hell. You could have gone back and lived on earth, but you chose this village. She told me everything that is important on that level.”

Stephanie stood still glaring at Kaitlyn. She was trying to make up her mind on what she was going to do. Kaitlyn couldn’t read her to tell what was going to happen next, so she just stared back.

“She is still sleeping right now and I don’t want to wake her. Come back later. Now get off of my property before I come out there and kill you.” Stephanie glared at Kaitlyn again.

Stephanie then slammed the door in Kaitlyn’s face and then locked it shut.

What was Kaitlyn to do now? Stephanie was going to be as hard to get past as she had hoped wouldn’t be the case. Stephanie was probably working with David somehow. She was probably planning to kill Abigail and Kaitlyn, but she hadn’t gotten there yet. The warning about Andrew was probably just and act. Now Kaitlyn had to get to Rachel before her mom, Stephanie deceived her.

Stephanie closed the door and was raged. Who did this girl think she was? Yes of course she was Abigail’s daughter, but she didn’t have the authority to go around force people to give up their daughters. Yes, the truth was Rachel was her half-sister and so was Kaitlyn, but that didn’t matter.

David had given his commands. Kaitlyn and Rachel were not allowed to see each other.

After Stephanie had ran to tell Abigail about Andrew snooping around, she decided that she didn’t want Abigail to win, and told Andrew everything. She told him the whole story. Andrew had then gone to David with the news. He had agreed to spare Stephanie’s life for her help. If she at anytime failed, she would be killed, but she was spared until then. She was to make sure that Kaitlyn didn’t come anywhere near Rachel. He couldn’t have Kaitlyn or Abigail ruining his plans.

She had succeeded so far in keeping Kaitlyn out of the house, but she knew that it wouldn’t last long. Kaitlyn and Rachel would eventually see each other. That was inevitable. The only thing that she would have control over would be how Rachel would react to it. She needed to talk to Rachel and make sure that she wouldn’t go off and believe anything that Kaitlyn told her.

Stephanie stormed up the stairs and went straight towards Rachel’s room. Yes, it was a little rude that she would go and wake Rachel this early, but she needed to have the talk. Stephanie turned the knob ferociously and pushed the door open as hard as she could.

Rachel cursed right when she heard the door open. She had no clothes on because she was in the process of getting changed. Did she ever actually get up this early? Well, she did today and was already putting on clothes. Stephanie tried to apologize, but Rachel just cursed her and yelled at her. Stephanie, still playing the role of parent, just yelled back at Rachel telling her she had no right to be yelling at her mother. Rachel hurriedly put her clothes on while Stephanie stood in the doorway waiting very impatiently and watching her.

“We need to talk young lady! Don’t you ever curse at me like that again! You had no right. I came in so that I could tell you something and all you can do is yell obscenities at me.”

“Well maybe you should knock on the door before you come in. Don’t you have any sense of privacy for me? You have no right to just come barging into my room.” Rachel was still furious.

“I’m your mother Rachel. Don’t you ever try to tell me what I can and can’t do. We need to—”

“My name is Stephanie not Rachel! What has gotten into you, mom?”

“That is what we need to talk about Rachel. Your name is Rachel, not Stephanie. When I first took you in when you were younger I wanted to protect you from David. I knew he would come looking for a child named Rachel and some time. He is now, that is why he sent Andrew. Anyways, I switched you name and my name around so that maybe he would stay away from our house. Apparently, Andrew knew nothing about the name of the child he was looking for, and he found you.”

“I don’t understand, what is going on mom?”

“That is another thing that we must get out of the way right now. You are not my daughter. When you were 3 years old David took you from your family. A little later I found you in the middle of the street. I took you to your mother, but she thought it would be best for me to care for you. I then took you in, and that is when I switched our names.”

“Who is my mom, and who is my family then?”

“Your mom is Abigail. You are Kaitlyn’s twin sister. I know it may be surprising. What is even more surprising is the fact that your father is David.” Rachel looked stunned. “I know it seems impossible to have parents that are Abigail and David, but it is true. The truth is that every adult here is Abigail’s child. We are all from the world, or earth, and we all ended up here. All of the children were our children from earth, which makes them Abigail’s grandchildren. You and Kaitlyn are the only two to ever be born here. That technically makes us half-sisters.”

Rachel stared around the room in shock. It was news that was not easy to take. A few minutes ago she was Stephanie, and this half-sister of her’s was her mom Rachel. Now she was Rachel, and this older woman was her half-sister Stephanie, daughter of Abigail. Rachel was daughter of not only Abigail, but also of David, and twin to Kaitlyn.

“I know you may want to go and reunite with Abigail and Kaitlyn right now, but it is a bad idea. David will want both of you and while you are together, he will have a much easier chance. Kaitlyn will try to convince you of some crazy ideas, but you can’t listen to her, she is only lying. Abigail might try to do the same thing, but you can’t listen to her either. Right now the only person that you can listen to is me. Not Abigail, not Kaitlyn, and certainly not David nor Andrew.”

Stephanie knew that Rachel would hate this, but she knew it would be best for Rachel. She still wanted to call Rachel her daughter, because that was the kind of relationship they had, but she wasn’t. It hurt Stephanie a little bit, but she knew that she would get over it.

“I am so sorry that I rushed in on you like that Rachel. I had no business doing that.” Rachel and Stephanie embraced in a hug. Tears flowed down Rachel’s eyes, and Stephanie put back on her talent of being a mother and comforted her daughter. Well, Rachel, but she still felt like her daughter.

“I will listen to you and you alone mom. Well, I guess Stephanie, but I think I might still call you mom. You have been such a great mom to me. I love you. Thank you for everything.”

A smile lit up on Stephanie’s face. For Rachel’s sake it was a pure and genuine smile, but she was hiding something from Rachel. Of course Rachel wouldn’t find out as long as she followed everything that she was told. If she didn’t, then there would be consequences for one or both of them. Yes, if Rachel didn’t follow Stephanie, David would kill Stephanie. Though, Stephanie would hopefully kill Rachel before that happened, so she at least wouldn’t die alone.

Her plan was in motion and was working out as perfectly as she could ever have expected.

Andrew sat on the couch in David’s living room talking to David. He had gone back to stay with David after Stephanie had joined their cause. He was spared from having to kill her for her help.

Her job was quite simple. She needed to keep Rachel away from Kaitlyn. If they met it might not be catastrophic, but if Rachel agreed to Kaitlyn’s terms and followed her, that was what needed to be stopped. Whether Abigail had told Kaitlyn the whole truth yet, they didn’t know, but they knew that once she did, Kaitlyn would go for Rachel. Kaitlyn would need Rachel. David also needed Rachel. Then again, he also needed Kaitlyn dead. If he killed her now then none of this would matter.

For whatever reason, though, David wasn’t quite ready to kill Kaitlyn. He figured if he could get Rachel on his side, then he could convince Rachel to kill her. Rachel would be the weapon that he would use to get Kaitlyn out of his village. It truly was his village. He was the first one to ever be in the village after Abigail created it. She then brought her children here and chaos had ensued. David, though, seemed happy that he controlled all of Abigail’s children right now, accept for Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn was the cause of everything. Well, Abigail was, but she would be out of the way soon enough. The problem would then be Kaitlyn, and after he got rid of that problem, the village would once again be his and he would control what every single one of them that lived here did.

Stephanie came barging in the front door of the house, and came storming in to the living room, where they sat. “Abigail told that little girl everything. Kaitlyn is after Rachel!” Stephanie was screaming.

“Calm down Stephanie. So what that Abigail told her everything. It was going to happen one day or another. Maybe I should have killed her before she had the chance, but that is past us now and all I have is a little girl who knows everything. A little girl who is intent that she is meant to save this village. She is wrong! Rachel is the one who will save us. She is the one that I chose!”

“You may have chosen her, but you also left her out in the middle of the road when she was a toddler. That sure seems to show how much you love her.” Stephanie responded, still angry.

“Shut up! I didn’t want to be caught by Abigail with her, so I left her in the streets. Abigail then thought she was tricking me by separating her two daughters by leaving Rachel with you, but you didn’t fool me. You tried to fool me as well when you switched your names. It took me a little bit, but I found out the truth. That was 7 years ago, though, so I have known for long enough.”

Stephanie stood staring at David speechless. She wasn’t exactly sure on what she should say next. David had beaten her. He was way ahead of her. Everything that he had done she already knew about. She then spoke loudly. “I need Andrew to do a job. I know that you told me that it was my job to keep Kaitlyn and Rachel separate, but Andrew could be a huge help.”

David thought about it for a minute. He really did hate Stephanie and wanted her dead, but he wanted Rachel even more. Was it worth letting Stephanie live a little longer and putting in into Andrew’s hands. Andrew would definitely be better at getting results. He had really quickly found Rachel. “I will agree to it. I will even put the whole mission into Andrew’s hands. If anything goes wrong and Kaitlyn wins Rachel, I will kill Andrew first. I will still probably kill you anyways Stephanie, but Andrew first.”

“Thank you. It will be very helpful to get a man like Andrew to seduce Rachel. ―”

“I don’t want Rachel hurt at all. There will be no seducing going on.” David was steaming with anger. “Andrew will only help you keep Kaitlyn away. Then have him bring Rachel to me.”

“I don’t mean seducing as in getting her to fall in love with him. I simply mean seducing her by getting her to follow us. I mean that he attracts her to following you, not anything sexual.”

“Nothing sexual! Andrew if Stephanie makes you do anything borderline sexual, don’t and then come and tell me. If she does, then I will give you permission to kill her. Actually, don’t even bother coming to me, just kill her yourself and then bring Rachel here by force. I want her, but the longer we keep her in the village and out of my house, the more hope Kaitlyn can get. We get her hopes up, and then we go and crush them. We will then crush her body along with that.”

“Now you two get out of my house and get me Rachel. Get her on my side!”

Andrew left the house following Stephanie as they made their way back to the house where Rachel still was.

The village road was strangely empty. There was no one out walking around at the moment. Where was everyone? Only Andrew and Stephanie were out on the street, or at least on their side of the horseshoe. There also seemed to be nobody on the curve that connected the two straight stretches.

They finally reached Stephanie’s house and Andrew followed her inside. Stephanie went upstairs to Rachel’s room, while Andrew went to take a seat on the couch in their living room. Suddenly Andrew heard a scream coming from the stairs, and then he heard Stephanie cursing.

Andrew ran over to the stairs and quickly ran up to check on Stephanie. She stood over the bed of Rachel’s room staring at a piece of paper that had some writing on it. There was no Rachel in the room, only the note that she had written to her mom.

“What does the note say?” Andrew asked Stephanie politely.

“It says that she went to school today. Why would she do that? I know that she really hates school. What would be so special about today? That girl is going to pay!” Stephanie was furious.

“I can bet you almost anything that it was Kaitlyn. She probably snuck into the house while you were over at David’s house. She probably convinced Rachel to go somewhere where they could talk.”

“It’s not like Rachel to lie though. Yes, it may have been Kaitlyn, but they would be at the school. We can’t go in there right now, or else the teacher will get angry. Trust me; you don’t want to deal with her. Our best bet is to go to the library and hang out until she comes out of school.”

“We could at least try looking at Abigail’s or Kaitlyn’s houses to makes sure that she didn’t lie.”

“She didn’t lie! Can’t you get over that Andrew?! My daughter, well Rachel, doesn’t lie! She is an honest girl and she wouldn’t betray me like this. She loves me, she wouldn’t do this to me!”

“Calm down Stephanie, I am sorry. It is possible that Kaitlyn wrote the note so that Rachel wouldn’t have to lie and they are at one of the houses. It is also possible that Kaitlyn basically kidnapped Rachel and then wrote this note to try to get us in a different direction.”

“Fine, your last observation could be right. It is a while until school gets out anyways, so we could go check out the houses. Let’s go find Rachel!”

Stephanie walked angrily out of the house almost running, followed quickly by Andrew.

They went towards Abigail’s house first so that they could confront her. Andrew had also said that she had been staying there recently, so it seemed to make the most sense. They stormed into the house, not even attempting to knock. They went through a search of the entire house, but did not find Abigail, or Kaitlyn, or Rachel. The house was completely empty of humans, besides the two of them.

They then stormed back out of the house and walked down the street towards Kaitlyn’s house. Stephanie didn’t know that Kaitlyn had her own place, but Andrew had said that she had been there, so she believed him. She hadn’t realized Abigail had liked her that much.

They didn’t find Abigail at Kaitlyn’s house, but they did find Kaitlyn. “What is going on here Kaitlyn? Rachel has gone missing. What did you do with her?!” Stephanie was screaming at Kaitlyn.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything with her. She is staying with you, shouldn’t you be taking care of her. Next time please knock before you come in.” Kaitlyn responded.

“Give me a break Kaitlyn. We know you are looking for her. Your mom told you the truth about this place and everything. She then told you that you needed to go and get Rachel. Just because she is your sister doesn’t give you the right to kidnap her. Now where is she?!”

“I told you, I don’t have her. It tried to visit her earlier, but you shut me down. I haven’t been back to your house since. I came here so that I could clean it out and give it back to the village because I won’t be using it. I don’t plan on getting married, and I will just live in my mom’s house for the time being. Then when I get real ambitious I will also give that house to the village and live on the road.”

“Why are you lying to me Kaitlyn, your mother would never approve of it. I need you to tell me what you did with Rachel! I won’t let you go on with this madness that Abigail started any long; it ends right here and right now. You will quit trying to go after and get Rachel. She is to live with me and that is final. Your mother was a lunatic and doesn’t know what she is talking about.”

“Don’t you talk about my mother like that! She is your mom too you know. Now if you would please leave me alone, I have some business to get to, like clearing out this house. I would like to do it in privacy if you wouldn’t mind. Andrew, you know where the door is. You can show Stephanie out.”

Stephanie and Andrew made not move to even hint at leaving. They stood and stared at Kaitlyn as she went through the kitchen and looked to see what she wanted to keep and what she wanted to leave. Well, the two things she really wanted to leave wouldn’t. They stood staring at her.

“Kaitlyn, please this is your sister we are talking about. Shouldn’t you be concerned for her safety? You seem to want her so bad, why don’t you just tell us where she is.” Andrew spoke up.

“I’m sorry, but I truly don’t know where she is. Didn’t she leave a note or something? When I was friends with her before I found out she was my sister, she would always leave you a note if you weren’t there when she left. If you were there, she would tell you. Rachel isn’t one to just disappear. I can tell you one thing for sure and that is that I didn’t take her. If you don’t find a note come and talk to me and I will help you find her, but until then get out of my house.” Kaitlyn responded.

“We have already been to the house and to the room, but we didn’t find a note anywhere.” Andrew gave Stephanie a question stare, but she stared back telling him to go along. Andrew agreed, so she continued. “If you didn’t take her, then you should start looking for her. If you find her please bring her back. For a reward you can talk to her under my supervision.” Stephanie said calmly.

“I will help you look. First you must give me one reason why I should listen to you and bring her to you and let you listen in on what I tell her. I can’t say I trust you.”

Did she know what was going on? That was not a good thing. They would have to come up with something quick, or she would find Rachel and then talk to Rachel herself. Andrew spoke up because he was the first to think up a response. “We will tell your mom if you don’t obey us.”

“You can do that. I will agree to your plan. If I don’t bring her to you first, which I don’t plan on doing, you can tell my mom. I will face the consequences that she gives me. I have no reason that I have to obey you. You have no authority over me, you are just my half-sister. Now get out!”

Andrew and Stephanie left the house on Kaitlyn’s command and headed to the library.

Kaitlyn was a little scared now. Not the fact that Andrew and Stephanie had just invaded her house, that was just something they would do, but because Rachel was missing. Well, at least they said she was. Kaitlyn was still convinced that she had left a note and they were just hiding it.

But, why did they think she had taken Rachel? How did they know that her mom had told her that she needed to get Rachel? David! It had to be David. He must have known more than Kaitlyn thought he did. He was apparently more powerful that she would have like to think. Then again, he was the man who wrecked havoc on the village. He had since the day she was born, maybe even before.

Right now she needed to get to Rachel. Rachel was the key to the plan that Abigail had set up with Kaitlyn. Well, at least she was at first. Kaitlyn needed to get Rachel on her side and then she could go around and talk to everyone telling them the way to get back to earth. Yes, she could start know and get Rachel later, but her time had not come to start showing people. Yes, it was possible that some of them would die before they could be saved, but Abigail had made the timing clear. Her job at the moment was to get Rachel, and show her the way and let her know who she was.

No, the chance of the villagers getting back to the world didn’t rest in Rachel’s hands, but she was still important. She would probably be the only one who would believe Kaitlyn. After Kaitlyn would go back to earth to be with Abigail, Rachel would probably be the only one who would know the truth.

Kaitlyn would have to train her and teach her in the right ways, but she had to find her first.

Where could she possibly have gone to? Maybe she had gone searching for her or Abigail, but that just felt doubtful. There was no way that reaching her could be that easy. Did she decide to go to school today? It was possible, but after yesterday, why would she want to go to the school? There were very few reasonable explanations of where she could possibly be. Where did she start?

Well, her best bet was to go to Abigail’s old house, which would become her’s. She could finish packing this house later, but right now it was time to find Rachel.

She left what she was doing and walked out the front door and onto the road. It was empty. Not something that was usual at this time of day. What was going on? The only two that she even saw on the road were Stephanie and Andrew and they were entering the library right was she walked out. They were most likely going to wait for her and see if she had gone to school.

Kaitlyn reached her mom’s old house, opened the door and walked right in. It was lonely without her mom and disappointing that she didn’t live with someone, but that was just the way it was. Once she found Rachel, that would change, though. She wanted to have company, but she never had any. People still seemed to dislike her, just like they seemed to dislike her mom.

Kaitlyn looked in to the living room, but saw nothing. She then went on to search the rest of the house, but wasn’t having any luck. Kaitlyn tried calling her name a few times, and once she walked upstairs, Rachel made her way out of a semi-large square hole in the wall. It has always been a place that Kaitlyn and Rachel would hide when they played hide-and-seek when they were younger. Stephanie and Andrew must have been here looking for them, and she must have decided to hide from them.

“What’s going on Rachel? Your mom is looking for you, and she has Andrew along with her. Did you hide when they came looking for you?” Rachel nodded. “Why are you hiding from them?”

“My mom is really getting weird all of the sudden.” Rachel spoke while she tried to hold back the tears. “She told me about this whole place, and that whole story. She told me who I was. I’m your twin sister. I wanted to come and see you, but she is determined that I don’t ever see you. I don’t know why, but I really wanted to see you, so I tried to find you, but you weren’t here. They came in, so I had to hide and this was the only place that I figured that they wouldn’t think to look. I was right.”

“You are always welcome here Rachel. I am so glad to see you. I am with you though, something is going on here. They came over and tried to say that I kidnapped you.”

“Andrew must have thought the note that I left was a fake. I know that my mom believed that I never lied, so I would be safe. Well, safe until she finds out I’m lying. I left a note saying that I was going to school while my mom was out going over to visit with David and Andrew.”

“Well, I saw them go into the library, so there is no getting away without lying.”

Rachel cursed. She was really going to be in trouble now. Not only was she talking with Kaitlyn, whom her mom told her she couldn’t talk to, but she lied in her note. “Well, I have to figure out something. Maybe I should just stay here and live with you.”

“I would love that, but I don’t think it is a good idea. They, I’m not sure who exactly, but your mom is enforcing it, don’t want us to see each other. If they find out that you are living with me they will probably kill both of us. I can’t have you dead. It would be best for you to live like we never saw each other. Well, that’s not entirely true, but just don’t let anyone know about this.”

“I don’t want you dead either Kaitlyn. I think I am bit scared. I am going to get in trouble when I get home, and I don’t know what kind. I’m really scared Kaitlyn.”

“I understand. When they ask you where you were, you can’t tell them that you saw me. I’m sorry you have to lie, but it is best for you. Make up something, I don’t care, you just can’t tell them the truth. Do you want a smick?” Kaitlyn held out the back of the smoking sticks her mom had given her.

“Oh, no thanks. Stephanie told me about those, and I definitely don’t want to get that cancer stuff, or whatever it is. I think I am perfectly fine.”

“It won’t give you cancer Rachel. These aren’t cigarettes. Cigarettes were probably what Stephanie was talking about. My mom told me about them. She told me that they caused cancer, had poison in them, and lots of other nasty things to you. These, however, only have food and some kind of food or something else that Abigail found around the house. They are perfectly safe. Try one.”

Rachel was still hesitant and refused again, but said that she would try one sometime later. They had agreed to try and meet again at some time if Rachel would ever be able to get out of her house again. That was doubtful, but they could only hope.

Kaitlyn took out a smick and lit it and breathed the smoke in and let it fill up her lungs. Kaitlyn and Rachel sat down the couches in the living room in silence for a few minutes. Kaitlyn had closed the curtain earlier so that Stephanie and Andrew wouldn’t see them together.

Kaitlyn just sat on the couch looking at her young friend. Her twin sister. Rachel wore a beautiful pink dress that went well with the pink flower she had put in her hair. Rachel’s hair was brown, unlike her own. David must have changed her appearance a lot to make sure that they never suspected each other to be sisters, or twins. Rachel was the most beautiful girl that she had ever seen. Her face still had a childish complexion to it and was nicely tanned. That was something that was really strange, Rachel for some reason was able to tan, yet Kaitlyn’s skin was perfectly white.

Kaitlyn began to calm down as she breathed in the smoke of the smick. Something still seemed to unnerve her however. Stephanie and Andrew. Kaitlyn got up from her seat and went over and locked the front and back door to make sure that they couldn’t get in to the house. Kaitlyn took another breath of the smick smoke and she calmed down and felt fine again.

She turned and looked back at her twin sister. She looked like she was younger that herself. It definitely wasn’t the fact that she wasn’t skinny and had some weight on her. What was it? Well, besides her face, she just seemed to look younger than 16.

The fact that she looked young, and was average weight did not take away from her beauty on bit. She was beautiful the way that she was. That was true no matter what anyone said with her. Something seemed strange about the way that she saw her, however. She hardly saw the outside body features of Rachel. The beauty that she had on the outside was hardly what Kaitlyn saw anymore. The outside was what she would have seen a few days ago when she was just a human. Now she was more, she was Abigail’s daughter. No, she was Abigail herself. She was Abigail.

As Abigail she no longer saw the outside of Rachel. Well, she did, but what she saw on the outside was actually the inside. Rachel’s skin lightened up a little bit and her hair began to turn blonde. Kaitlyn was looking right in to her heart and she was seeing it on the outside. It was the most real experience that she had ever had. She looked so real in her state, but it wasn’t what anyone else would see. Kaitlyn was definitely special, but so was Rachel.

Kaitlyn may have been the village’s chosen one, but Rachel was Kaitlyn’s first chosen one. She wanted to just go right up and tell her the whole truth that Abigail had told her, but she knew she had to wait. She had to first gain the trust of Rachel, then she could tell her everything.

Rachel was a very special child and Kaitlyn felt sorry for her. Rachel had grown up in a home being raised by her half-sister. Not only that, but she was totally deceived. Not only had she lived a lie of a life, but everything that she was being taught by Stephanie was totally wrong. Who knows what Stephanie had told her since she had turned her back on Abigail for the second time. Not only that, but she lived not knowing who she truly was. She was lost, blind, and in need of great help. She wanted help. Yes, she wanted to be saved, she just didn’t know how.

It was the first time that Kaitlyn realized that Rachel needed her as much as she needed Rachel. They were meant for each other. They were twin sisters that had been separated for so long. They needed each other. And now more than ever.

“Who do you trust more, Stephanie or me? I don’t mean to be pushy, or trying to say that I am more trustworthy than Stephanie, but I just wanted to know you opinion.” Kaitlyn said politely.

“Well, that is a hard question. You are both my sisters, though you are my twin, but yet I have lived with Stephanie most of my life. I probably trust you more in my heart, but on the outside I would probably show that I trust Stephanie, or else she would probably kill me. This just puts me in a hard position. Not your question, but what Stephanie has decided to do by not letting me see you.”

“I understand. You want to believe me, but you can’t because you have fear that Stephanie will want to kill you. That really does put you in a hard situation. That makes me reluctant to want to let you go back to live with Stephanie. There isn’t a whole lot that we can do about it, but there has to be something. Will you follow me and trust me with everything that I tell you?”

“I want to so badly, but I know that Stephanie will kill me. I also know that you can’t ensure my safety from her and it is too hard to risk. I will trust everything that you tell me, but I am hesitant to follow you because of my safety. I am scared to die and I don’t want to risk it.”

“I need you Rachel. Someone needs to show people the way back to earth after I go back. I have chosen you to do that because you are my twin sister. Yes, it will be hard for you here, but that is what the smicks are for. They give you the comfort that only Abigail can give a person. Whenever you are not feeling well, all you have to do is smoke a smick and you will feel Abigail’s comfort and love.”

“I don’t mean to be rude, but what makes Abigail so important?”

“She is the mother of all of us. Without her none of us could be here. She is the source of life for all of us. She loves all of us, but everyone except me rejected to live with her. That night in the library after I was about to reject her, she came and saved me and now she has sent me to save the rest. I am David’s child that is meant to save the village. I just won’t save them the way they expect me to.”

Kaitlyn got up from the couch she was sitting on and moved to the chair that her mom would always sit in as she looked out over the village. On the couch right next to the chair, Rachel went from sitting down to lying down.

Kaitlyn watched her sister and started on with a smile on her face. Rachel would be needed by the rest of the village one of these days and it was Kaitlyn’s job to make sure that it happened. Kaitlyn had to convince Rachel what she was doing and tell her that she needed to follow her.

“I really don’t trust Stephanie and Andrew. I don’t want you to go back to them. Yes, I know that they will probably want to kill you, but that is a risk that you will have to take. I know that I can’t ensure you protection, but I can assure you they would probably come after me before they came after you. I want you to and I need you to follow me, Rachel. I also want you to know that I love you.”

The affection that Kaitlyn had shown towards Rachel didn’t seem to sink too far down inside of her. They were twins; of course they loved each other. The words, however seemed to hit Rachel a little bit. Something about hearing the words made her smile.

“I love you too Kaitlyn. I would love to follow you, but right now is not the best time for me. Trust me, I believe you when you say that you need me and that you are going to save the village. I just don’t think that I should be a part of it right now. I got Stephanie on my back 24/7 and from what you say, Andrew is even coming after me. From the sounds of it, I think David is after me in some way.”

“I have to agree with you about David being after you, but the truth is David is after everyone. So far he has succeeded in taking everyone away from Abigail. He has made them turn their backs on Abigail and reject her. I am here to save them so that they can go back and see her on earth. I will show them the way, and once I leave to go back to earth to be with Abigail, you will help them see the way.”

Rachel looked torn. There had to be something that Kaitlyn could do in order to convince Rachel that this was a good idea and in her best interest. Well, it was in her best interest in terms of the rest of her life, but not really at the moment. The truth was she needed Rachel, but she also needed her alive. She needed to find some way to get rid of David, Andrew, and Stephanie. The only way that she could think of was to kill them, but she had absolutely no desire to do that at all.

“I understand that, but I will be no help if I am dead. The best thing for me to do right now is to get out of this house and get back home, maybe even find a way to sneak in to the school. Once I can assure you of my safety, I will come back and follow you. I’m sorry, but I think this is best.”

“I will be waiting for you Rachel. I love you with all of my heart.”

Rachel and Kaitlyn embraced in a long hug. It would probably be a while before they ever saw each other again. It wouldn’t be an easy job for Rachel to just get free from the grips of Stephanie.

Rachel left the house. Kaitlyn sat back down in the chair and opened the curtains and looked out over the village. The road was now filled to its normal self with people. Why it had been empty earlier; Kaitlyn still had no idea.

As she looked out all she could see were lost people. The strange thing was that when she looked at these people, she saw their hearts. Their hearts were plastered like a poster onto the outside of them. What was inside of them showed on their outside. Kaitlyn could see the pain, the rejection, the loneliness, the feeling of being lost. She saw them hurting, and she felt for them. If they only knew.

The library was hot and stuffy. The day was warm and the library had no air conditioning which made it impossible to feel cool in. Andrew and Stephanie sat at a table in the back of the building near the stairs that led to the second story. They were both anxious to see Rachel.

Well, they weren’t really existed to see her, but they needed to find her. If they didn’t find her, David was probably going to kill one, if not both of them. David was ruthless and did not seem to give up one little bit. He was very pushy and would not let anyone change his opinion in any way.

David had told them their one job was to keep Rachel away from Kaitlyn. What was the one thing they did? They lost Rachel totally. Who knows, she could have found some way to talk to Kaitlyn, and could be staying with her at the very moment.

Stephanie didn’t know what it was the kept her from getting up and head back to Abigail’s house to look for them, or even Kaitlyn’s house. Something in her mind would not let her go and do it. She just knew that she would find Rachel here. Whether she had actually been in school or not, she would come here because she would know that they would be waiting for her, or at least Stephanie would be waiting for her. She probably had no idea that Andrew had been pulled in to this.

There was still another hour left in the school day, but yet for some reason they decided to stay and remain there. It wasn’t going to get out early, why didn’t they just go leave and come back in an hour? Well, there was the fact that Rachel could show up early because she hadn’t really gone to school. That was a slim chance, but this was the meeting place and within the hour Stephanie would know where she would need to keep her search to. She would either find her, or have no idea where to look.

The door slammed shut and a young girl in a pink dress walked in. She had beautiful long brown hair, which had a pretty pink flower in it; she was nicely tanned and had beautiful blue eyes. She stared right at them with almost a glare on her face.

So it was true! Rachel had lied to Stephanie for the first time. She hadn’t gone to school. She had been off doing who knows what. It didn’t matter because she had come back. It would be fine, as the terms with David went, as long as she didn’t tell them she was leaving them to follow Kaitlyn. That wouldn’t happen though; Rachel was too much of a coward and too scared of Stephanie’s wrath.

Stephanie glared back at Rachel as she walked down the center of the library towards them. Stephanie wanted to go up and kill her right now, but she knew that wasn’t necessary. She couldn’t prove that she had done anything wrong yet. Then again, she had never told Rachel that she couldn’t see Kaitlyn; it was only the other way around.

“Come here young lady! We need to talk. You aren’t in trouble because I never told you that you couldn’t meet up with Kaitlyn.” Rachel began to sweat, but neither Stephanie nor Andrew noticed that she was hiding something. “I don’t know that you did, but if you did you aren’t in trouble. I guess the question is where you meeting with Kaitlyn today while you were missing?”

Rachel’s heart had begun to race, but stopped when Stephanie said she didn’t know she had met with Kaitlyn. Rachel’s heart began to beat fast again when she would have to lie and deny talking with Kaitlyn. “No, I didn’t. I am so sorry that I wasn’t at school like I said I was. I did go this morning like I had said, but I just couldn’t stay. Not with having the news you dropped on me this morning in the front of my mind. I had to get out and be by myself. I went home at some point, I must have missed you.”

Stephanie wanted to say that there was something in Rachel’s voice that said she was hiding something, but she didn’t believe it. She assumed that it was more because she wanted her to be guilty. No, not fully as in getting herself in trouble with David, but having met with Kaitlyn. She didn’t understand why she wanted it, but it was on her heart and was what she felt.

“Let’s go home,” Stephanie said and then headed towards the door.

Stephanie led the way as they left the library and walked down the road towards her house.

As they walked by Abigail’s house, Stephanie saw Kaitlyn looking out the window looking at the people. She had a strange look on her face. Stephanie glared at her, but Kaitlyn didn’t seem to care. She probably was annoyed because she stared straight at her, but she didn’t look annoyed. It was a look that Stephanie had only ever seen Abigail make before. Maybe it was like mother like daughter.

They walked into the house and Stephanie made Rachel go right to the living room so that they could talk. Andrew followed them and took a seat so that he could just listen. He was planning on saying a few things, but figured that Stephanie would complain and he always got annoyed by that.

“Well, we need to have a talk Rachel. Things around here have changed a little bit. Kaitlyn is becoming more like her mother and she is becoming more dangerous. First of all she has begun smoking like her mom always has. It is disgusting and I don’t want you anywhere near her.” Stephanie began.

“Well, it is my life you know. Shouldn’t I be able to do what I want? Yes, I understand that you think you are trying to protect me, but I see no harm in Kaitlyn. I never saw any harm in Abigail like you always have. If there is any harm in anyone in this village, it is most definitely David.”

“Give me a break Rachel. What did Kaitlyn ruin your mind with last time you saw her? Abigail uses witchcraft and what not to do pointless things. The truth is there is nothing after our death here. There is no way that we can get back to earth, where we came from. Living with her, like she used to claim would allow us to go after we died, is a bunch of junk. It’s not true!”

“You don’t know that! That is no way to speak to about your mother either. And don’t give me that don’t speak to your mother like that junk to me, you’re not my mom! Abigail is my mom! She is your mom as well, why don’t you just listen to her?!”

“Maybe because she is a crazy lunatic and has no idea what in the world she is talking about. She needs a psychologist to help her out. I wish she would just leave the village. She is a dangerous woman, and so is that crazy daughter of her’s. I don’t like either of them and want you to stay away from them. If you don’t, then there will be some serious consequences for you.”

“You’re not my mother Stephanie! Why don’t you just leave me alone? Maybe I should just go home and live with my mom. I think I will! Now if you will excuse me, I will be leaving now.”

What was Stephanie to do? Rachel didn’t want to live with them, but wanted to go to live with Kaitlyn and Abigail. Yeah, it was in a daughter’s nature to want to see her real mom when she finds her, especially when Stephanie wouldn’t agree with what Rachel wanted. It made perfect sense. She would probably want the same thing if she were Rachel’s situation. The problem was David didn’t approve.

Why was she listening to David? Why did she turn her back on Abigail, her mother? She didn’t hate Abigail; she just didn’t want to be one of the few to go to be with her. The problem was David had the power, and he would use it. Not only that, but Andrew was basically in charge of her. That was both a reason to get out and to stay. With Andrew in power he could control her and would probably kill her if she turned her back on David. However, she didn’t want to be subject to Andrew.

She almost wanted to go and follow Rachel. Maybe she would. Well, it was do or die right now. She only had two choices. She could either not allow Rachel to go, which she was running out of time from stopping, or she could go with Rachel.

An idea popped into her head as she was contemplating her decision. She could pretend to go with Rachel, and then once they got there turn her back on her and force her back. Andrew might approve of that, but it sounded very childish. It almost sounded stupid. It could work though. It would give her a longer time to make a decision. If she wanted to stay with Abigail, she would just stay, even though it would be breaking a promise to Andrew, but she didn’t care about that. If she wanted to stay, then she would just stay and hope that Andrew and David didn’t come looking after her to hunt her down. It seemed like the best idea; she just had to get Andrew to agree.

There was another problem however. How was she supposed to convince Rachel that she had changed her mind so quickly? Stephanie did do that quite often, but never to agree with Rachel. Would Rachel actually buy her idea? Probably not, but she could at least try.

Stephanie went up to Andrew and gave him her idea. He thought about it for only a few moments and believed that it would be a great job of deceit and it sounded like it would work. Andrew agreed whole-heartedly and allowed her to try her plan. Now the problem would be Rachel.

Right as she walked to the stairs, Rachel came racing down the stairs. She definitely wanted to get out of the house, there was no mistaking that. “Rachel, I need to speak to you real quick.”

Rachel tried to pretend to ignore, but then she changed her mind. “Okay, but please be quick.”

“I will. I wanted to tell you that I think I will join you. I know this sounds out of place, but I don’t see what I am doing in following David and Andrew. It makes me annoyed to be under their control. Yeah, I know I probably won’t want to follow Abigail, but I want to give it a shot.”

Rachel stood staring at Stephanie, stunned. She had not expected Stephanie to tell her that. She then agreed that her mother could come along, but Stephanie thought she still had doubt in her heart.

What was Stephanie doing? Did she really want to go over to be with Abigail and Kaitlyn? Well, at least Kaitlyn, she may have mentioned that her mom was gone, but she couldn’t remember. She wasn’t there that morning, but that didn’t mean she was out of the village.

Rachel had allowed Stephanie to come along, but it just didn’t feel right. It felt like she might turn her back on Rachel and take her back. Yeah, it didn’t make sense why she would follow David and Andrew, it didn’t seem to gain her anything in the long run, but it was what she had chosen. Rachel tried to drop the idea and just let it play out however it was supposed to.

They walked up to the door and by the time Rachel was about to the knock the door was already open. Kaitlyn was so glad to see Rachel, but seemed a little shocked and possibly scared by Stephanie.

“So, you cleaned out your other place and moved in here already?” Stephanie asked Kaitlyn.

“Yeah, I got done with it this afternoon while you were still looking for Rachel. I then brought all of it over here to move in. It is such a nice house and I really love it. It is a lovely mansion.”

“Mansion? This thing is tiny. It looks closer to a shack. Well, maybe not that small, but it is definitely smaller than every other house. The only mansion here is David’s.”

“Maybe you just look at it the wrong way. Everyone once they decide to reside here, unless they were to live with Abigail. You above all people rejected her. She let you live here when you first came and told you not to leave. You then rebelled and just left and went to live on your own. You then went and took my twin sister. Don’t tell me that what I see isn’t true. It is exactly what your mom saw.”

Rachel could see that Stephanie looked extremely outraged by this. Rachel took a step into the house and went around and into the living room. She didn’t want Stephanie to be able to take her out.

Kaitlyn invited Stephanie in as well and Stephanie walked in and joined Rachel in the living room. Kaitlyn then followed them in. “Would either of you like anything to drink or eat?”

Rachel and Stephanie both declined, so Kaitlyn joined them.

Rachel was positioned on the same couch that she had sat on when she had met with Kaitlyn earlier. Stephanie sat right next to her, while Kaitlyn reclined in her recliner and looked out on the village. Rachel joined Kaitlyn, but didn’t seem to see the enjoyment of it like Kaitlyn seemed to.

“So, where is Abigail?” Stephanie asked impatiently.

“She went home.” Stephanie and Rachel looked at Kaitlyn a little confused. “Well, not here home, but as in back to earth. It is the real home for all of us. She will not be back with us and the only way that you will ever see her again is if you follow me. Things will change, though. You won’t be living in a house anymore that will save you, but you will be following me. It will make more sense in a little bit when I save the village. I am the chosen one, David’s child. David’s daughter. Abigail’s daughter. I know you may not agree with me or understand, but it is the truth. Would either of you like a smick?”

Kaitlyn held out the box that contained the smicks. Rachel could tell that Stephanie still thought they were cigarettes, but Rachel had a different opinion. She wanted to try one, but she was still a little bit scared. She wanted to wait a little longer before she decided to follow Kaitlyn fully. She believed that the smicks worked that that was how they could feel the love and knowledge of Abigail.

They both declined and Kaitlyn put them away. She could tell that it repulsed Stephanie, so she decided not to light one and but the box on the coffee table.

“So what brings the two of you here to my lovely home?” Kaitlyn asked politely.

“I have come to live with you. I would rather live with my twin sister. I believe everything that you and Abigail say, and I think that I might want to follow you.”

Stephanie stayed silent, but then Kaitlyn gave her the look telling her to answer. “Well, I don’t see the point of following David and Andrew any longer and I wanted to talk to Abigail. She is my mom and I have been semi-close to her for a while, but I can see that she is not here.”

The way that Stephanie said her last sentence irked Rachel a little bit. It was as if because Abigail wasn’t there, she wasn’t willing to stay. Rachel didn’t understand why that frightened her so much, but it did. Is Stephanie going to take me with her when she leaves?, Rachel thought. The thought could be so real and it really scared Rachel. Maybe a smick would help. No, she still had to wait. She wasn’t ready.

Rachel tried to refocus her mind elsewhere, so she looked at her twin sister. She couldn’t say that they looked too much like twins. Kaitlyn had red hair, while Rachel’s was dark brown. That was the biggest difference, but it seemed like a big one. Kaitlyn looked so beautiful. Her skin was pure white, which was unseen, but it looked smooth and beautiful. Her white dress blended in with her skin almost. Her red hair was blood red and made a nice contrast to her skin. Her eyes were blue and seemed to go so nicely with her red hair and white skin.

Rachel marveled at her sister. She actually had a twin sister. It was never a thought in her mind before she had been told by Stephanie. It just didn’t seem right, but yet it was true. Then again nothing seemed to feel right, but yet it was right. The village itself just felt wrong, but it was really there and what was said to happen always did. That meant that Kaitlyn would save the village. Her twin.

Stephanie seemed to stare off into space. She looked as if she was trying to make up her mind whether or not to leave. It scared Rachel a little, but not as much anymore. Being in the presence of Kaitlyn seemed to take some of the fear away. Maybe being in her presence was like smoking a smick.

Kaitlyn continued to look out the window from time to time. At the other times she seemed to stare back and forth between Rachel and Stephanie. Rachel wondered what Kaitlyn saw when she looked at them. It couldn’t be what the rest of them saw. It would get boring looking at people over and over again. The look on Kaitlyn’s face also said that it had to be something else. What was it?

“Hey, Kaitlyn, I have a strange question for you.” Kaitlyn nodded and told Rachel to continue on. “What do you see when you look at us? I mean, when I look at people I don’t see a whole lot special that I just want to stare at them, except you. You are so beautiful. What do you see in us?”

Stephanie stood up and announced that she was leaving and then grabbed Rachel by the arm. She started heading toward the door and was almost halfway there by the time Kaitlyn said anything.

“What are you doing Stephanie? Let her go! You have no right to take her. I am the closest related person to her here; I think I have authority over her. She wanted to stay here, so let her.”

Stephanie didn’t seem to hear a word Kaitlyn said, or at least she didn’t listen to them. She just continued to pull Kaitlyn along the floor. They were already outside the house by the time Kaitlyn stopped yelling at Stephanie. Rachel tried to get Stephanie to stop, but it was too late. When Stephanie got her mind on something, she wanted to do it, and she would never give up. She dragged Rachel all the way back to her house. She then through her on the couch and made Andrew talk to her.

“What did you do Rachel? Did you disobey your mom? You should know by know that this is not the way that you are supposed to act. Anyways, we have some things that we need to talk about.”

“She’s not my mom! She is my half-sister and has no authority over me. My mom is back on earth right now and Kaitlyn is the only one who knows the way back. I must follow her!”

“No, you are totally wrong. There is another way. It will steal the power away from Abigail and Kaitlyn and will open up a way for us to get to earth. It is a much more fun way to get back than to live in Abigail’s house with her. I tried it for a little bit, but it really sucked. It also sucked living in Kaitlyn’s house. Those two cannot be trusted. They are out to deceive us.”

“Don’t you dare speak of my mom and my twin sister like that! They have done nothing wrong. All they can do is speak the truth and that is what they have done. Can’t you respect that? Of course you can’t, you listen to David the liar. He has deceived you into doing his work.”

“You are so wrong Rachel. David doesn’t deceive anyone; the only people who can deceive anyone are Kaitlyn and Abigail. They are the liars here, not David. You are the deceived one.”

“You are right about that. David deceived me when he took me and then abandoned me on the street. Stephanie was nice enough to take me in. She then turned her back on Abigail and brought me up in the way of the village, not the ways of Abigail. The ways of the village are the ways of David and his deceit and lies. The way of Abigail is the way of truth. I want the way of truth, not the way of lies.”

“You are so mixed up in your logic. You are switching everything around and making them the opposite of what they are. You need to get you facts straight before you go around making claims like this. Abigail is a lunatic and so is her crazy daughter Kaitlyn.”

Rachel didn’t believe Andrew at all, how was what he was saying possible? No, it couldn’t be. Kaitlyn was definitely no lunatic and neither was Abigail. The only think that separated them from the rest of the town was the fact that they were different, but didn’t make them lunatics.

Andrew decided to speak up again while Rachel sat silently. “I know the way to be able to take the power from Abigail and Kaitlyn and allow us to get back to earth. I want you to help me complete the list that is set out in front of us.” Andrew took out the list and showed it to Rachel.

Rachel looked at the list and saw ten items on the list. The real strange thing was the tenth one. It wasn’t what is said, but it was not the same handwriting. Was this a fake or something?

“I don’t believe you Andrew. This is totally fake. The tenth one is in differently handwriting than the rest. It was added recently. I don’t believe that it will actually work. I reject what you tell me. I still believe that Abigail and Kaitlyn are the truth and David is only a lie.” Rachel spoke confidently.

Andrew looked shocked at Rachel’s response, but then nodded to Stephanie with a grin on his face. Stephanie left and the room grew silent for a few minutes before Stephanie returned. She returned with a young girl, who looked the same age as both her and Kaitlyn. She had red hair like Kaitlyn, had blue eyes and was very paled skin. She wasn’t white like Kaitlyn, but she was pretty close. Her skin color was probably right in between her own and Kaitlyn’s. What was going on?

Andrew looked at the new girl and then back at Rachel. “This is also your twin sister, Kaitlyn. You and Kaitlyn, the one you like, are triplets with this girl, Kaitlyn. Why David and Abigail had two girls named Kaitlyn, I don’t understand, but it is the truth. This was the Kaitlyn that I had met and been with. Well, actually it was both of them. You aren’t really a triplet. You are just a twin with Kaitlyn.

“In the school when Kaitlyn was planning on stealing the Prism of Amor, she broke down. I went up to the school to check on Kaitlyn after she was taking a long time. I found her in there with Abigail. The thing was I didn’t see one of them, I saw two of them. The one with pure white skin, and the other with a mix somewhere in between yours and Kaitlyn’s. The Kaitlyn you know. I tried to get Kaitlyn to leave with me, but she wouldn’t. Well, that wasn’t completely true, this Kaitlyn did.”

Rachel’s mind began to spin. What was going on? There were two Kaitlyns? Was this even humanly possible? Then, again the whole thing with the village and getting back to earth and all of that was hardly possible as well. Rachel did not like where things were going.

Andrew began to speak again. “To make things easier, I will call the Kaitlyn, present here, Chloe, and I will call the sister you were just with, Kaitlyn. Chloe has been helping me get the items on this list. We are getting much closer; we only have the Sphere of Death left to get. After we get that, we will be able to go and complete the rest of the list. After that we will take whoever is with us back to earth and we will then live there. If you want to join us, you can get back to earth.”

Rachel was not ready for this. Who was really Kaitlyn? Who was the Kaitlyn that she had been friends with before she found out who she really was? Rachel did not like the situation she was put in. Could she not accept and be allowed to live? It was unlikely, but it was also possible. Basically she was deciding between life and death. Maybe if she would be able to stay alive until Kaitlyn saved the village. Then after Kaitlyn did that, Rachel could go back and then follow Kaitlyn. If she died after that, she would be allowed to go back to earth, and it would all work out very well. Right?

Rachel was still lost. She didn’t know how she could make such a life changing decision. She didn’t have much longer to think before they knew how much she wanted to be with Kaitlyn. The Kaitlyn that she had spent the day with, not this Kaitlyn, or Chloe, that was in her house.

“I will join you.” Rachel said it and then did whatever it was that she could to hold back the tears. What had she done? What were they going to make her do?

“Good, I was hoping that you would agree. To make it official we need to go to David and tell him of the great news. Let’s get going.” Andrew got up and walked toward the door.

Rachel got up and started to follow him, but didn’t really believe that she was making the right decision. Well, of course she wasn’t, she knew that Kaitlyn was right. She knew Kaitlyn was truth. She had rejected the truth so that she could live. What was she thinking? Did this life really mean that much, or did life on earth mean everything. Did getting back mean everything?

Did they really have to go to David’s? That was the place that Rachel dreaded most to go to. She was really regretting her decision, but she didn’t stop following. She couldn’t stop following. She just continued to walk and follow Andrew. Why couldn’t she just turn away and run to Kaitlyn’s? Was she really that scared? Would they actually kill her? Of course they would. She had to follow them.

What had just gone on? Stephanie and Rachel had just come in to her house, and then suddenly Stephanie got up and dragged Rachel out with her. It was something that Kaitlyn had never seen before. It was most likely Stephanie’s plan all along. She lied about wanting to be there, and then showed her point of why she didn’t want Rachel over there.

Her timing was not what Kaitlyn wanted. It was the one thing that she would have wanted Rachel to know, but she got cut off by Stephanie. Maybe she should have just answered the question instead of yelling at Stephanie. Stephanie had no intentions of stopping and at least that way Rachel would have heard the truth. Now Stephanie and probably Andrew had Rachel and they could go and do whatever they wanted to do with her. They might even turn her over to David. That would be a very bad thing. She could not let that happen. Did she go after them to get Rachel? No, she couldn’t. Rachel’s decision to follow her had to be totally on her own. Rachel would have to save herself and get out.

Kaitlyn’s head then went back to the night in the school. It was the night that she was born. She was born out of rage and selfishness. She was born from a 16 years old girl who wanted to take power away from her mom. Power that couldn’t be taken away. It was the first time that Kaitlyn had a chance to make decisions on her own. Before she was just a seed in her trying to tell her what to do, but getting shut down. That night however, she escaped from Kaitlyn and became the new Kaitlyn.

She was the perfect Kaitlyn. Well, perfect in the eyes of her mom. That was all that really mattered, so she really was perfect. Now, where was the other Kaitlyn anyways? The one that she had been born from. The evil side of Kaitlyn, even though Kaitlyn before the school was almost totally evil.

She really had two people that she needed to save now. She needed to save Rachel and she needed to save her old self, or the one whom she came from. Was she really Abigail’s and David’s daughter if she was basically born from Kaitlyn? She was the result of Kaitlyn splitting apart, not from the result of a pregnancy. Did Abigail know about the split? Of course, she had to. She knew the totally truth about everything, she had to know. Abigail had said she, Kaitlyn, the good one, was the chosen.

Kaitlyn walked up the stairs to the second story of the house. She then walked into her mom’s room and disappeared in to the closet. She then walked up the stairs that were in the back of the closet. She had found the stairs after her mom had left. She had found them this morning to be more exact.

The stairs led up to a third story. On the third story, there was a large room, but only one room. It was a 15’ square. It was surrounded by windows on every end. She could look out every direction and see what was going on. She had determined it was one-way glass, so they couldn’t see her. She just looked out over them and saw them the way only her mom could see them. The way that Rachel wanted to see them, but didn’t know how, and wouldn’t because of Stephanie. Well, at one point when they saw each other again she would, but for the time being she wouldn’t be able to know.

What could she do now? Rachel was in the hands of Stephanie and Andrew and probably David. There was nothing that Kaitlyn could go and do unless she killed them. There was no way that she could ever do that, of course. She wasn’t a violent person, she was calm, and she was nice. She could never person, even if it was to do something that needed to happen. She had to get Rachel, and she would, but she didn’t know when.

The real question was whether she should start going around and revealing the truth, or wait until she had Rachel. Rachel would be the only way after she would leave, but everyone needed to know the truth. Could she just sit around and wait for Rachel to get back to her, or did she take action? No, she couldn’t take action in getting her back, but she could take action in spreading the truth.

Well, that would definitely be hard. No one in the village, besides Rachel, liked her in any way. They all hated her. They didn’t recognize her as their sister, but instead as a foreigner. Well, she was in a way. This wasn’t her home, but it was where she was sent to help out those who lost their way. Those that had lost their way and forgotten where they came from, or just plain ignored it.

They all didn’t really care that they came from Abigail. They were in this village now and David seemed to be in charge of them, and they seemed to like it that way. They thought that he was the good one. They had all believed that he could help them escape, but that all failed. They then decided that this was a better place to live than earth, and had decided to stay and not follow Abigail back to earth.

The house that they had just entered was small, black, and quite ugly. It was not the place that Rachel wanted to go at all. It was even a bit haunting and scary.

She had followed Andrew, Stephanie, and Chloe in to the house. It was not the same kind of house that Rachel had remembered stepping in to the first time she was at David’s house. Then it had seemed big, and a great place to be. That was how Andrew, Stephanie, and Chloe all saw it. Had something changed in her? Why was she seeing it differently than them and than she had before?

David had greeted them at the door and had led them into the living room. The living room looked the same as it had before, but it seemed to be or at least feel smaller. Was something going on with her? Was there something in this air? Why was she seeing and feeling such strange things.

“So, Rachel, you have decided to join the mission to get back to earth, I see. It is great joy for me to welcome you in to our little club. It is a pleasure to have you on our side, and not with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is trying to deceive you and make you believe lies. I can only tell the truth, and that is all that I have told you, so I am glad that you want to be on the side of the truth and get back to earth.” David began.

“It is a great honor that I can finally come and meet the man that knows everything. It is also great that I can meet the man that is my father knowing that it is a complete fact. It is great truth.”

David looked a little stunned that she knew about it, but he was able to keep his composure quite well. “You do know the truth. That must mean that you know Kaitlyn, or as she likes to be called, Chloe, here is you twin sister. You two will become great acquaintances. “

Rachel did really seem to like where the conversation was going. Well, that was because it was going nowhere. Why did she have to come over here? What was the point of this talking? She needed to get out of here so that she could go and find Kaitlyn. She needed to see her and know the truth.

She didn’t want to live with the lies that David was feeding her. She didn’t want to come through on this commitment to them. She didn’t believe them, and she didn’t want to be in on this evil that they were planning. What could she do to get out of here?

“To confirm you commitment to this cause, I will need you to stay here with me. You must stay with me in my house so that I know you are really committed to us. You will go out and help Andrew and Chloe search for the Sphere of Death, but that is all that you can do outside of this house. Understand?” David spoke to her with and evil grin on his face and Rachel was scared to death.

Rachel nodded her head. This was not good at all. She needed to get to Kaitlyn, but there was no way that she could do that if she was staying in this hell. The only thing that she could do outside of David’s house was to go in search of the sphere. She didn’t want to, but it was what would happen.

“Good. Now, I want the three of you to go out and search for the sphere. Stephanie, I want you to stay here with me for the time being. You are no use to them, but you will be use to me.” Rachel’s heart sank as David spoke the words. He was going to kill Stephanie, wasn’t he?

She left with Andrew and Chloe before she could hear what was going on with Stephanie. She did notice one thing about what David was doing that was strange. Stephanie seemed to have no fear as she walked up to David, but instead she had a smile on her face and seemed happy. Did she not know that David’s intention was most likely to kill her? Was she that naïve to the truth?

The walk out the door was quite a boring one. They walked out on to the road and then took a turn and headed down the street towards the library area. Where were they going to? Did they actually know where the sphere was? Of course they didn’t. The sphere couldn’t be that easy to find. There was no way that they could go through the list that easily. Was there?

Rachel was naïve herself to their knowledge of the sphere. There was a possibility that they would know, but it had to be such a slim one. Rachel hoped that they didn’t. She didn’t want to see the power that this stuff put together could be. She wanted Kaitlyn alive and she wanted to remain alive. How was this going to happen? She didn’t know, but she was scared to death.

She would follow Andrew and Chloe until she had a chance to go to Kaitlyn. She couldn’t risk her own death. Kaitlyn had agreed with her on that fact. Kaitlyn had told her that she needed her. Why would Kaitlyn need her, Rachel? Why was she important? Was she important? What was the truth?

Rachel suddenly found herself torn. There was no reason that Kaitlyn would need her. That gave some doubt to the credibility of Kaitlyn. If Kaitlyn could be doubted then she couldn’t know all of the truth. This was not a good thing. She needed to find Kaitlyn so that she could learn more. Or did she? Maybe David, Andrew, Chloe, and Stephanie were right. Maybe the list was the way that they could get back to earth. Did Rachel really want to get back to earth? Had she ever even been there?

Questions went in and out of Rachel’s head, but none of them ever seemed to get answered. All she knew was the fact that she was walking in the village. Everything may or may not be true. She needed something more. Something that could change her and give her some reason to live. She didn’t know anything that could do that. If she could find nothing that was even slightly worthy to live for, then what was she even doing. All she seemed to be to the people of the village was a wanted pawn.

Yes, there was the fact that she was wanted, but she was only wanted so that she could be used. What good was being wanted if it was just to be used? Rachel couldn’t think of any reason. Was there a reason? Of course there wasn’t. She was just a useless girl that was being used. First Kaitlyn was trying to use her, but Stephanie took her from that and brought her to David to be used by him. She hated it.

“We think that we have determined where the sphere is.” Chloe spoke confidently as she and Andrew turned and walked right in to Kaitlyn’s house. The house that used to be Abigail’s.

The knock at the door didn’t even startle Kaitlyn. She knew they were coming. They were coming for the sphere. The sphere that she would one day give them. She wouldn’t let them have it today, but that was because her time had not come. Well, the sphere really had no power and neither did the list, but she was going to let them believe it did. They would feel like they had the power to kill her by using the list, but she was not to die yet, so she couldn’t let them have it.

She answered the door and the only sigh of relief that she saw was Rachel. Well, it was both good and bad. Good because she had the possibility to have a chance to talk to her and bad because that meant they had deceived her. Well, they had already deceived her, but they were now using her to get what they wanted. The desires of David just sickened Kaitlyn.

“Hello, it is such a pleasant surprise that you would drop by. I’m sure you, Kaitlyn and Andrew, are just returning to continue the love that you had for each other in this house.” Kaitlyn began.

“Shut up Kaitlyn. First of all call me Chloe. I am no longer that piece of trash named Kaitlyn. Oh wait that is you. Anyways we came for the sphere. The Sphere of Death. I know that it is here, so why don’t you just go and get it for me. Otherwise we will search your house until we find it.” Chloe responded with a fierceness that Kaitlyn never remembered having before they split.

“I won’t give it to you Chloe. It isn’t the right time yet. In time I will give it to you, but I am just beginning the reason that I am here, which I believe you know quite well. You know the whole truth, but yet you have rejected it. Why don’t you believe Abigail? Why did you rebel against her?”

“She was never a mother to me. In that school when she embraced you she became the mom she never was to me. She loved you, but never loved me. Why shouldn’t I hate her?”

“Your right she wasn’t the mom she should have been to us at first, but that was our own fault. We were never the daughter we should have been and she was only correcting us. She was correcting us so that we could be the daughter that we were supposed to be. It never happened and we became torn. In the school that night we finally split because I couldn’t take rejected her.”

“It was never us Kaitlyn, just accept that fact. I don’t know where you came from, but you were not there when mom was treating me terribly. Why don’t you just go back to where you came from and leave me alone? Now give me the sphere and stop bugging me and stay away from Rachel!”

“I will never go back to where I came from. I could never last another day inside of you. I was your good side, but you rarely listened to me. I tried to convince you that what you were doing to mom wasn’t right, but you didn’t listen. You had control of the body, I was only a voice disagreeing. You had complete control and wouldn’t let me have any. I had to get away. There was no way that I could continue to reject mom. I had to get out and I kept the prism with me. I was able to escape, take the prism, and then mom came and I asked for her to forgive you, told her the truth and she comforted me. She treated me the way she always treated us, but I accepted it, that was what you saw that was different from past times. I wanted it, you hated it. Mom always treated us right.”

“Give me the sphere before I kill you and then come and take it by force.”

“No, leave her alone Chloe. She never did anything to you.” It was Rachel. She was defending Kaitlyn. Not only that, but she was doing publically and doing it to Chloe, the one who hated Kaitlyn.

“Excuse me. Who gave you permission to talk? Oh, I don’t think you were ever given any. I think you should keep your mouth shut. You want to know what she did to me? She took my mom and used her as her own. I don’t like people who deceive others and take things for themselves.”

“That sounds like exactly what you are doing. You first took Andrew to help you out with your scheme to get rid of Abigail. I know you told yourself, and me, that you were only doing it to get out and take mom with you and not hurt her, but I knew your real mind. You wanted her gone. You wanted what she had for yourself. You are no different that David. You take a poor innocent person and then you use them to get what you desire. You took Andrew first, and now you took Rachel. I know that they are really working for David, but that is just what you are telling him. They are really working for you and you are then going to turn your back on David and use him for your own plan.” Kaitlyn shot back.

“You are wrong again illegitimate child. Oh wait, you aren’t even that. You were never born, you just appeared from out of nowhere and then you stole my life. You thief! I hate you! Give me back my mom and the sphere and I will let you live. Otherwise I will kill you.”

“First of all mom isn’t here anymore. She went back to earth. That is where she is waiting for me to return for her after I finish my business here. After I save the village. Mom told me, the prophesy is about me. Yes, it is true that I came from you, but I was born with you. We were born from Abigail and David. You took after David, while I took after Abigail. We were born of both, but we were in one mind fighting for the same body. The school changed things and our bodies split.”

Chloe stopped for a second. Did she really care about Abigail? She seemed to be shocked and she just stopped and it didn’t look like she could think about anything else for the time being. Had Kaitlyn miss judged her? No, that couldn’t be possible. Well, yes she did care about Abigail and wanted her to be her mom; she just wanted her to be changed. She wanted Abigail, but a different Abigail. An Abigail that was like David. She was caught in the middle between the mom she wanted and the mom she had. It had torn her apart and she had just totally lost it and turned her back.

Kaitlyn had been able to keep Chloe’s passion in check when they were together Kaitlyn, but within the last week before they split, Chloe had turned her passion and rebelled. Kaitlyn was no longer able to keep Chloe at bay and Chloe took over Kaitlyn and rebelled against her mom. Yes, it was true that she didn’t want Abigail dead and wanted to take her to earth. What Chloe failed to realize though, was the fact that she only wanted that so she could change Abigail. If she wasn’t able to complete that mission, then she would have killed Abigail. Kaitlyn was only a little bit wrong about Chloe.

Chloe stood staring trying to hold back the tear in her eyes that she had for Abigail. “All I ever wanted was for her to see me for who I was. If she would have been more like Dad, he would have never left and I wouldn’t have lived my life in hell like I am right now.”

“She saw you for who you were and I see you the same way. You are her daughter. That is what I see you as, but I also see you as me. You are me, but you are just lost and can’t see the truth. David has blinded you. When we went to see him to try to get his help on fulfilling the list, he blinded you. He put the passion in your heart to get what you wanted. You rejected the passion in my heart that wanted you to see that mom was the truth and the way and that David was lying to you. That’s what happened.”

Chloe stared at Kaitlyn still rejecting the truth that even she knew was true. Kaitlyn could tell that Chloe knew that they were once one and that she had hated Kaitlyn then. She still did with that same passion she hated her right before she left and took her own body.

“Fine, I won’t kill you, but I really want to get the sphere. I will use it to go to earth and reconcile with mom. I will tell her that it was me and not her of why I had felt like she was rejecting me. I will then follow her, but I need to get back there so that I will be able to see her.”

“That is the problem with you. You don’t see, hear, or believe the truth. The truth is that following the list won’t get you anywhere. It gives you no power.” Did she really want to say that? Yeah, Chloe wouldn’t believe her and would believe that her power would have killed Kaitlyn the day Kaitlyn died. It didn’t really matter. “It will definitely not get you back to earth. There is only one way that could have gotten back to earth and that was to live in the house of Abigail when she was here. Right now there is no way to get to earth to be with her. Not until the village is saved will there be a way.”

“Why don’t you just quit talking about all of this nonsense? You are trying to deceive both Rachel and Andrew to come and follow you. Now stop it! They only follow the truth and David is the only one who knows it. Now I know it because he has told me. That is why they follow David and I.”

“I am not deceiving them, I am telling them the truth, just like I am telling you. I am only continuing on what Abigail was doing. Revealing the truth to everyone. I want everyone to get to earth so that they can be with Abigail. Abigail is your mom as well as the rest of theirs and I just want them to know that and see that. I just want to show them that and the way to be able to see her.”

“I am tired of fighting with you. Just give me the sphere and I will get out of your hair.”

“No, as I told you not yet. I have to reveal the truth to everyone, and then I will give it to you. I will give it to you not long before I save the village. I am not lying to you; I only tell you the truth. Even if you don’t believe the rest of what I just told you, at least believe that I will give it to you later on.”

“Why should I believe anything you say? You are only a liar. I only listen to honest people, like Andrew, maybe Rachel, but I doubt she is. You, you definitely aren’t honest. If you give me the sphere now, I will believe that you are honest. I will trust you only if you give the sphere now. Right now!”

“I will give it to you on the right day. You should focus on the last 4 things right now. You still have to find the star that you will set the five items on. I do hope that it is inside somewhere though because I don’t wish to see you, David, or whoever performs the ceremony without clothes on. I promise that I will give you the sphere. This is speaking as your twin sister, or even better this is me speaking as your own heart. I will give you the sphere the day before I save the village.”

Chloe stared right at Kaitlyn. There was no belief in her eyes, but there was agreement. She was apparently tired of arguing and getting nowhere. “We will search your house for it, now let us in.”

Chloe shoved her way past Kaitlyn, followed closely by Andrew and Rachel brought up the tail. “You won’t find it Chloe. I am the only one who knows where it is. I moved it from where you knew.”

“Rachel, I want you to go and take the upstairs. Andrew and I will search this level for it. You are wrong Kaitlyn. We will find it. If not, I will be back and I will tear your house apart to find it.”

“You won’t. You are bad like that Chloe. You aren’t one to truly break the law. The sphere is in Abigail’s possession, which makes you a thief. You took up residency here, which makes you a citizen of the village and makes the sphere not yours. Abigail never became a residence, but she still had legal possession of the sphere. I won’t become a resident either, because this isn’t my home.”

 Chloe ignored her and went on with her search. Andrew had made his way looking through the living room, while Rachel had made her way up the stairs. Kaitlyn slowly slipped up the stairs without the knowledge of Andrew or Chloe so that she could secretly talk with Rachel.

Rachel began her search for the sphere. She looked first in Kaitlyn’s room, but found nothing. She then searched the bathroom, but again found nothing. She then found Kaitlyn in Abigail’s old room. While Abigail had lived there, the room had things spread around it, but now it was perfectly clean. What had happened? Did it suddenly get perfectly clean when she suddenly disappeared?

“What are you doing in here Kaitlyn? You know that if they find me talking to you, I will get in huge trouble. Please leave before they catch us together. Please!” Rachel pleaded with Kaitlyn.

“They won’t catch us. They will be very busy downstairs for a while. There are a lot of cabinets and a lot of closets and stuff that I hid a bunch of junk in today. I knew they were coming and cleaned out my mom’s room and put them in the closets. Actually, I didn’t have to. They ended up like that when she disappeared. I had the thought because I knew Chloe would come looking for it. I assumed that you would be held captive by her and I needed to stall her so I could talk to you.

“I knew Chloe would be smart enough to send you upstairs because it wasn’t up there. She wouldn’t have wanted you to have found it and kept it for yourself. She needed to find it. Thankfully my plan of stuffing junk in all of the hiding places was done and I didn’t have to do anything. Abigail was a very nice mom and did that for me right before she left.

“Anyways, I want to answer the question you asked me before Stephanie took you from me. The answer is that I see people by their hearts. I see who they are on the inside, but I see it on the outside. I see the people of the village lost. They are lost, but trying to find the truth. I want to cry for them because it is so sad on what is happening to them. I wish that they could just believe and they could get rid of their deceit that David has brought up in all of you and they can believe Abigail and … me.”

Rachel looked at Kaitlyn. She saw nothing but her pure white flesh, her pure white dress, even though it hardly looked like she had any clothes on because they matched so well, her beautiful long red hair, and the rest of her body. Rachel didn’t see anything else, but flesh and clothes and hair.

“I don’t understand. All I see when I look at you is your clothes, you pure white skin, and your lovely red hair. I don’t see what you see. I’m not sure that I believe you anymore.”

Kaitlyn looked down from Rachel’s answer. She looked like Rachel had scared her for life. Was she doing something wrong? Of course it wasn’t, there was no way that Kaitlyn really knew the truth. Even if she did know the truth, was she worth living for? There was no reason that Rachel could find that living to get back to earth could help her. She didn’t even remember earth, if she had even ever been. Earth didn’t seem like anything special besides when Kaitlyn talked about it. Kaitlyn never gave specifics, but she talked about it like it was something amazing and that it should be desire to make it.

Kaitlyn had said that she needed Rachel, but why? She was probably just going to use her as a pawn in whatever kind of operation that she was planning and running. Was there really a way to get to this earth that some of the people of the village talked about? Rachel sure didn’t know.

Rachel gave up looking for the sphere in Abigail’s old room. It wasn’t in here. She knew that for sure. Kaitlyn was too smart for that. She had to have known that Chloe or Andrew or David would have come looking for it and she had to have hidden it, and hidden it well. She didn’t know where it could be, but would she endanger herself by hiding it in the room that she decided to stay in while they were looking. If Chloe or Andrew were able to find it, it would possibly mean death for Kaitlyn.

Something in Rachel wanted to hear what Kaitlyn was going to say, part of her wanted to not hear it and another part didn’t want to get in trouble with Chloe. Did she want to hear it or not? She didn’t know, but she couldn’t stay standing around for too much longer or Chloe would find her.

“I don’t have much time, so tell me everything that you need me to know before I get pulled out of here. I want to hear what you have to say before I get kicked out of this house again. I want to at least know what I will be getting in to with you if I can find away to get away from them without dying.”

Kaitlyn stared at Rachel for a few moments before she began speaking. “Well, what I need you to do is follow me. By following me you will learn the truth and then you will pass it on when I go back to earth. That is it in short. In longer terms, the whole story is the fact that I will be going around the village, starting tomorrow, and started teaching people the truth. I will be reminding them about where they came from. I will then teach them about the way to get back to earth and what their job is.

“Then I will be forced to give up my life in order to save the whole village. From the prophesy they will expect an attack or something and be saved from that, but it isn’t the complete truth. It is really none of the truth; I will only be saving them from themselves. They all rejected Abigail and refused to live in her house with her, so I have come. I have never rejected Abigail. I am Kaitlyn. Chloe chose not to live in her house for a few days before I separated from her. I then have lived with Abigail the whole time. I haven’t rejected her, but embraced her. I have come to take up their rejection by being rejected by everyone. I will then die with them rejecting me.

“I will then come back the next day and show myself to the village. They won’t believe me, but I will try. I will then go back to earth to be with Abigail. I must leave someone to remind the people of the way to get back to earth. For that I have chosen you. Yes, you will reject me on the day that I am died because you are human. Yes, I am too, but I have embraced Abigail, not rejected her. I will then appear to you fully alive the next day, you will then believe and follow me. It must happen this way.”

“I have to go. I must not let them know that I was talking to you. I will see you later Kaitlyn.”

Rachel went back down the stairs and found both Chloe and Andrew wrapping up their searches unsuccessful. Rachel wasn’t surprised, she knew Kaitlyn was smart enough to hide it from them. However, Chloe was once part of the same mind as Kaitlyn, so she should have known where to look. She didn’t however and the sphere remained hidden from them and their search in vain.

They then left the house with Chloe frustrated. She had failed to get the one thing that she needed to get before she could begin her ceremony. Well, she did still have to find the star that she would have to put the five things on, but she must have assumed that it would be too easy to do and would hold off until she had the rest. Well, she didn’t have the rest and may never.

Rachel believed Kaitlyn and everything that she said, but didn’t like what she had said. It felt exactly like she was being used as a pawn by Kaitlyn. She didn’t like that at all. She would be rejected herself after Kaitlyn was rejected because she would be in support of Kaitlyn. That would totally ruin the rest of the life for her. How could she do such a thing? Then again, how could she turn her back on her friend? Not just any friend, but Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, the best friend she had ever had.

Rachel pondered the questions as she headed back to David’s house following Andrew and Chloe. Chloe kept on cursing the fact that she couldn’t find the sphere and knew that Kaitlyn had somehow hid it. Andrew didn’t talk much, but just listened to Chloe’s complaining and seemed to be getting quite annoyed. He tried to ignore her, but she would just get angry with him.

Rachel kept on heading back to Kaitlyn. She meant so much to her, but yet she was about to reject her. Reject her for following David, Andrew, and Chloe to wherever they ended up going. It was supposed to be earth, but Kaitlyn claimed that she was the only one who knew the way. Who was right? She may never know the truth until after she died or went to earth. What did she choose? Did she choose her dear friend, or did she follow after what seemed to be so much nicer and so much easier.

There was no way that she would want Kaitlyn to die. The problem was Kaitlyn might die whether or not Rachel followed her or not. She didn’t want her to die, but for some reason it seemed like she would. Yes everyone hated her, but still it didn’t mean that she should have to die. This was her twin sister, and most of the villager’s half-aunt or half-sister. Abigail was the connection among all of them and Kaitlyn made a convincing way of connecting them. The question was, was it right?

Who was right, David or Kaitlyn? Abigail was the mother to everyone in the village, or the grandmother to the young ones. David had three daughters now even though Abigail only gave birth to two. Kaitlyn had split and become Chloe and Kaitlyn. The truth was either one of them or Rachel had to save the village. It was the prophesy and they were the only three that were his daughters. Kaitlyn gave a reason for saving the village and claimed that she would. Chloe hadn’t mentioned it at all.

Kaitlyn would most likely save the village, but was she worth it for Rachel to put her life towards? Most wouldn’t do it, but Rachel was different than most of them. She was more closely related to Kaitlyn than everyone except for Chloe who was basically Kaitlyn. Either Chloe or Kaitlyn had to be the one that Rachel would follow, but she didn’t know which one. Chloe’s way involved helping her get her way. Kaitlyn’s did the exact same. Chloe’s involved getting to earth, Kaitlyn’s involved the way to earth. Who was right? Chloe’s way seemed much more fun and more adventurous. Rachel always loved to go on adventures and take dangerous missions. Kaitlyn’s involved most danger. Danger in the sense that everyone would hate her and possibly kill her like they would kill Kaitlyn.

There were two choices. Chloe’s was short term, which definitely seemed nice, but Kaitlyn’s was a long term. Chloe’s was selfish because only those who followed her would go to earth. Kaitlyn’s was selfless because she was dying so that people could see the way to get to earth and it would allow anyone who would listen to the truth the opportunity to get to earth.

Kaitlyn was definitely the nicer one of the two, but Rachel already knew that. She had to decide which one to follow and it would be based on how nice they were. It would be based more on who would give her a reason to live. Something that would make her want to continue on.

Neither of them gave Rachel any respect. None of them gave her anything but a way to earth that she didn’t even know she wanted to go to. One way she would have to earn her way to get to earth, and few had a chance if even possible. The other way she would receive her way and then help show others the way to earth, and everyone had a chance if they believed. Neither really seemed like they had much of a chance of working. Neither of them helped her out in any way.

She was going to be a pawn in helping out one of them with either choice she made. Maybe she should just reject both of them and follow herself. It would be the easiest way, but it also seemed like it was the way that would be worst. She would be so lonely because no one would care. She could be hated, she could be alone, or she could be with a few people and hardly noticed by the rest.

The decision wouldn’t be made soon, but it would be made at some point. She wouldn’t be able to decide tonight, so she would try to sleep on it.

She made her way in to David’s house following Andrew and Chloe. They left after a while, she then ate dinner with David and talked with him. He told her about earth and how it was such a terrible place. He made it sound like it was worse than the hell that she was in now. Did he not believe the same as Andrew and Chloe? Something was up, but Rachel didn’t understand it.

After that she decided that she was tired and decided to sleep. She went to sleep with the questions from her day rattling around in her head. It had been a long day and a lot had happened. She had come to no conclusion on anything, but in some way it had to fit together and it had to reveal the truth. She was torn because of the day, but yet sooner or later it would show her the right way. The way of truth. She only wanted to follow the way of truth. It was the true desire of her heart.

The streets weren’t very crowded as Kaitlyn made her way out onto the street. The morning light shone the same as it did every other day, but there was a different feeling in the air. It was a feeling that couldn’t be understood by any person, any person besides Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn walked down the street. She took the smick that was in her hand and put it in her mouth using her lips to hold it up and then lit it. She let the nice smoke go down into her lungs and let it absorb into the bloodstream and let the love of Abigail held in the smoke go through her body. Kaitlyn didn’t fully understand exactly how the smick gave her the feeling of Abigail’s love, but it did.

As she continued down the street toward the library, she smoked her smick the whole way. It wasn’t a terribly long walk so she took it slowly to get through the entire smick.

Kaitlyn knew exactly what she had to do that morning. She had to get out and preach the truth to everyone. They all needed to know and she needed to tell them. She wanted to try to get to the school first, even though she didn’t really believe that it would happen. The younger ones were the ones who would most easily believe her, so it sounded like a place to start.

The library looked the same as usual from the outside, but when she got inside everything changed. It looked like half of the village was place in the library. It was something that was never seen before, but something that Kaitlyn enjoyed seeing right away. There was no reason to start in the school. Most of the people were in the library, so that was where she would start.

Kaitlyn walked up to a stage that was at the end of the library opposite the door. The stage had been there for years and Kaitlyn didn’t know why it was there, but it was, so she decided to use it.

The people seemed to turn at her and looked at least a bit interested when as she stood on the stage and prepared to speak. She then began. “I don’t know why you are all here, but I do want to speak to you today. Whether you came to listen to a sixteen year old girl, or not, I will talk to you.

“No, I may not be the wisest person in the village or anything like that, but I do know some things that none of you know. I may not be the most beautiful to any of you, but in the sight of one I do. I may not smell that best to you, but that is just because I am different. Just because I am different doesn’t mean that I am a bad person. The only thing that it means is that you don’t understand what I do or why I do it because it isn’t what you do.

“The truth is I am Kaitlyn, daughter of Abigail. I haven’t been around very long, but that is a long and strange story in itself. I will tell you it in short though. Until not very long ago in the upstairs of this building in the school, I escaped from the chains that I was stuck in. Then I was Kaitlyn daughter of Abigail, but with me was Chloe. Chloe and I were both part of Kaitlyn the one that most of you knew. That night in the library I split apart from her and we became to totally different and completely opposite people. It is a strange story, but it is the truth.”

Kaitlyn looked out at the people. A few of them had left because they were uninterested, but most of them had stayed. Some of them were hardly paying attention or listening, but they were still there and they had a chance to hear.

Kaitlyn continued. “I also know the truth about most of the rest of you. Many of you are also children of Abigail. You are the sons and daughters of Abigail. A few of you are grandchildren of Abigail because one of Abigail’s children here is your parent. You are all descendents of Abigail, so in other words you are all the children of Abigail. Whether directly or through a parent, you are all related to Abigail and without her you would not exist. That is the truth about all you.”

About half of the people who were left listening to Kaitlyn got up and left. They didn’t want to hear the truth about themselves, so they didn’t want to hear Kaitlyn talking to them.

Kaitlyn spoke up and continued on. “I know you may not want to hear the truth about yourself or hear the name Abigail, but it is important to your life. If you don’t understand where you came from, then your life means nothing. If you aren’t one of Abigail’s children or her children’s children, then you aren’t really here. This is the village of Abigail’s children. If you don’t believe that you are, then you are only fooling yourself and being ignorant of the truth. The truth is the only way that you can get home.

“Home, it is the place that you all long for, but have no idea how you can get home. Home is earth. It is the world in which you are from, it is Abigail’s home. You are all from Abigail, so your real home is with her and that is on earth. You all want to get to earth, but you don’t know how. It is a longing that is deep inside of you, but yet many times you ignore it. You make this village your home and pretend that you are satisfied with it. The truth is that you won’t be satisfied with anything that isn’t earth. This village won’t satisfy you for very long. Maybe a few days or months or years, but it is only a fake satisfaction. It is satisfaction that David wants you to see, but it is false and only a lie.

“You all heard about the way to get back home, but none of you ever believed it. You all rejected the truth and in turn rejected you mother, Abigail. You chose not to live with her, but live on your own, or with others. You chose not to follow in the steps that you were meant to follow in, but chose to go your own way. In the end it will lead you nowhere, but to death. There is only one way that doesn’t lead to death and that is to follow Abigail. All you had to do was live with her in her house and you would be able to go back to earth when you died, but you rejected her offer. All of you.

“Now she has gone back to her home on earth. She lived where you did, but she never took up residency. She lived near you, but didn’t live with you because you didn’t agree. She has gone away because she has been rejected and hates to look at you and she rejection all over you. When I look at you, the same way Abigail saw you, I see your heart on the outside you. I see rejection over every single one of you. I see lies within you because you believed them and decided to reject Abigail.

“Now a little history lesson. Stephanie was the first born of Abigail. She was the first to show up hear and the first to reject Abigail. She started in Abigail’s house and had begun to live there, but then one day David showed up and told her that he had a way for her to be like Abigail. He told her that he could help her get back to earth, just like Abigail had a way back. Stephanie believed him and left the house and went trying to follow David and get back to earth. As you know she is still here and never made it back to earth. She had become friends with Abigail over the time, but she never believed to live with her. Her first rejection brought rejection over the rest of you. You never had a chance to accept Abigail because you had rejection stuck on your heart by Stephanie.

“You have a chance to go and follow Abigail, though. She knew that not one could live in her house, but she allowed friendship to help you get back to earth. Stephanie gave her friendship and so did many others, but since then they have turned their backs on Abigail. Not one of you can get back to earth, your home, because you have rejection in you and did not accept friendship with Abigail.

“I am the chosen one, David’s daughter. I am born of both David and Abigail. I am the one that has come to save this whole village. I am the new one who will show you the way to get back to earth and see Abigail. You must follow me because I am the only way. David and others will try to tell you that there are other ways, but they are only lying to you. I am the only way. You may try to follow yourself and try to run to get to Abigail, or cry out to her, but none of them will work. You can’t do it on your own. There is only one way and I am the only person in this village that knows the way.”

The speech seemed to last forever and Kaitlyn was getting tired of speaking. She got down from the stage and took a seat in a chair next to the stage that was for a square table. She didn’t do anything, but just sat down and looked out at the people. She leaned back in the chair bringing the front two legs off of the ground and putting the top of the back of the chair to the wall.

Only about a quarter of the people who were there to begin with had remained through her entire speech. There was some hope for them, but none of them seemed to come up and approach her and ask her for the way. Only a few would ever, but she was hoping a few would on this very day.

The people now knew the truth, but they seemed to have refused to believe what she was saying. Of course they would, they didn’t want to be known as people of rejection. They didn’t want to be an outcast like her, so they refused to believe her. They wanted to be normal and to them Kaitlyn definitely wasn’t normal. They couldn’t be like her, or else they wouldn’t be accepted.

Yes, deep inside of them they didn’t want to find the way home to earth. The problem was they believed that they could fill it. Many of them even believed that they had filled it. The truth was it was still empty because only Abigail could get them home. They wanted to make their home in this village and they would even set up residency and then live in a house here.

They couldn’t fill the hole on their own, but only by believing the truth which would unlock their chains at death that separated them from going to be with Abigail on earth. What would make them believe? Yes, Kaitlyn knew that they wouldn’t listen to her, but she had agreed that she was chosen and she wanted to do everything that she could to make the most of the time that she had in order to save all of the people of the village. No, she probably wouldn’t save all, or even many, but she could try.

The first thing that Rachel remembered seeing when she woke up was Stephanie’s dead body beyond the end of her bed. It had haunted her at first, but then she realized that she wasn’t the least bit surprised. She was even a little bit happy at seeing it. David had removed the one problem that had been in her life. Maybe he knew something more than either Chloe or Kaitlyn knew.

She walked out into the kitchen and found David with some food on the table and a plate at the spot that Rachel had ate in the night before at dinner. She walked over to the chair and sat down. “Thank you for allowing me a place to stay and for the great food. I also want to thank you for killing Stephanie and getting that annoying piece of junk out of my life.” Rachel’s harshness surprised herself.

“Well you are very welcome,” David began. “I hope you have had a pleasant stay. I also want to offer you to stay here for as long as you would like. You can stay for the rest of your life if you would like my daughter.” He spoke with a kindness that Rachel had only heard from Kaitlyn.

Today for some reason the house looked bigger than it did the day before, it looked just like it did at night when she had first seen it. What was going on? David also looked a lot nicer and more handsome than he had the day before. He looked just like he did in the darkness.

“I would love to stay. I would love to live with you. You are my dad and I love you.” Rachel’s own speech was beginning to shock her. Was this her? No, she could never have spoken like this about David before, she had always despised him. What was going on? “This is the greatest thing that has happened to me. I don’t know what Abigail’s and Kaitlyn’s problem, but you are such a blessing to me.”

“I am glad to hear you say that. I was hoping that you would come to your senses and come to me. Well, you didn’t come to me at first, but now you see the truth and want to live with me. Kaitlyn is following what Abigail taught her, but you have chosen to follow me and what I want. Chloe, now she just needs some help. She is almost like a mix of us. She has chosen to listen to me and take advice in a fake way to be able to get back to earth like Abigail has always taught.”

“I don’t know what either of them was thinking, earth means nothing. This is home, this is all that matters. Abigail is delusional and Kaitlyn is an idiot for listening to her.”

“That is my girl. I always knew that you would come around. All I had to do was wait for Abigail to disappear and then kill Stephanie. After that you would reject Kaitlyn and come to me.”

“I don’t know why it took me a while to realize that Kaitlyn was lying and that what she taught was pointless, but know I don’t understand it. It doesn’t make any sense. With you there is no sense to be made; I just feel your love. You loved me enough to do everything to find me and then kill my fake mom so that you could take me in. You loved me and you wanted to be with me. I love that.”

“You are the smartest person in this village that I have ever met. Yes, most of them realize that Abigail is an idiot and so is her daughter Kaitlyn, but they don’t necessarily believe me. They want to be like the rest so they don’t follow Abigail and they don’t follow me, but follow themselves.”

“What idiots? What good are they going to do by following themselves? It is so comforting being with you. I want nothing else but to sit with you and be with you for the rest of my life. I love you dad. You are the very best to me. You truly are my father.”

“I hope that you will stay with me and be with me for the rest of your life. I would love that. I would also like the rest of the village to see me as who I am, their father. Abigail is my daughter, which makes everyone here descendents of me. Yes, you are both mine and Abigail’s daughter, but it is in a special way. Through my power Abigail was brought into pregnancy. You were then her offspring, but when you were still an egg you spilt and Kaitlyn was formed. Kaitlyn then became a torn young girl and not very long ago she split and became Chloe and Kaitlyn.”

Wow, that was a strange revelation. She wasn’t really flesh and blood of David, but yet David was her father. What a strange surprise to come upon. Yes, David had to be God. If there really was a God, it was David. There was no other way that she could have been born of his power and Abigail.

All Rachel wanted to do was sit in the kitchen and let her father talk to her. It almost happened, but David thought it would be nice to do in the living room, so he took his chair and Rachel took the couch opposite him and lay down.

David spoke to her with the hint of love in his voice that Rachel loved. “You are my daughter Rachel, you are the chosen one. You are the one that I have chosen to save this village. I have chosen you and I love you with everything that I am. You are the only thing that matters to me. That is the truth in all of this. Do you accept being chosen and agree to save the village?”

“Yes, dad I accept the challenge. I will do anything that you want me to do. You aren’t going to use me like Kaitlyn and Chloe want to. You love me and you have chosen me.”

“Yes, I have chosen you because you are the one that I love. The challenge is that you must save the village by keeping Chloe away from the Sphere of Death. If she gets that, then she will have power that you could never think of. She will have the power to destroy anything that she wants. Her ultimate goal is to destroy me and anyone who follows me. She also wants to destroy Abigail, even though she isn’t here, and Kaitlyn. She then wants to make herself king of this village.”

“That is terrible, but what am I supposed to do to stop her? I don’t know where the sphere is.”

“That is your job. I can’t tell you anything else, but I do know that Kaitlyn knows where it is. She hid is somewhere. You must find it before she does, and then you must go and hide it from her so that she will never be able to find it and use it. That is your job.”

Was she being used again? No, of course not, he had chosen Rachel to save the village. The only way to save the village was to keep the sphere out of the hands of Chloe. Chloe was going to use it to destroy David who was the only one that could keep the village safe and keep chaos from coming up within the village. The village needed David, David need Rachel to keep him alive.

“I will go right now and make sure that I find the sphere before Chloe does.”

David nodded at Rachel, so she nodded back, and then she went out the front door and headed to Kaitlyn’s house. The house that was Abigail’s before she disappeared. Where was Abigail anyways? Rachel sure didn’t know, but she didn’t really care she had a mission and it wasn’t to find Abigail.

She reached Kaitlyn’s house and knocked on the door. She then waited another 30 seconds and when no one answered she turned the door knob and it was unlocked, so she walked right in.

The house was empty. Rachel looked around the house for Kaitlyn, but she could not find her.

Rachel’s heart started to quicken its pace. Where could she possibly be? No, she hadn’t come to see Kaitlyn, but Kaitlyn knew where the sphere was and Rachel had to get it before Chloe did. The truth was Kaitlyn had probably hidden it well enough for Chloe to never find it, but she still wanted it to be in her hands. In David’s hands. It was better that way so that Chloe would probably never find it. She would never expect it to be at David’s house, so she would never be able to find it.

Yes, if she searched hard enough through Kaitlyn’s house she would probably find it, but it was still a little bit scary. Could she even trust Kaitlyn with the sphere? She had not intentions of using it for anything, but maybe it had some kind of power when it was with her. That thought scared Rachel a little. Not really fear, but a little tremor that was sent throughout her body forcing her to shake.

Rachel went back up the stairs to where she had looked earlier. Kaitlyn would never put it in danger of Chloe finding it. She had agreed for Chloe to get it, but wasn’t until she was ready she had said. She had to have hidden it in some secret place in this house. That was the problem, though. The problem that Rachel would probably never find it. It would probably end up in Chloe’s hands.

The second Rachel reached the top of the stairs the door flung open and then shut. Rachel jumped when she heard it and quickly moved over to get out of the open. She ducked in to Kaitlyn’s room, or at least her old room, and she hid on the wall right next to the door.

There was the sound of feet on the stairs only a few seconds later. Not just one set of feet, but two sets. Who was it? Was it Kaitlyn and someone else? No, that wasn’t possible, who else could it be? Was it Chloe…? It had to be Chloe and Andrew. They had come back while Kaitlyn was out and they wanted to try and find the sphere that they knew was in Kaitlyn’s house.

Rachel cursed silently to herself and scurried across the room and slid under the bed. There was nothing under the bed and Rachel forced herself to the wall. Rachel cursed to herself again when she finally got settled in. They would look under the bed, wouldn’t they? Her only hope was that it would Andrew in the room as opposed to Chloe. Andrew would have some compassion on her, wouldn’t he?

One set of feet walked into the room and headed straight to the closet that was to the person’s left. They walked over, opened the door and threw out the contents onto the ground. After they were satisfied that they hadn’t found what they were looked for, the person walked over to the bed.

The feet that she saw began to rotate and the legs began to come in to view. Andrew! Rachel was relieved at the sight. There was no way she couldn’t recognize him by his legs that were quite hairy. He then turned and she could see his face and his eyes staring right at her. He had seen her.

Rachel cursed, but didn’t make any movement. She lay still and just stared at him, and he stared right back at her. He looked quite surprised, but at the same time a little upset. She didn’t know what to do so she just lay down and stared at him waiting for him to make the next move. He just stared.

Rachel! There was no sphere, but there was Rachel. She was lying under the bed. What was she doing in Kaitlyn’s house when Kaitlyn was gone? Why was she hiding? Was she scared of him? No, probably not, but she might be scared of Chloe. Chloe did hate Rachel.

Yes, he did have some feelings for Rachel, but not in the way that he did for Chloe. He loved Chloe more than anything besides maybe himself. With Rachel, it was a little different. She was just a very nice girl and he respected. Right now he had more feelings for her than he ever had, though. They were feelings of hate. She was probably looking for the sphere so that he and Chloe couldn’t get it first. The real question was what she care about it all. Was she working with David? Was David trying to undermine Chloe? Did he know more than they thought he did about Chloe’s plan?

It didn’t matter, right now all that mattered was the fact that Rachel was right here and Chloe was in the other room. What did he do now? Did he go over and get Chloe, or take Rachel to Chloe? Did he turn Rachel in, or did he help her get out of the house without any trouble?

He didn’t want Chloe to hurt Rachel, but yet for some reason he seemed to hate Rachel. What was going on? He had loved Rachel from his first sighting of her, but now he was having some doubts.

Chloe had trained him well. She was the only one that he really needed and really wanted. Why should he try to go after anyone else when he had her? He didn’t need to. That was the problem in all of this. Chloe was totally consuming him, but yet he still felt bad for this young girl. He felt bad for Rachel.

In the blink of an eye he made his decision, he would let her go, but would show her his hate towards her. “Hurry and get out from under the bed before Chloe comes in here and sees you. I want you to know that I hate you, but I don’t want Chloe to hurt you. Now hurry and get out of here! Don’t come back and don’t try to get the sphere before we do, you will never succeed. I promise you if I ever find you trying to stop us from our plan, I will hand you over to Chloe. Now get out!”

Rachel had gotten up from under the bed and continued to stare at him. When he told her about his hate for her she just stared right back at him with shock in her eyes. She didn’t believe that he was rejecting her. She then began to cry.

Andrew pleaded with Rachel to get out as quickly as she could and after only a little bit she finally listened to him and headed for the door, made a quick check for Chloe, and then left. He had saved Rachel from the hands of Chloe, but that was all he had done. Nothing more. He hated Rachel, but he hated the way that Chloe hated Rachel even more and he didn’t want to have to see it.

He didn’t like Rachel; he hated Chloe’s hatred towards her. That was the only reason that he let Rachel go free. He continued to try to get it engrained in his mind. He couldn’t let himself stray from Chloe, but he couldn’t let Chloe do the things that she did when she got angry.

All Andrew could see Rachel as was a poor, innocent girl that he hated more than anything. Yes, she was the twin sister of the girl that he was in love with, but that hardly mattered. She wasn’t the girl that he was in love with, that was the truth and the only thing that mattered to Andrew.

He looked through the rest of the room, but he couldn’t find anything. There were no secret doors or anything like that. There was nothing. Kaitlyn had done well. She was a sneaky girl and a good one at that. She had hidden the sphere better than Chloe or Andrew could have possibly imagined.

“I found something Andrew! You better come here.” It was Chloe. She was calling out from Abigail’s old room.

Andrew ran out of Kaitlyn’s room, took a quick glance down at the stairs and stopped cold. Rachel! What was she still doing here? She looked up the stairs in shock and a little bit of fright. She was afraid that Chloe had found the sphere. Andrew laughed inside, but showed compassion towards Rachel on his face. The truth was he was glad about Chloe’s find, but he wanted Rachel to believe the opposite.

He tried to gesture for her to leave, but she didn’t move one inch. “Get out of here Rachel. If Chloe sees you she will probably kill you. Now get out of here!” Andrew spoke as soft as he could, but yet loud enough so that Rachel could hear. She heard and turned and ran down the stairs and vanished.

Andrew started running again and ran towards Abigail’s room and ran towards Chloe. She had found the sphere. It was the only reason that she would have screamed at him with such excitement. It was the most amazing time in Andrew’s life. They would soon have more power than he could dream of.

Andrew stopped cold when he got into the room and saw Chloe standing in front of and open door that had stairs behind it. He cursed under his breath. She hadn’t found the sphere, only a secret door that probably didn’t even hold the sphere. Kaitlyn wasn’t dumb enough to hide it in a place like this. Not in a place that was secret itself. She was smarter than that, wasn’t she?

Andrew gave up his thoughts about where the sphere was and followed Chloe up the stairs and into the secret room that neither of them even knew existed. The room was not huge, but not small. It was a large room, but the whole floor was the size of the room and it was small for a third floor. Then again, it was a secret room and wasn’t really expected to be too terribly big.

The room was about a fifteen foot square and all of the walls were covered with glass. They were all windows, and if Andrew guessed right they were probably one way glass?

What was the point of a room like this? Why would you want a room where you can come out and look over the whole village and spy on them? It sounded a little disturbing, but seemed like Abigail.

Andrew looked around the room, but all he saw was the village. There were no walls, only a floor. The ceiling was even a window. It was a great view of the sky, but it really seemed out of place. Why had he never noticed this part of the house from the outside? It didn’t make any sense. He had apparently been missing something, but he didn’t understand how he could miss this.

It was the most incredible room that Andrew had ever seen, but yet it was also one of the strangest rooms that he had ever seen in his life.

There was no way that the sphere could be in this room. Where could it possibly be? It wasn’t in the glass, he could see that for sure. The only possible place that it could be was under the floor boards in some way. That seemed a little unlikely, but they could start and try and look.

Chloe cursed. Andrew looked in the same direction that she looked and saw what she saw. Kaitlyn! She was coming towards her home. The good thing was that Andrew didn’t believe that she would be able to see them, but the bad thing was they were stuck in her house and she was about to enter it. There was no time for the sphere; there was hardly time for an escape.

Kaitlyn stared right at them. She couldn’t see them could she? Andrew sure hoped not. It was strange that she kept her eyes on them for so long if the windows were actually one way glass. It was possible that they weren’t and Andrew took the possibility to heart.

“Let’s get out of here Chloe. We now know this exists and when she is out of her house sometime later, we can come in and look some more. Right now we need to get out. Now!”

Andrew ran down the stairs and waited at the bottom to close the door until Chloe came down. He waited for about ten seconds, but Chloe hadn’t come down. What was going on?

Andrew headed back up the stairs to see what was going on. Chloe was stuck in the same place that she had been before Andrew had started his descent. What was she doing? Why was she standing in the same place not moving and inch?

Andrew looked out over the village and saw Kaitlyn again. She had stopped. She was staring right back at Chloe. What was going on? This was strange. Why were their eyes locked on each other? Chloe couldn’t possibly be thinking of Kaitlyn and leaving him to follow her, could she? Andrew couldn’t believe him, but maybe that was because he was just that ignorant. It didn’t really matter, they had to leave. They needed to get out and get out as soon as they possibly could. Chloe needed to move.

Andrew ran over to Chloe, pulled her away from the gaze with Kaitlyn and dragged her down the stairs. He shut door behind them and then looked at Chloe waiting for her to come up with a plan for their escape.

She stared right back at him, but didn’t move. She made no effort to move and she made no comment about any plan that she had. It seemed like she was just going to let them get caught. Why would she do such a thing? Did she really want to see Kaitlyn?

It was too late for any escape, Kaitlyn had come home. The door shut behind her and then he heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards them. It was over, they would be defeated.

It was a weird feeling when Chloe had exchanged stares with Kaitlyn. In that stare there was some kind of power. A power that she had never felt before and never expected to feel again. A connection. The connection wasn’t that amazing; they were once the same person. They were still the same person, except in different bodies. A torn mind that had become two separate bodies.

Chloe did have some kind of feelings for Kaitlyn. Feelings of compassion towards her because she was always rejected, but most of her feelings were negative. There was hatred towards Kaitlyn and bitterness that both found their roots when they were in the same mind. They had carried over and now she still felt them towards Kaitlyn, but now it was towards a person, not a personality.

Kaitlyn had decided to follow Abigail and Chloe despised her for that. Chloe had always hated Abigail and that was why she had decided to turn her back on her. She was annoyed that she had to be the daughter of the most hated person in the village and she wanted to see Abigail dead.

Kaitlyn walked into the room and looked right at Chloe. She didn’t seem to stare at Andrew for some reason and it felt strange to Chloe. What was it that Kaitlyn wanted from her?

Kaitlyn spoke. “What a pleasant surprise it is to see you here Chloe. I was hoping that you could come back again some time. This would be a great time to talk if you would like. I know that you hate me and you hate Abigail, but you also hate David and Rachel. Truly you hate everyone in this village with the exception of Andrew. I just wanted to talk to you and try to get rid of our differences.”

Chloe stood and stared at Kaitlyn. How did she answer? Did she really want to speak with Kaitlyn? Well, she did a little bit, but she wasn’t really sure what it was going to be about. Yes, she hated Kaitlyn, but yet her and Kaitlyn were the same person, or at least had once been.

“Leave us Andrew,” Chloe began. “Go back to Stephanie’s house. That is where we will be staying now that she is dead. David killed her, so she won’t be using it any more. I want to talk to Kaitlyn alone. This is just between Kaitlyn and I. Now leave!”

Andrew left, but he didn’t seem too thrilled to be kicked out. He seemed a little skeptical of what Chloe was doing, but he let the thoughts leave him because he loved her. He trusted her. She hated Kaitlyn, so there was no way that she would make any kind of deal with Kaitlyn or follow her.

“Let’s go down to the living room it is much more comfortable than this room. Would you like anything to eat or drink?” That was Kaitlyn, always trying to be nice, whether it was nice or not.

“Sure, I would like a glass of water and a piece of bread if you have any.” Chloe always took up hosts on their offer. She figured that if they were sincere they would actually get it for her.

Kaitlyn went down the stairs first. She broke off and went to the kitchen to get what Chloe had asked for. Chloe decided that she would go in and make herself comfortable in the living room and wait for Kaitlyn there.

Chloe chose the couch that faced the window that looked out on to the village and was rarely ever covered with blinds. It was right next to the chair that Abigail had always sat in and Chloe assumed that Kaitlyn would sit in when she came in.

Kaitlyn entered the living room only a few minutes after Chloe had. She carried a plate with four pieces of white break on it and then two glasses of water, one for each one of them Chloe assumed. Kaitlyn a white dress, but it was a little different than the ones that she normally seemed to wear. This dress was made of cotton and almost looked more like a robe than it did like a dress. It didn’t have the tie around the waist and it was sewed up in the front, but besides that it looked like a robe.

Kaitlyn’s skin was as white as it had ever been and her hair as crimson red as it ever was. It was hard to imagine that Kaitlyn had never been in love with a boy. If it weren’t for the fact that she followed in the footsteps of Abigail, she probably would. She was beautiful, just like Abigail was. Abigail was beautiful and that was one thing that Chloe had always hated her for.

“I hope this bread is what you wanted.” Kaitlyn said with her sweet voice she always used.

“It is great Kaitlyn, thank you.” Chloe took a bite of the bread and then a sip of the water. “Thank you, the bread tastes quite good. Now, what did you want to talk about?”

Kaitlyn took a drink of water while she was listening. After Chloe had finished Kaitlyn lit one of her smicks and began to smoke. Chloe had heard about smoking from earth and had heard about how dangerous it was. She had also heard that it was frowned upon by most people there.

“You do know that smoking is dangerous to you? I have heard that it causes cancer.”

Kaitlyn smiled and let out a half-laugh. “No, that is a common misconception. On earth you would be totally right, but the truth is we are here in the village. This isn’t a cigarette anyways. It doesn’t have any of the harmful chemicals and it doesn’t leave tar. It only gives you the feeling of Abigail’s love.”

Chloe rolled her eyes, and then let Kaitlyn answer her first question. “I wanted to talk to you because I felt something in that stare that we had with each other earlier when you were up on my third story room. Yes, don’t be mistaken but it is one-way glass. I, however, am able to see both ways through the glass, so I could see both of you up there. I know that you were looking for the sphere. I told you already I will give it to you when the time comes. You need to be a little more patient Chloe. Go and look for the star that you have to place the five items on. Once you find that, the time will be here for me to hand over the sphere to you. I must warn you about one thing, though. There are two stars that are like the one you are looking for. Only one of them is the right one. I know which one it is. You must come and tell me where the star is, and then I will hand the sphere over to you.”

Chloe listened to Kaitlyn speak, but she wasn’t sure that she actually believed everything that she was telling her. It all just seemed weird. It made no sense to Chloe, at all.

Kaitlyn continued to smoke her smick and a few other smicks and drink all of her water. During the same time Chloe ate her bread and drank all of the water. Kaitlyn talked about the truth of them and Chloe listened, but she didn’t engage much in any of it. She didn’t really care. It meant nothing to her. All she cared about was the power that she would get from completing the list. She needed the power.

She had finally found what she had been looking for her whole entire life. She had found her father. The man that had helped bring her into life. The man that was the one thing in her life that she had been looking for. He was the very thing that Rachel needed. She needed David.

She didn’t fully understand why she needed him, but she knew that she did. He was the one person that she could feel totally comfortable around. She needed him and he was the only thing that she would ever need. Why would she need anything else when she had David?

David had treated her with such comfort, comfort that no one had ever given her. Stephanie couldn’t supply it, even though she tried as hard as she could. David gave her a love that she couldn’t resist, a love that was great than any love she could ever know. She needed David’s love.

It was only the second day since she had moved in with him, but it felt like it had been a lifetime. No, they hadn’t really done anything together, but she still loved to be around him. His presence was all that she needed and she really wanted it. She loved him more than she could love anyone else.

She had come back to the house around noon the day before after Andrew let her out of Kaitlyn’s house without letting Chloe touch her. She had come straight back to David’s house and went and sat down and they talked for the rest of the day. She so badly wanted to go back to Kaitlyn’s house and take the sphere. She couldn’t let Kaitlyn keep it because she was going to give it to Chloe.

The scariest thought that Rachel could think of was Chloe having the sphere. Not just the sphere, but the other four items. She would have the five items that she had to place on a star and then go on with some ritual. Chloe would get the five items soon, she would quickly find the star and then she would go straight there and perform the ritual. There was no way that she could let that happen.

Right now she sat on the couch across from David who sat in his usual chair. “Rachel, I need to tell you something important. The existence of this village depends on the fact that you get that sphere. Kaitlyn plans on giving it to Chloe, and we can’t let Chloe get her hands on it. You may have to give up your life in order to get the sphere and save the village, but if that is what you have to do, then do it. You are the only hope that this village has left. Now go save the village. You are the chosen one.”

Rachel got up off the couch and headed straight for the door without another word. She knew what she had to do; she had to get that sphere so that she could save the village. The village’s existence depended on it according to David and she believed him. If it took her life to save the village, she would give it. She would do anything for her father; she would do anything for David.

The village road was quite deserted in the early hours of the sun. Few people milled around, but most were still in their homes sleeping. Rachel would have been doing the same, but she had a mission to complete and it couldn’t wait one little bit. She had to get that sphere. She had to get it quickly.

She approached Kaitlyn’s home. It looked the same as it had the day before. She had come to see Kaitlyn, or at least that was what she would pretend. She had far great objectives, but she would have to wait for the right to time to fulfill them. She would play Kaitlyn for a while, and then find some way to sneak around the house and do some more searching for the sphere. She couldn’t leave without that sphere. She would not be able to live with herself if she exited Kaitlyn’s house later in the day without the sphere. It would be life threatening and just a bad idea altogether.

Rachel knocked on the door and waited for an answer. She really wanted to see Kaitlyn this time, not sneak into her house while she was out doing whatever it was that she was doing. Rachel didn’t know why she would rather see Kaitlyn, but she knew that she wanted to.

The door opened not ten seconds after she had knocked. It was Kaitlyn. She was looking as stunning as ever. The same white dress that she wore most days. Her red hair was as red as ever and her skin was so perfectly white that Rachel couldn’t lie to herself, she envied Kaitlyn’s skin.

“Rachel, what a pleasant surprise to see you here. Please, come in. I was hoping that you would come back one of these days. What brings you here today? I hope it is to see me.” Kaitlyn smiled.

“Well, of course I want to see you. You are my twin sister, what could keep me away now? Chloe and Andrew have left and gone off on their own, so now I am just living with David.” Kaitlyn seemed a little concern as Rachel spoke of living with David. “It has been nice seeing Dad. He really is a nice person; you just have to get to know him. I wish I had gotten to know Mom better, though.”

Kaitlyn didn’t seem to agree about David being nice, but Rachel just ignored it and let her speak. “It is a good thing that you got away from Chloe. I talked with her yesterday, and I could just see the hatred towards you in her eyes. In her heart she hates you more than she hates David, and trust me she hates David. She hates both of our parents, you, and she hates me, but for some reason not as much as you. She is a hard girl to understand, but she is a nice girl if she could get rid of all of her hate.”

Chloe a nice girl? Never, it didn’t matter if she got rid of her hate, she was still rude. Kaitlyn was losing herself, there was no way she had any idea what she was talking about. She was crazy.

“So, I want to hear about Abigail. I want to know what she was like. She was my mom as well, and I never got to know what she was like, so I am a little bit curious.”

“Well,” Kaitlyn began, “Abigail was the nicest person that I have ever met. Being in her presence was like no other feeling that you could possibly imagine. She had a love that could be matched by no other person in the entire village. She was amazing. She was the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. She had skin as white as mine, but I would guess it was probably even whiter than mine. I loved her with all of my heart and I know that she loved me the same back.

“Abigail is the mother of the entire village. Well, of all of the older ones, the younger ones, besides Chloe, you, and I are grandchildren of Abigail. She gave life to the entire village. She also made a way that we can be with her for the rest of our lives after we die here. We can go to earth to be with her. That is our home and that is where we all long to be. We long to be on earth with Abigail. We long to live completely in her love for the rest of our lives. A love that is great than you can comprehend.”

A love great than David’s? That could not be possible. There was no love in the entire universe that could be greater than David’s love. What was Kaitlyn talking about? Had she lost her mind?

“There is something else that I need to talk to you about.” Rachel took a deep breath, and then continued. “You can’t give the sphere to Chloe. With the Sphere of Death, she will find the star and complete the list by wiping out David, Abigail, you, and I. She doesn’t want her family around. The only one that Chloe cares about is Andrew. She wants us all gone so she can become king of the village.”

“That isn’t true Rachel. You can’t believe what David tells you. David speaks only in lies. You can’t believe a word that he says. I will give the sphere to Chloe. It won’t do anything. The sphere has no power at all. I am only giving it to Chloe so that she things that she had power over my death. I will die for the village and all of their rejection when Chloe uses the power she things she has from the list. I will be the only one that dies. You and David are safe from anything. That is the truth.”

“Don’t talk about David like that! He is not a liar! You must be the liar. What David tells me is completely true and I will always believe everything that he tells me. He can only speak the truth. Now, that is the real truth Kaitlyn, don’t lie about this. David is the only one that can love us in a way that we can’t comprehend. Abigail has turned you against David. Abigail is the evil one and she needs to die.”

“Don’t listen to David Rachel; he is the one that is lying. Abigail is the only one that can speak truth at all times. I can, but that is only because I have embraced Abigail, instead of rejecting her. You must listen to me Rachel, David is using you. He is using you for his own benefit. He hates all of us and wants us to stay with him here in this village and doesn’t want us to have a chance to get back earth. He doesn’t want us to live with Abigail; he wants us to live with him here in this hell.”

“I told you to not talk about Dad like that. He has never done anything to you Kaitlyn. He is a nice man and he is the one that knows the truth. He doesn’t hate me and I can assure you he isn’t using me. Yes, I am doing his work so that I can save his life, but I am saving mine as well. I am also doing this to save the life of you and Abigail. Can’t you understand that? I am willing to give my life so that you, Abigail, and David can all live. That is how far I will go for this, now give me the sphere!”

Kaitlyn was very offended by Rachel’s statement. What had she done? She didn’t mean to hurt Kaitlyn; she just wanted her to know the truth so that she could help her live. What was Kaitlyn’s problem? Her own twin sister was willing to risk her life for her, but yet she was offended.

“I am touched that you would be willing to die for me,” Kaitlyn said through the tears that had begun in her eyes. “It is amazing that you feel that way, but don’t die. You will only die in vain and you will never be able to get to earth to see Abigail. You told me you wanted to know Abigail. She isn’t here, but she is on earth, and I can show you the way there so that you will be able to meet her. Follow me.”

Kaitlyn was trying to be convincing, but was doing a good job. She was against David in everything that she was. She hated David more than anyone or anything. What was her problem, he was her father. It was ridiculous, but what could she do about it?

“You know I would die to follow you, but you don’t understand the truth Kaitlyn. I love you with all of my heart, but I can’t follow you. David is the one we need to follow. You are right that I would love to see Abigail, but I can’t turn my back on David in the process. Why did they have to separate anyways? If they would have just stayed together, everything would have been better.”

“You are right Rachel, but the problem was David. He hated Abigail, and rejected everything that she was about, so he left and went to deceive the people of the village. After Mom got pregnant, David began to feel superior to Mom and Mom wouldn’t accept it. Dad got so mad at her that he left. He went and made the house that he now lives in, and then Stephanie showed up in the village. She showed up in Abigail’s house. David came back to talk to her and convinced her to leave.

“Mom gave birth to us on earth and then came back with us only after a year. David came and took you and then Stephanie began to care for you. Stephanie turned her back on Mom again and let David get you. Now he has you and he won’t let you go, but all he does is lie to you. David is the problem, not Abigail. David has completely mixed up your mind. I can straighten it out.”

It couldn’t be true, David would never do that to anyone. He loved Rachel and he had to have loved Abigail. Yes, he hated her now, but it had to be because she turned her back on him. Abigail probably kicked him out and he was only able to save Rachel the first time. Stephanie probably did reject Abigail, but that was only so that Rachel could go back into the right hands, David’s hands.

“I don’t believe you Kaitlyn. David is not a bad person, he would never do that to Abigail. He loves us, but must have only been able to save me the first time he came in. You are the one with the facts mixed up. Now quit talking about Dad like that. It is rude.”

Kaitlyn sighed. “Why don’t you listen to the truth Rachel? David is full of lies, only Abigail is full of truth. Abigail is the one that you need to meet. She will help you. Well, she would, but she is gone, so now I am the one who helps people see the truth. I want to help you, but you have to follow me. No, the road will not be easy, but it is the right road to be on. It leads to life with Abigail. That is what you want.”

“Stop talking about Abigail and truth. She is a lie. David is only sort of our father. The truth is that we were conceived in Abigail through his spirit. David is Abigail’s father. I am the chosen one and I must save the village by getting the sphere and not letting Chloe ever get her hands on it. That is the real truth and that is what I am here for. Now give me the sphere Kaitlyn!”

Kaitlyn was totally relentless. She would not give in to anything that Rachel tried to ask of her. She turned her ear the other way and pretended that it wasn’t really asked. How was she going to get the sphere in her hands? She hadn’t come to argue with Kaitlyn, she had come for the sphere. She thought that maybe she could show Kaitlyn the real truth and bring her in to David and to help her, but she had failed at that. Kaitlyn would not budge, it didn’t matter what it was that Rachel did.

Rachel had to think. There had to be a way to get the sphere. Kaitlyn wasn’t going to give it to her and talking wasn’t working. She would have to come up with some other plan. She would have to get Kaitlyn out of the house for a while, but she didn’t know how. What was she to do?

Kaitlyn stared at Rachel with those beautiful blue eyes. She stared in the same way that she always had. She stared with compassion, but also with sympathy. The problem was she didn’t know what the sympathy or compassion was for. There wasn’t a problem with Rachel, she had David.

“I love you Rachel. Abigail could not have had a more beautiful daughter. You definitely get your beauty from Mom. Right now you may get your stubbornness and you disbelief from Dad, but what you get from Mom shows out even more. You were made perfectly by her, but you chose to reject her. All Abigail asks to forgive you and to see you again is to follow me. That is all she wants.”

Follow her; that sounded boring. What would she do by following her? What, would she walk right behind her following her around? That was absurd. Kaitlyn needed something better than that if she was even going to have a chance to get Rachel to believe her. That was doubtful anyways, though.

“I know that the only reason you came here was for the sphere. You had no desire to talk to me, but to create a way to get me out of the house. Yes, you did want to see me and maybe try and convince me that David was right, but you can’t. You want the sphere and you want me out of the way. The problem is I need the sphere. I need Chloe to believe that she had the power to kill me, so that I can come back and show her that the power is useless. She will fail and I will try to show her the truth.”

“That is the worst excuse that I have ever heard. Yes, Chloe is stupid, but she will realize that once David and I are still here that her power didn’t work. You see, just because you die, doesn’t mean that she will believe her power works. Think about that next time Kaitlyn!”

“Chloe has no desire to kill you or David. Well, actually she does want David dead, but she doesn’t plan on using this power to do it. She only wants me dead with this power. Yes, she hates you, but she doesn’t want you dead necessarily. She knows that it would be too easy to kill me because I would let her, so she wants to do it in a subtle way that I don’t expect. It won’t truly work, but she will believe that it will. She will find me dead not long after she uses her power when she searches for me. The rest of the village led by David will come and they will lead me to my death and kill me. You and David won’t be easy to kill by hand, so it will be the kind of challenge that Chloe would like.”

“I guess that is a complement, but I still don’t like it. David won’t kill you, he loves you. He wants you to turn to him instead of rejecting him. He wants all of his children to come to him. The whole village comes through him. He bore Abigail and Abigail bore the rest. We are all his descendents as well as Abigail’s. David is God if there ever was one, and we all need to follow him. He is the love we want.”

“David is deceiving you. Abigail is the love that we want and our desire is to be with her on earth. We need to go to her and I am here to show the way. That is the real truth. David is deceiving you. You need to stop listening to him and follow me.” Kaitlyn was losing it. She was saying the same thing over and over again. She wanted Rachel to believe, but Rachel was never going to believe. It was a lost battle and she was making her last ditch effort to make Rachel believe her.

“I am sorry that you have been deceived by Abigail. I don’t know where she went, but she is probably off trying to deceive someone else. Kaitlyn, I am begging you to listen to me. I want you to live. I want you to come and find Dad and ask for forgiveness, he will forgive you. He is all that you need and he is what you want. He will help you live if you bring him the sphere. He loves you and wants you.”

“You are right that he is obsessed with me and wants me to come to him with the sphere. What you are wrong about, however, is that he doesn’t love me. He hates me and pretends to love me so that I will come to him and he can take me. Yes, he may love me a little because I am his daughter, but he just wants me so that I will be powerless and can’t help people get to Abigail. He wants everyone to stay here on earth so that he can be with them forever. Yes, I guess it is some kind of love for them, but it is more of hatred. It is hatred of Abigail, and not wanting them to be with her. I believe that it is a love, but it is a love only so that what he hates can’t get what it wants. It is an evil love.”

“Don’t you dare talk about David in that way Kaitlyn!” Rachel screamed

Rachel was really getting defensive towards David. What was her problem? David must have deceived Rachel so badly that she would never be able to come back. As Kaitlyn looked at Rachel she saw her whole heart. The heart that loved lies and hated the truth. A heart that loved Kaitlyn, but that hated what Kaitlyn was about. She loved Abigail, but only as a daughter. Yes, that was the love that was supposed to happen, but differently. It was a love that was supposed to be. The love that Abigail wanted was a love that they believed and wanted to have. A love that could not be punctured.

Rachel knew the love that she must have towards Abigail, but she loved David in that way. What was it that Rachel saw in David? Kaitlyn could not understand how Rachel could have such a love for him. Yes, he was their father, but still he was the rudest man in the village. Yes, Kaitlyn did love David, but it was only because he was her father. She loved him, but yet she hated who he was. She loved him for the man that had helped bring her life, but hated the man that he had become.

“You are missing the whole point of life to this village Rachel. The point of this village began as us living with Abigail in a place that she had created for us. She had come to be with us, but Stephanie rejected her and because of that everyone else would as well. The great village that she had created turned to chaos. David had deceived Stephanie and everything was a complete mess. The point of life here in this village after that was that we were to become friends with Abigail. All she wanted to do was see us every day. She wanted us to live with her, but we had all rejected that and couldn’t any longer. She gave us the way to go to earth with her after we die and that was to see her every day. Stephanie had begun to accept that, but then after a while she turned and ran to David. Stephanie has since been killed by David, but that won’t last for long. I am now the way to get to Abigail.”

“For what reason should I believe any of this that you are telling me Kaitlyn? I love Dad, but you are talking about him as the evil one. I understand that it hurts you when I talk about Abigail as the evil one, but she is. The truth can hurt sometimes, but you have to take it and believe it. Believe me, I wish that Abigail and David could have stayed together and not become opposites, but that isn’t what happened. Abigail chose to reject David and become the evil one. It was her choice.”

They believed opposite things, that was what Kaitlyn knew for sure. Everything that Kaitlyn believed, it seemed like Rachel believed the exact opposite. To Rachel David was who Abigail was to Kaitlyn. To Rachel Abigail was the evil one, but to Kaitlyn David was. Who was right? Well, that wasn’t really a question because Kaitlyn knew that Abigail was the one that everyone wanted.

The question was how was she supposed to get Rachel to believe her? Rachel seemed so caught up in believing what David had told her that she was blinded of the truth. She needed her eyes open.

“You need to open your eyes to the truth. You need to see the truth, that is the only way that you will be able to see Abigail.” Kaitlyn sighed, she knew that Rachel still didn’t believe, but she had to at least try. “David has deceived you worse than I thought possible. The only way that you can see it is wrong is if you see the truth. You must see Abigail’s love for you. That is what you need to discover.”

“I know the truth Kaitlyn! David is truth and Abigail is lying to you. There is no other truth beyond that. You are living a lie of a life. David will forgive you if you come to him. I am begging you that you will come with me back to David. He wants to love you, but you have to let him and feel his love.”

“You must feel Abigail’s love; it is far greater than David can give you. There is only one way to feel Abigail’s love right now and that is by smoking a smick. I know you don’t want to try one, but please, just for me, I would love it if you tried. You must at least try. Please, Rachel.”

“I would, but David would be disappointed in me. He would think that I turned my back on him by following you. That wouldn’t be the case; I would only be doing it for you.”

“David will never find out about it. If he smells it on you, just tell him that I was smoking when you were over here and it got caught on you. I need you to try one. If you don’t feel it, then I will quit trying to get you to follow me and let you go and follow David. You must try, though.”

“I guess you are right, David won’t find out. I guess I could try, but I am a little bit scared. I am not sure that it is the right thing to do. I have promised you for so long that I would try, and I think that now is a good time to come through on my promise. Give me a smick.” Rachel smiled.

Kaitlyn had taken a smick and lit it while Rachel was answering her. She then took another one and handed it to Rachel along with the lighter than she used.

“Mom, Abigail, please come and help me. Rachel is badly deceived by David, but I want to save her. I need your help.” Kaitlyn talked through the smoke. It was the way that a person in the village could talk to Abigail. No, she didn’t answer, but it was the way that Abigail had left for communication with her. The smick would allow for communication as well as feeling her love for them. It was comfort as well as a way to ask her for help. She didn’t come and help, but she could change what happened.

Rachel took the smick and lit it and sat on the couch with her left leg up over her right leg. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress that matched her blue eyes very well. Her hair was beginning to get a red hue to it. David must have only died the hair, so the red of her hair was growing back. Her skin had darkened up a little bit from spending so much time with David. She looked as beautiful as she ever had, but her beauty was beginning to fade a little bit the darker that she got.

Kaitlyn saw her heart and she looked like she was pure black, just like David. She didn’t believe the truth, but she rejected it just like everyone else. Kaitlyn could hardly see the natural beauty that Abigail had created them with. Yes, she saw it, but their heart just seemed to cover it up. She didn’t have to look at them to know how perfectly beautiful they were made, they were Abigail’s children. Abigail could only have perfectly made children. Their hearts, now that was their own choice.

“Well, how is it Rachel? Do you like it? Do you feel the love that Abigail has for you?”

Rachel stopped smoking for a minute and thought about her answer. What was she doing, it was a simple question and needed only a simple answer. Was she going to lie to Kaitlyn? She couldn’t. “It was pretty good. I felt some love, but it felt like David’s love to me. These must be from David. I think you are trying to deceive me by telling me that Abigail made these.”

Kaitlyn’s heart dropped. Rachel felt the love, but she believed that it was David’s. David may have given her that kind of love, but it is all fake love. He couldn’t truly love the way that Abigail did, he wanted the worst for everyone in the village. Did Abigail no hear her? This couldn’t be happening!

Rachel got up and left the house. She couldn’t get to the sphere, so she had failed her mission. She would probably be back later in the day to make another attempt at it, but she was gone for the time being. Now Kaitlyn had to come up with her next move. What did she do?

She could either go out on to the streets and start to preach some more about the truth, or she could wait around in the house for Rachel to return. She would return, there was no question about that. Rachel would be back; she needed the sphere and wouldn’t stop until she got it.

The people needed the truth, Kaitlyn had to go to them. The sphere was safe for now, Rachel wouldn’t find it. Chloe and Andrew wouldn’t be back quite yet. They would probably come back at the end of the day with the wrong star. The real one would be hard to find.

Kaitlyn walked out onto the streets from her house and looked around. The road wasn’t very crowded. Actually, it was nearly empty again. She looked down at the library and saw people flooding in to it. What was going on down there? She needed to go down and check it out.

Kaitlyn walked down the street and began to round the corner and got halfway before she got to the library. She opened the front door and walked in. At the end of the library, on the stage was Rachel. Rachel! What in the world was she doing here? Why would anybody listen to her anyways, she was flawed on her logic about everything. She didn’t really know the truth. She was trying to deceive them all with the lies that David had put in her head. Kaitlyn had to stop her.

Kaitlyn’s legs seemed glued to the ground. She couldn’t move in the least bit. What was going on? Why were they gathered to listen to Rachel speak? She wasn’t known for anything, why would they listen to her? They would listen to Kaitlyn, but that was because they all hated her. She was very well known around the village. Rachel, on the other hand, was known by nobody. Why were they all here?

“Listen to me, I speak the truth. My name is Rachel, and I want to tell you the real truth about this village.” She was just beginning. “A long time ago there was a man named David. Yes, it is the David that you know here in this village. I know that you all hate him, but that is just because you see him in the wrong way. Anyways, David had a daughter. Her name was Abigail. Each and every one of us is a descendent of Abigail. We are either her children, or her grandchildren. Stephanie was the firstborn of Abigail. David wanted to test her. He told her to come live with him, so she did. He gave her one rule and that was if she lived with him and never left his house, she would live in paradise.

“Stephanie disobeyed, deceived by Abigail, and left the house and the village turned to chaos instead of paradise. David has offered all of us the same thing, but we have all rejected him. He asks that we come and live with him, and if we do, he will send us to paradise. The place that the village was supposed to be before Stephanie decided to listen to Abigail. Stephanie is now dead, though, killed by David. He got rid of rejection from us and it now allows us to go to him more easily.

“I am the only one has not rejected him. I live with him. He is the best ever. All that I ask is that you come and live with him. You must beware though; Chloe and her boyfriend Andrew lurk around this village searching for a way to get back at David. Watch out for them, they may kill you.”

There was some applause from the audience. No one had left like they had the day before when Kaitlyn had spoken to them. They had all stayed and they all seemed to enjoy it.

Rachel had spoken with a seductive tone that was hard to ignore. It pulled a person in and wouldn’t let them go. If Kaitlyn didn’t know that it was a complete lie and Abigail was the right way, she would have easily believed Rachel. Rachel spoke with such a believable voice that she couldn’t be ignored. She had to be listened to and she had to be liked. The audience loved it.

They all went up to talk to Rachel afterwards. Not one had gone up to Kaitlyn after she had talked. Was Rachel really that much better than her? No, that couldn’t be possible. Yes, Rachel was very believable and she was seductive, but there was no way that it was possible that she was better.

Kaitlyn felt just a hint of jealousy for Rachel, but it quickly went away when she remembered the reason that she was here. She was here for Abigail, and she needed to speak the real truth to the people here. She couldn’t let them be deceived without here the truth. They could reject it, but they couldn’t be without it. They would be given a choice, not forced to believe Rachel.

Kaitlyn walked up to the stage and got up and tried to get everyone’s attention. It wasn’t easy, because many were talking to Rachel to the left of Kaitlyn, but she was able to at least get it quiet. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I would like to make some statements to you. Some of you may have heard me talking here yesterday. I will say roughly the same thing, but I will mainly talk about it in opposition to what you just heard from Rachel.

“Rachel is my twin sister. Our parents are Abigail and David. I know it is a strange combination, but it is the truth. David is not the father of Abigail. You are all the children and grandchildren of Abigail, but none of you are related to David. Rachel, Chloe, and I are the only ones who are related to David. What Rachel had just said is a complete lie. The opposite is true; Abigail is what she sees David as. David is what she sees Abigail as. I do love Rachel because she is my sister, but she is deceived by David.

“I know you probably don’t want to believe me after what Rachel just said, but I tell you I am telling you the whole truth. You must understand, you are all children and grandchildren of Abigail. You have all rejected her, but she wants you to come back to her. She has sent me, her daughter. The only daughter that she grew up to raise. Rachel was taken from her by David. I am here to show you the way to get to Abigail. Right now Abigail is on earth and she is waiting to see from each and every one of you when you die. When you die here if you believe her, you will go to earth, if no, you are just dead. I come before you today asking that you come and follow me and I will lead you to Abigail, the one you desire.”

Kaitlyn got down off the stage and sat on the front end of it waiting for someone to come up and talk to her, but none did. More streamed to Rachel, but none moved towards Kaitlyn. No one wanted to be with her, did they? They all despised her and wished that she would die.

After about five minutes of being ignored, Kaitlyn walked outside and took a seat on a bench that was outside on the porch of the library. She could see nearly the whole village from here. She got out a smick and started to breathe the smoke in and feel Abigail’s love and talk to her mom.

“Kaitlyn, can we talk?” The voice came from in front of the door to the library. Someone had just existed and come out to talk to her. Kaitlyn’s heart jumped for joy.

Kaitlyn turned to see who it was. It was Hannah, the last born of Abigail. When had she arrived? Andrew was the second youngest and had arrived not that long ago. Hannah must have arrived within the last day or two. The last one of Abigail’s children to make it to the village.

“Hannah! When did you get here? I almost totally forgot about you.”

Hannah let a smile break through on her face. She was definitely happy to see Kaitlyn. “I arrived the day before Abigail left. I saw the flash of light when she left. I knew it was her. I was just sad that I had rejected her and refused to live with her. I want to see her again. Show me the way.”

Kaitlyn smiled, the first curious person from the village had come to her for help. Hannah was sincere and Kaitlyn knew that she really wanted to know the way to get to Abigail.

Why had Kaitlyn come to the library?

Rachel was getting quite annoyed with Kaitlyn always coming in and foiling whatever it was that she was trying to do. Today she had come in and given a speech that said the exact opposite of what she herself had said. Who did Kaitlyn think she was?

Most of the people who had listened to Rachel had come up and asked a little more about what she had been talking about. They really wanted to know about everything about the truth that she was telling them. David was going to have a lot of followers by the end of the day.

Rachel wanted to get right up and head to David and tell him all about what was happening, but she hadn’t finished what he had sent her out to do yet. Get the Sphere of Death. She needed that sphere and couldn’t go back to David without it.

She had to find some way to get into Kaitlyn’s house without her knowing. How was that possible? Wait, there was a way. Kaitlyn had showed her a secret entrance into the house back when they were friends not very long ago. Before they knew that they were twins.

Straight below the window that was Kaitlyn’s room, there was a hidden entrance that led down into a basement that was secret to the house. There was a door that came up in the pantry of the kitchen. Rachel had to try to get in that way.

First, she needed to get out of here. Most of the people had scattered out and most of the ones left were searching for books in the library. She had a chance to get out. She had to take it before someone else came up to her wanting to talk to her.

She walked as quickly as she possibly could without trying to draw too much attention to herself. She walked out the front of the library and went right down the road straight to Kaitlyn’s house. She had to get in there and she needed to get out with the sphere before she was caught by Kaitlyn.

She found the secret entrance right where it had always been, and she went right in.

Hannah cursed under her breath when she saw Rachel disappear into some kind of secret passageway that must have led into Kaitlyn’s house. Hannah was amazed at home much could be seen from this third story room in Kaitlyn’s house. Kaitlyn had wanted to show it to Hannah, so they had come up and Hannah’s plan was working out as well as it was supposed to. She needed to get up here so that she could scope it out and see if there were any hints to where the Sphere of Death might be.

She had no interest at all in listening to what Kaitlyn had to say. Since she had arrived in this hell of a village she had found Kaitlyn to be strange. She was different and Hannah didn’t care for her. All Hannah cared about was getting back to her mother, Abigail. She wanted to see Abigail. Kaitlyn may have claimed to know the way, but it made no sense. It was a bunch of junk that she had probably made up. The only real way to get to Abigail and back to earth was though the list that Chloe was using.

Hannah had found Chloe and had agreed to work with her. She had been given the job of finding the star that they needed to put the five items on. She had found both of them within an hour of looking for them. She then decided that she didn’t need Chloe or Andrew, she would do it all on her own. Well, she might use Andrew, but she decided that she hated Chloe and would turn her back on her.

Chloe had been stupid enough to show her where she kept the other 4 items. All Hannah had to do was get the sphere. She would hide it somewhere, steal the other 4 items and the list from Chloe, and then she would perform the ritual on her own. The only person who even had a chance of coming back to earth with her was Andrew. She had always taken a liking to him. When they were growing up he was the closest to her age and he was the one she spent most of her time with.

She didn’t know who Chloe was, but she reminded her of Kaitlyn. Yes, they were very opposite in what they said, but their personality and look was very much the same. It was like they were twins, but Chloe had darker skin. Kaitlyn’s was pure white.

Hannah didn’t know what it was that made the two of them seem so much the same, but something did. It was a strange sense, but it was the truth. They were somehow connected, but Hannah didn’t know how.

What she did know was the fact that Rachel was working for David and trying to get the sphere before Chloe could. Know Hannah was fighting her as well. It was a battle to get the sphere, and one person held it, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn was the key in this battle.

“So, what is this amazing way that I can get to Abigail? All I have wanted to do since I got here was see her. She meant everything to me. I loved her with all of my heart, now she’s gone.” Hannah talked with such sincerity that Kaitlyn believed every word that she said.

“Well, you must follow me. I am Abigail’s daughter. Also daughter of David, but that is only a little bit important. I am the chosen one, David’s daughter, who will save this village. If you come and follow me, I will die for the rejection of the whole village and anyone who follows me will have their rejection removed. Abigail will then accept them and when they die, they will go back to earth.”

It seemed a little odd, but something in seemed so nice. It reminded her of something that she had heard about on earth, but she couldn’t place it. Some people followed someone who did the same thing. It really didn’t matter, why would she follow someone who died? It was ridiculous.

“That sucks, I wanted to be able to see her as soon as possible, not wait until I die. I wish there was a way to go straight to her. Can you do that for me?”

“You can’t go and see her right now, but I think I can help you a little bit.” Kaitlyn held up an elongated cylinder that was paper on the outside and some weird substance it was wrapped around. “This is a smick. When you smoke one, like you would a cigarette from earth, you can feel Abigail’s love for you. You can feel her presence and when you talk through the smoke, you are talking to her. You can’t hear her talk back, but you can feel the answer in the smoke. When you stay with me, you will feel like you are in her presence until I leave you, and then I will leave you something else that is even better.” Kaitlyn was becoming a little more exciting than Hannah had figured, but she wasn’t convinced.

Hannah had no desire to smoke one of the smicks. She had tried hard enough to give up smoking on earth, but this, it was outrageous. It supposedly wasn’t addictive like a cigarette or harmful like one, but it was still the same concept and wouldn’t be helpful in her quest to quit smoking. Yes, the smick did sound good because it was a like a cigarette and at many times Hannah did crave one, but because she was trying to quit, it was only a hindrance to getting to her final goal, no smoking. Talking to Abigail through the smoke sounded childish, but if it were true, it would be very nice.

What was she thinking?! She couldn’t try a smick; it would only hinder her from her real goal. A goal that was about to be hindered by Rachel once she made her way up the stairs. Kaitlyn was a hindrance enough; but Rachel, she was a totally different story.

Hannah had to come up with some way to get Kaitlyn down stairs so that she could have some time to look for the Sphere of Death. She needed it, she needed it to get to Abigail and she needed to be with Abigail. It was the one desire of her heart and she wanted to get their as fast as possible.

“Hannah, I want to give you some advice. Don’t believe anything that Chloe, Andrew, Rachel, or David tells you. They are all deceived by David. What they tell you are lies. If you believe what they say, you will end up in a place you don’t want to be. You will never make it to Abigail through any of those ways. I am the only way. The list won’t help you get to Abigail like you want. Yes, you won’t see Abigail right away, but with the smicks right now and an even better way after I die, you can communicate with her. That is better than following a false way.” Kaitlyn spoke such words of comfort.

Could Kaitlyn possibly be right? No, there was no way that anything she says could be right. She was crazy and unlike the rest of them. Then again, it was like that one idea on earth. There was some guy who died for everyone and only through him could they get what they wanted. Was it the same here in this village? Was this some kind of mirror of the reality on earth?

Hannah’s mind began to spin. Kaitlyn spoke with words that were so comforting that it made Hannah want to run right to her. She spoke words that sounded so sincere. She sounded like she spoke the truth. The problem was, it wasn’t what Hannah believed. No, it was the opposite. It couldn’t be this easy to get to Abigail. Abigail was their mom and she was on earth, that there was no way to get to.

Hannah couldn’t understand everything, but what she did know for sure is that Abigail was on earth. When she saw that flash of light the day after she had arrived in the village, she knew that Abigail was leaving. She knew that Abigail would go away and wait for them to return to her.

The truth was that all of Abigail’s children wanted to go home. Hannah knew that as a fact. They may not all know that their inner most thought was to get back home to Abigail, but it was the truth. They wanted to be with their mother and they wanted to go back to their home. It was the reality of everything. No one truly wanted to be a stranger where they lived. No, they weren’t necessarily strangers where they lived because they were all brothers and sisters, besides David. David was Abigail’s enemy, Hannah knew that much for sure and she knew she wanted to stay away from him.

They weren’t strangers in this village, but the village wasn’t their home. It was more of a vacation, but yet not a vacation. It was like a forced vacation, but yet at times it felt like a prison. Some would grow to enjoy it enough that they would decide just to say. Some would try to do whatever possible to try to look better in the eyes of Abigail as opposed to their siblings. Others would try to find some way to get to Abigail, like Hannah was doing. Still others would follow Kaitlyn and believe that they could reach Abigail by going that path. The question was what was the right choice?

Hannah for some reason loved Kaitlyn at that moment. What was it that was drawing her to Kaitlyn? Yes, Kaitlyn was a very nice and gentle girl, but she was different and Hannah hated people who were different. Hannah was the most racist and sexist person that there was. She hated most men; she hated black people and people who weren’t like her. Yet, for some reason she like Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn was beautiful in her white dress and red hair and perfectly white skin. Her blue eyes stood out over her white body and went very well with her hair. She was perfect.

Hannah envied her for some reason. What was it? Hannah hated not knowing why. All she knew was that she envied and loved Kaitlyn. It was a mystery, but yet it was the truth in her heart.

“Oh, what a surprise to see both of you here. Kaitlyn and I don’t know your friend.” Rachel! She had made it up and hadn’t expected to find both of them up here, not that she knew who Hannah was.

“Thanks for interrupting Rachel. Anyways, Hannah, this is my twin sister Rachel, I don’t know if you have met her yet, but she is quite a nice young girl. Rachel, this is Abigail’s youngest daughter, besides you, Chloe, and I, Hannah. She came to me wanting to talk. Now what do you want Rachel?”

Kaitlyn spoke in a tone that wasn’t offensive. Yes, she had a reason to be rude, but yet she wasn’t. She made a joke to begin with, and nicely asked Rachel’s business there. Hannah was shocked at how nice Kaitlyn was. She loved it and envied it as well and Kaitlyn herself.

Hannah’s head continued to spin. Everything was going crazy. What was going on? Kaitlyn turned out to be one of the nicest people that Hannah had ever met. She was different, but she was amazing and a person that Hannah respected. What was going on with her, she hated Kaitlyn.

What was this power that was drawing her to Kaitlyn? She hated it, but yet at the same time enjoyed it. She didn’t want to like Kaitlyn, but as she liked her more, she wanted to like her more. It was the strangest feeling that Hannah had ever experienced in her life. It was amazing and unbelievable.

“Rachel, why don’t just answer me? I already know why you are here, you don’t need to try and hide it. I know you are still looking for the Sphere of Death. Just get over it, you will never find it. I will give it to Chloe and she will use it. When she uses it, nothing will happen. It has no power. Not power to kill me, not power to kill any of you, and definitely no power to allow for a way back to earth. I am the only way back to earth. I am the only one who can overcome the curse on the city.” Kaitlyn spoke in a way that Hannah had never heard before. She knew things no one else knew. It was amazing!

Hannah’s hand began to shake. She really wanted to try a smick. Not because she wanted to be smoking again, but because she was really starting to believe Kaitlyn. What was this power that was drawing her to Kaitlyn? What was drawing her to believe Kaitlyn? It made no sense. Yes, smoking a smick would make it harder for Hannah to quit smoking when she got back, but she wanted to connect with Abigail. She had to at least try and see whether or not it actually worked.

“I want to try a smick.” Hannah spoke up after a little bit of silence. “I am so sorry Kaitlyn. I came here looking for the Sphere of Death. I wanted to take it because I believed that the list that Chloe had actually had power.  I was working for Chloe, but have now decided to turn my back on her. If I could have gotten the sphere today, I would have gone and tried to use it. I have already found the star and I know where the rest of the items are. Please forgive me, but I believe everything that you say now.”

Kaitlyn smiled, got a smick and a lighter out and handed them to Hannah. Hannah lit the smick and started to smoke while Rachel just stared at both of them. Hannah started to become uncomfortable with Rachel. Her stare was deadly and it was starting to scare Hannah a little.

Rachel spoke for the first time since coming up the stairs. “You actually know where the other items are? Can you tell me? I need to keep them away from Chloe so she can’t use their power.”

Kaitlyn spoke before Hannah could even open her mouth. “Come on Rachel, why can’t you just believe me? The truth is there is no power in anything that Chloe is trying to accomplish. It is all a lie. Now get over the five items and come and follow me. It will me you me and Hannah.”

“I don’t care what you say, Kaitlyn, you are the liar. Hannah, don’t listen to her, everything that she says is a lie. Whatever she says, the opposite is true. David is the one you must follow, not Abigail. David is Abigail’s father. David is also our father, but not physically. He used power to get Abigail pregnant, and Kaitlyn and I were born from her. That is the real truth. Now give me the location!”

Hannah looked over at Kaitlyn who was shaking her head. Who did she believe? Rachel seemed a little strange, but yet she gave another story. Rachel’s didn’t seem to have the power that Kaitlyn’s did, though. She didn’t feel much pull towards Rachel like she did towards Kaitlyn. Hannah didn’t understand what was going on with her. Who was telling the truth and who was lying?

Hannah decided after only a minute of silence. “Rachel, you seem like such a sweet girl. I don’t know what has come over you, though. Abigail could never have been fathered by David. It doesn’t make any sense. David is black and Abigail is perfectly white, just like Kaitlyn is. I believe Kaitlyn and I will not let you know the location of the rest of them. There can’t be any power in the items and the whole ritual thing. It just wouldn’t make any sense. I believe that Abigail wants us all to come and find her on earth and that she gave her daughter, Kaitlyn to come and save us. I will follow Kaitlyn!”

Did I just say that?, Hannah thought to herself. She was surprised that she had made such a decision in such a short amount of time. She had come in to this house looking for something that would get her, by herself, to Abigail, but found that the only way was with Kaitlyn. She would follow Kaitlyn as far as she needed to, even if it meant to death. Hannah believed beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Kaitlyn smiled at Hannah and looked ecstatic at the answer that Hannah had given. Someone had finally come and believed her. Hannah could see how much excitement Kaitlyn had over that. Hannah really did want to follow Kaitlyn, she realized at that moment. There was nothing that would keep her from following her wherever she happened to go. She loved Abigail and she knew that Abigail had sent Kaitlyn to save all of them. Kaitlyn was Abigail’s youngest daughter. She was meant to save them. She was a young teenager girl, but that made it all the more amazing. The person who would be looked down upon the most. The savior of the village would be a 16 year old girl, Kaitlyn.

Rachel cursed and looked absolutely furious. Her own sister had rejected her. Yes, Hannah had rejected her as well, but Rachel didn’t know Hannah, so it made sense. Rachel must have been working for David and would apparently stop at nothing to get what she wanted. She needed to find some way to stop Chloe from using the 5 items on the star and gaining power from it. Power that wasn’t there.

Rachel didn’t move, but she just stood there and stared back and forth between Kaitlyn and Hannah. Hannah was beginning to get annoyed with it, but did the best that she could to ignore it. Rachel wasn’t going to stop any time soon; that much Hannah knew.

A door slammed shut below them. Hannah cursed. It was probably Andrew and Chloe coming to tell Kaitlyn that they had found the star. They would see Hannah and then want to kill her because she had failed at the job that she had told them she would do.

Rachel cursed as well when she heard the door slam. Hannah didn’t know why, but she assumed that Rachel figured it was Andrew and Chloe as well. She was probably upset that Chloe was getting as close to the sphere as she was, but Hannah didn’t know for sure, so she gave up on the thought.

It wasn’t but half a minute or less before Andrew and Chloe made it to the third story of Kaitlyn’s house. “Welcome to the third story of my house Chloe and Andrew,” Kaitlyn said kindly.

Rachel scurried around away from the stairs and next to Kaitlyn on the opposite side of her that Hannah stood on. Chloe glared right at Rachel and didn’t let her eyes move away from her.

“Chloe, get a hold of yourself. Rachel never did anything to you. Yes, I heard that she was trying to take the Sphere that you want, but I already told you I will give it to you when you find the star. I know you haven’t found it yet, so if you want to be in my house you must behave yourself.”

Hannah loved the way that Kaitlyn talked. She said it so kindly, yet so sternly at the exact same time. She had never heard anyone else in her entire life talk in the same way.

“You are so wrong Kaitlyn,” Chloe began. “I have found the star and I demand that you hand over the Sphere of Death right away. If you don’t, I will start by killing this girl right here.” Chloe pointed right at Hannah. “If that is not enough, then I will kill Rachel as well, that will be the fun part.”

“You will not kill a soul Chloe. There will be no killing that goes on in my house, understand? Now if you really think you have found the star, tell me. I wasn’t lying when I said you haven’t found the star. I know you have found a star, but trust me, it is the wrong one. Now leave and go find the right one. There will be no violence in my house. Rachel will stay alive. Understand?”

“The only way I won’t kill Rachel is if she stays out of my way. If she does anything to interfere with me and my plan, then I will kill her. I found the star in the library. Now give me the sphere!”

“That is the wrong one. That isn’t the Star of Adam; that is some random star that someone painted on the ground a long time ago. I don’t know why they painted it there, but they did none the less and it is the truth. Now go find me the Star of Adam and I will then give you the Sphere of Death.”

Chloe left quickly and glared at Kaitlyn as she left and then glared at Rachel before she finally disappeared down the stairs and into Abigail’s old room. Andrew followed Chloe and they were gone.

Kaitlyn woke up and realized the truth about the day. This would be her last day. Hannah slept in the room across the hallway in the room that used to be Abigail’s. Hannah had truly turned that day and was fully committed to following Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn only had a few things that she was going to do. She knew that Rachel would pretend to come and follow her today, but would then betray her at the end. She would do a little more teaching, but no one would believe her. It would be a day in vain, but she could do nothing else.

Kaitlyn sat up in her bed and lit a smick. She talked through the spoke for a little while. She was then satisfied that she knew what she needed to do, so she got up and out of bed and went to the kitchen to make herself some food. She would eat and then go out on to the streets and do some talking. The people would be tired of the library by now and would be back out on the streets. Rachel would give up on trying to get people to follow David for the time being so she could deceive Kaitlyn. Well, she wouldn’t deceive Kaitlyn, but she would trick her.

Kaitlyn knew the whole day’s plan. Abigail had told her it before she had left. Abigail had left Kaitlyn with the exact day and exactly what was going to happen.  No, it wouldn’t be fun, but it was what she had to do and nothing else would show Abigail’s love any better.

Kaitlyn went back up the stairs and woke Hannah up. They had lots of things to do that day and she wanted Hannah to be with her the whole entire time. “Wake up Hannah; we have a lot to do today. This is my last day, so I need you to get up. We need to show the village who I really am.”

Kaitlyn and Hannah left the house ten minutes after Hannah had gotten out of bed. They went out the door and headed straight to the jail. A huge crowd that included roughly the whole entire village stood outside and stared at the front of the jail building.

Kaitlyn and Hannah couldn’t see the front as they approached because it was on the inside of the curve across from the library, but Kaitlyn knew what was going on. It was her chance to possibly win over a few more people. Rachel would be there and that was where Rachel would begin her plan.

A body was hung from the roof of the jail. The head was on rope and the rest of the body was in chains. The chains attached it to the side of the jail. Someone had done a lot of work by trying and keeping the body from being stolen. Kaitlyn knew why. It was for her benefit. It was supposed to be so that she couldn’t win, but she would win. She would show the person behind the hanging who had the real power. David couldn’t stop Abigail, and neither could he stop Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn walked up to the body followed by Hannah, who walked timidly. “Stephanie, get out of those chains and come down here immediately. In the name of Abigail I command you to get out of that sleep of yours. Abigail, break her chains and let her come down and walk and live again.”

Stephanie’s chains dropped to the ground, the rope broke and Stephanie fell to the ground. She wasn’t alive, but she was free from the chains that were binding her. It was amazing, but it wasn’t fully what Kaitlyn had said. Hannah blushed and was a little embarrassed as she stood next to Kaitlyn who was speaking to a dead person. It sounded funny, but Hannah knew that Kaitlyn could make it work.

Kaitlyn spoke up again. “Mom, come and give Stephanie a second chance. She rejected you and brought rejection to the whole village, but she is your daughter. Save her from this hell that she is in right now. Give her a second chance and give her a new life. Abigail, come and help me!”

Stephanie jumped up off of the ground and got out of the heap of a body that she was. She was alive! Her body was fully functioning and she was alive. It was the most amazing thing that Hannah had ever seen in her life.

Hannah had been so focused on the miracle that Kaitlyn had performed, she had almost failed to see the smick that Kaitlyn had been using. She was smoking and talking with the smoke. The smoke really had power to be able to talk to Abigail! The power of the smick was almost as amazing as Kaitlyn raising the dead. No, it wasn’t as exciting because it wasn’t a person given another chance at life, but it was incredible. It was the fact that smoke had some power. Hannah was so amazed that she wanted to try some of it herself. Then again, it was Kaitlyn’s time to shine and she didn’t want to interfere.

Stephanie was dazed and confused as she got up off the ground and walked toward Kaitlyn. What had just happened? The last thing that she had remembered was seeing Rachel sleeping. It was in David’s house and David had taken her to Rachel’s room. Now she was in front of the jail.

“What is going on Kaitlyn? The last thing that I remember was being in Rachel’s room in David’s house, and then my whole world went black. How did I get here?”

“David killed you in Rachel’s room that night. Rachel didn’t see it, but she saw you dead when she woke up. Now, I have just raised you from the dead. Abigail has given me the power that she had before, but she is letting me use it so that all can see the power of Abigail, my mom!” Kaitlyn shouted for the whole village to here. It was like she was proclaiming the most important news ever.

“I’m alive. I saw black when I was in Rachel’s room and dying, but now since you have awaken me, I saw crimson red to begin with, but then I saw white. A pure white that was amazing. It was the most amazing experience ever.” Stephanie shouted it out with joy.

“You were dead, but know you are alive. Come and follow me and you will see Abigail again. You have rejected her, but your rejection will be covered when the city is saved. Abigail wants you to come and be with her. I am calling you because she has first called you, her daughter, her firstborn.”

Kaitlyn turned from Stephanie and faced the whole crowd. “Abigail has called all of you to come and be with her, but only some of you will. Since she has called you, I will call you as well. I want all of you to come and be with her just as I am going to see her. It doesn’t matter what the rest of the village tells you. I am the only way to get to Abigail. If you want to come and see Abigail again and see earth again, you must come and follow me. I am the only way. That, my brothers and sisters, is the truth.”

Kaitlyn was proclaiming what she believed to everyone. She wanted all of them to hear. It was in her voice how much she really loved the village. Stephanie could see it, and she believed. She could follow Kaitlyn. There was nothing more than she wanted to do than see Abigail.

Stephanie glanced at Hannah and smiled. They had both believed and now were both going to be following Kaitlyn. They knew that she was the right way and they knew that she spoke the truth. The firstborn and the lastborn from earth were now united with the lastborn of David. Both had rejected Abigail, but in their own way. Stephanie had been the one who brought rejection to the village. Hannah was the one who had deceived Kaitlyn and tried to use the list to get to Abigail.

Rachel had left David’s house early in the morning. She only had one assignment that she needed to do today. It was Kaitlyn’s last day, David had said, and it was her job to take care of it. No, it didn’t bode well with her, but what choice did she have? She had pleaded and pleaded with David to try and not let it happen, but it didn’t work out. It was what David wanted, so she would do it.

Rachel had noticed a crowd around the jail and had headed straight down there. Kaitlyn always seemed to have a crowd around her for whatever reason, so it seemed like a safe assumption that Kaitlyn was probably there. She arrived there not but five minutes later and found Kaitlyn there.

She also found something that she would have never expected. Stephanie! How was it possible? David had killed Stephanie and left her in Rachel’s room. She was dead, this couldn’t be happening. Something was going on. Who really was Kaitlyn? It didn’t matter, Rachel had a job.

Rachel approached Kaitlyn in the same way that she had when they were just friends. She didn’t care about any popularity that Kaitlyn had, they were twin sisters, and Kaitlyn would have to make time for Rachel. That was the truth in the way that Rachel saw it. Kaitlyn was talking with Stephanie and this other girl Hannah at the moment. Hannah had been changed the day before in Kaitlyn’s house and now Stephanie was rising from the dead, there really was something strange with Kaitlyn. If Rachel didn’t know that David was the truth, she would be become convinced that Abigail as the truth.

Kaitlyn’s story seemed to be checking out quite well. They were all children of Abigail; even David had said so, only David added that he was Abigail’s father. Kaitlyn had also talked about how Abigail was so powerful and that she was something that none of them could even imagine. Yes, Kaitlyn was usually talking about Abigail’s love, but still, it was some kind of crazy power.

“Hey Kaitlyn, I assumed that I would find you here. You have seemed to be becoming quite popular recently. I really need to talk to you. It is about following you. I think I will follow.”

“That is great Rachel; you can join Stephanie and Hannah who have already joined my side. The rest of them here just don’t seem to get the point. Yes, they listen to me, but the problem is they just can’t see or hear the truth. They shut themselves off from what they need to hear and only hear what they want to. They want to live only in this village; they don’t really want to go back to earth.”

Rachel went over to where Stephanie and Hannah were standing. They gave her a strange stare, but then Stephanie welcomed her in. “I am so glad that you finally decided to come and follow Kaitlyn. I am sorry about the time when I stole you away from her. I handed you over to David and that was my mistake. I now see that Kaitlyn can give us a second chance and can redeem us. I have chosen to follow her and I am glad that you could come as well. You really have a great twin sister.”

Of course, everything is about Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is the best, Kaitlyn is amazing. Rachel was getting tired of hearing that her sister was so much greater than her. Kaitlyn was no better! There was no way. David was the real truth, Abigail was just a fake. Rachel knew that much was true.

Kaitlyn came over to where the three girls were standing and then quieted the crowd. “I am glad that you have all joined around to listen to me today. I would like to start by getting some things cleared up. My name is Kaitlyn and I am the daughter of Abigail. I know that many of you didn’t like her, but that doesn’t mean that you should hate me. Yes, I am very much like her, but she was a great woman. You should all be happy that she was your mother. The three girls behind me right now know the truth and they are willing to follow. I hope that you all do the same as they do.

“There is a prophesy here in this village and it states that David’s child will save this village. I am a daughter of David. Yes I know it is very strange to have both David and Abigail as parents, but that is the truth. I never knew David as my father, but he was. My mom, Abigail was a woman of integrity. None of you knew that, but that was because you didn’t pay any attention to her. She was different from you, so you hated her. Everyone here rejected her and your rejection hurts her. She is your mother, you have no right to reject her like you do, but yet you did it and still do anyways.

“If any of you ever want to see her again, you must follow me. After three days you will never see me again. You won’t go straight to Abigail if you follow me, but after you die, you will be able to go back home. You will go to earth to be with Abigail, you will go back to your real home. Many of you are satisfied with you home here, but deep down in your heart you aren’t. In the deepest depths of your heart you want something so much more, you want to be with Abigail in your real home.

“You must accept the truth and you must come and follow me. You saw Stephanie come back to life from the dead because of Abigail’s power that she gave to me. Her chains that have pulled her in to rejection have been cut free and she is free to go and live in her home with Abigail when she dies. Yes, she was the one who brought rejection in to the village, but I have come to remove it. Yes, some of you will continue to live in rejection, but those who choose not to can go home when they die here.”

It was a beautiful speech that Kaitlyn gave, but Rachel couldn’t believe any of it. The strange thing was fact that no one in the audience seemed to believe her either. Rachel had a reason, she was loved by David and she loved him back. She had found the love of her heart, David, so she didn’t need to believe anything that Kaitlyn was talking about. Abigail was the one that wanted people not to be with David and was trying to steal them away by sending Kaitlyn to do her dirty work. Yes, Kaitlyn probably saw Rachel as the same, but she wasn’t. Rachel loved the people just like David did.

Kaitlyn had finished giving her speech and came back to Stephanie, Rachel, and Hannah. “Let’s take a walk. We don’t have much time before I die tonight. I don’t want to waste it. There are some things that I want to tell all of you. Let us go to my house and let us eat and have a feast and praise Abigail. Abigail has given us life and now we will thank her. Then I will help show her love.

The table was set and it was time to eat the food that Kaitlyn had prepared for her three followers. She had wanted so many more, but knew that she couldn’t have them. The people hated Abigail; that was the truth in it all. There was nothing that Kaitlyn could do about that fact. Some would follow after she died and some would still stay away. It didn’t matter what Kaitlyn did, some people would just rather live in the village and not worry about finding some way to get home to earth.

David had done his job in deceiving many, including Rachel. Rachel was the one person that Kaitlyn had done everything for to try to get to come and follow, but Rachel just wouldn’t budge. She was living with David and was doing whatever he asked. She was deceived beyond anything that Kaitlyn could have possibly imagined. It was devastating, but yet it was the truth.

The truth hurt Kaitlyn, but it was the truth about how she would be rejected just like her mom. The truth about the village and what was needed to be done to get back to earth didn’t hurt, but it was enlightening to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn wanted people to just listen and see the truth that she told them, but they just couldn’t. They were human and could make their own choices.

“Tonight I must give up my own life as a sacrifice. I will take the rejection of the whole village upon me and I will die. I will die to show Abigail’s love to the whole village. I am the one and only daughter that she got to raise in this village. She wished that she wouldn’t have to have me die, but there is no other way that the village can see her love. There is no other way for them to come and be with her. They have all rejected her, but I can undo that and give them a way to get back to her.

“I love every single one of you here more than my life. I hope that after my death everyone will continue to believe in Abigail. She is the one who gives life. She is the one who is at our real home, on earth, where we all want to be. I love this village and I love all of you. I will show you my love this very night when they come and take me and kill me. I will go willingly and all of you will reject me.

“One of you will reject me and turn me in to David. David will lead the group that comes and kills me. It is only right. Chloe will be performing her ritual tonight. She will be coming by anytime for the Sphere of Death. She will perform her ritual and she will believe that she had killed me with it. David has the power of death to his advantage. With death and rejection of Abigail, a person will never be able to see Abigail again. That is what David wants.

“I will break David’s power in a few days. I will come back and see all of you. It will be the way to get to Abigail. You must all follow me in everything that I do. No, you won’t follow me and die tonight, but will reject me. You must follow me afterwards, that is the only way that you will be able to see Abigail. That is how you will be able to get home. I want you all to follow me. It is your only hope. You all love me, I know that. You must lead everyone else to follow me so that they can come home.

“David will have no power over you once you follow me completely. Once you have done that, it is your job to lead the rest to do the same. You must always follow me in everything that you do.”

Kaitlyn sat down at the table at the foot of the table. She had place Rachel at the head of the table and then put Hannah and Stephanie on either side. They had eaten bread and water and Kaitlyn had cooked up some good steaks for them. It was their last meal, Kaitlyn wanted it to be great.

“Come on with me into the living room.” Stephanie, Hannah, and Rachel followed Kaitlyn in to the living room and all sat on the couch that looked straight towards the window that overlooked the village. Kaitlyn sat in her normal chair, the recliner and glazed out over the village. Kaitlyn picked a book up from the ground right next to her chair. “This book is something that I need all of you to remember. With this book, I will be killed, and with this book I want you to always remember me when I am killed. This book is the symbol for my death. Whenever you read a book, I want you to remember my death.”

Kaitlyn was in utter distress. Everything was falling apart right now. Her death would happen in only a short time. The sun was going down and in not much time after that, she would be killed. David would come with his people, they would take Kaitlyn, and they would go and kill her. Andrew and Chloe would be arriving soon to pick up the Sphere of Death. It was all settling in to place.

Kaitlyn sat up and began to speak. “Rachel, it is that time. I need you to go get for me the Sphere of Death. It is now time. Everything is beginning to fall in to place. My death is about to come.”

Rachel got up and left the room immediately. She was gone in a flash and out the door.

As soon as Rachel was out the door, Chloe and Andrew walked right in and Chloe went to the living room to get Kaitlyn. “Hand over the Sphere of Death Kaitlyn! I have found the Star of Adam.”

Kaitlyn smiled. She was glad yet sad at the same time. Chloe meant that Kaitlyn’s death was near. Kaitlyn’s death meant pain for her, but joy and salvation for everyone else. “I am both glad and sad to see you Chloe. Now where is the Star of Adam? Where did you find this star?”

“You are a tricky one, but I am not stupid. You are right, there are two stars. I should have thought of it earlier, but you made it easy this morning. I walked right in and found it in the very back. Yes, it was quite a hassle to get to, but that was clever of you. It was a tricky star to find, but I have found it and I plan on you handing over the sphere. It is in the jail.”

Kaitlyn grabbed the small sphere that was in her pocket. It was about the size of a golf ball. There was nothing spectacular about it, it was made of wood. Kaitlyn wasn’t sure if Chloe would believe it was real, but it was. It was as real as any of them were. “Here you go Chloe. Best of luck to you.”

Chloe took the ball and inspected it. She didn’t seem too convinced that it was the real deal. She stared back at Kaitlyn and then spoke. “This is a fake, where is the real sphere?”

“It’s not a fake Chloe, it is the real thing. It isn’t spectacular, I know, but it is the Sphere of Death. My mom showed it to me a long time ago. I bet you remember that. You know it is real; you just don’t want to admit it. I am sorry Chloe, but that is it whether you believe it or not.”

Kaitlyn could see right through Chloe. She knew the sphere was real, but just didn’t want to believe it. She was too deceived to believe the truth. She wanted spectacular, but got boring. Chloe’s look revealed the truth. Her whole life had come down to this sphere that was made of wood.

Andrew and Chloe shot right out the door almost as quick as they had come in. Chloe had what she wanted and now she was going to go and use the power she believed she had.

Rachel had arrived right on schedule. David seemed quite pleased with her report. He kissed his daughter and then went to the living room to talk to his followers. Rachel had done a great job in converting people the day before and they were all loyal. They were willing to do anything he said. They were the ones who would march on Kaitlyn and then later on help him kill her.

“Are you all ready? I sure hope you are. We leave in five minutes. We march on Kaitlyn’s house, we take her and then we go to the place that we agreed on. She will die there. We will then leave her body to rot there and we will come back to the house to celebrate. You will leave Stephanie and Hannah alone unless they put up a fight. If either of them raises a hand at you, kill them. Understood?”

The nods by everyone told David that they all agreed with him. His plan would go perfectly as planned. They would march to where Kaitlyn was, they would take her and then they would go and kill her. David hated Kaitlyn and he needed to get rid of her. Chloe would be his next victim unless she agreed to come and follow David.

David needed his other daughters out of the way so that Rachel could go and save the village like she was supposed to. Abigail was his daughter and he hated how she treated him like she did. He would kill her if he could, but she was gone, so he would have to settle for her beloved, Kaitlyn. Yes, Rachel and Kaitlyn and Chloe were his daughters, but they were born from Abigail and his power. Kaitlyn and Chloe had turned, so all he had left was Rachel. Rachel would live and be with him for forever and so would all the rest that followed him, but anyone who was against him would die.

Kaitlyn would be the first to suffer such agony. Chloe would be the next if she didn’t agree to follow him. David’s plan was about to be set in motion. His lovely daughter Rachel would one day rule the village after she save it. She would make the best queen every.

“It’s time.” David spoke to his followers and then they left his house out into the darkness.

A group of ten or so walked down the road all following David. They walked straight to Kaitlyn’s house and found them on the front porch. The three of them sitting on the porch and smoking the sticks that Kaitlyn had always referred to as smicks. David didn’t understand it, but it didn’t matter, Kaitlyn was going to die that very night. There was no way that she could escape.

“Here they come,” Kaitlyn told Stephanie and Hannah while David and his followers were only ten yards away. “They are coming to take me. None of you will put up a fight in any way. You must stay calm and not fight them. If you fight them, they will fight back and they will kill you.”

“Kaitlyn, my love, I was hoping to see you here.” David! He had finally come and was about to take her to her death. It wasn’t going to be fun, but it was what was necessary. “I am so happy to see you tonight. It has been such a long time. At that time you were only a baby. A cute one, but a baby none the less. Now you a teenager who is about to see what happens when one rejects their father.”

David’s tone quickly turned from nice to rude. He seemed to love her, but it was more of a love to hate her. He loved her because she was his daughter, but hated her because of who she was. She took after Abigail, the person that he hated most in the world. Abigail hated this truth, but it really didn’t matter, it was the truth and that was all that meant anything.

Rachel! She was at the back of the pack. She looked scared to death. She probably wasn’t supposed to be there, but had snuck up. She probably wanted to watch her twin sister die. Rachel had turned not long ago and had become a person that Kaitlyn didn’t care for. Yes she still loved her because she had Abigail’s love, but Rachel had become so annoying that it was frustrating Kaitlyn.

“Kaitlyn, you must come with me. By the power that the village has invested in me, I have become king of this village. Everyone in the village backs me right now. Every resident has voiced their opinion and agreed for me to be king, except for Stephanie, but at the time she was dead.

“My first law that I past stated that if you reject the king and refuse to follow him, you must be killed. You will not only be killed, but it will be a very painful death. I won’t tell you the method yet, but trust me, it will not be fun. I must teach the people of the village that they must follow me, or they will find death, just like you. You are the first prisoner, you are very luck.” David kissed Kaitlyn’s head.

Stephanie and Hannah both stood and started to walk towards David and his men. Kaitlyn held her hands backwards telling them to stop and they obeyed her and backed off.

Kaitlyn took a finally breath of the smick and spoke into the smoke. “Abigail, give me the strength to complete your plan. I love you and like you I love everyone here in this village.”

David grabbed Kaitlyn, took her hands and bound them behind her back in chains. The chains looked identical to the ones that Stephanie was bound by at the jail earlier. Kaitlyn wasn’t surprised; they would probably do the same kind of thing to her. David would kill her in some way, and then probably put her body somewhere to show it off to everyone.

Kaitlyn followed David step by step as he led her straight to the prison. He walked in, went past the front lobby area, and straight to the back. He was heading to the Star of Adam. Well, he wasn’t going there, but he was going right by it.

Chloe and Andrew were on the star and were placing the items on the five points. Chloe was read to get on with the ritual. David was working with them to an extent. He wasn’t really working with them, but he was doing whatever he could to make it look like he was. He was bringing Kaitlyn right next to where they were doing the ritual. He was going to kill her at the same time that they were. They would both believe that it was they who had killed Kaitlyn, even though only David would be right. It didn’t really matter though, Kaitlyn would be dead. They would both get what they desired.

“Now David, make an incision on her left wrist. I need to get some blood so that I can continue with this ritual.” Chloe was talking to David.

David listened to her and did just as she had said. Her cut Kaitlyn’s left wrist and let some blood flow, and then he gave Kaitlyn to Chloe. Chloe then took Kaitlyn around and made the blood from her wrist drop on to each of the items that she had collected over that last week or so.

Chloe gave Kaitlyn back to David and she went and stood in the middle of the Star of Adam. She waited for David to get Kaitlyn set before she took off her clothes and finished off the list. It definitely wouldn’t be a pretty sight seeing Chloe without clothes, but it was what Chloe was willing to do.

David took the book that Kaitlyn had in her hands when he arrested her. He touched the first page of the book with Kaitlyn’s wrist. He then took a knife and cut his right wrist and put that on the first page and let it bleed out. David then took the book and raised it above his head.

Natalie! Natalie stepped out from the group of people that had followed David to arrest Kaitlyn and bring her to this place. She had a knife with a long blade in her right hand.

Kaitlyn was found with chains on her hands, her legs and on her chest. She was bound to a bench with the chains and she was lying on her back.

Natalie raised the knife above her head, she swung down and Kaitlyn’s head dropped to the ground. Kaitlyn felt the pain right before the knife it her head. It was a pain that she had never felt before, a pain that was so great that it made Kaitlyn shack. It was the pain of rejection. Stephanie and Hannah stood with the crowd, which consisted of the whole village. They all stood staring at her, laughing and mocking her. They were all rejecting her!

The pain of rejection was much greater than Kaitlyn had expected. The pain hurt much more than the blade of the knife did. It hurt much more than any pregnancy could. It hurt more than giving birth; it was a pain that was unimaginable to any human. The pain was even worse than hell. The pain was hell. Rejection led to hell. Kaitlyn felt as if she were in hell from the pain of complete rejection.

Rachel turned her face the second that Natalie had raised the knife. She couldn’t watch. Yes, she was rejecting Kaitlyn and she had no compassion on her. She had mocked and she had laughed and she had stared. She had rejected Kaitlyn. The one thing that she couldn’t do was watch her twin sister die. It was such a devastating moment that Rachel had to turn her face and not watch for a single second.

What David was doing was inhumane, but he was doing it for her. David was doing all of this for Rachel. Rachel understood it and that was why she hated it so much. Rachel’s twin sister had to die so that Rachel could receive the gift that David believed that she deserved. Whether she really deserved it was another matter and Rachel didn’t care. All she cared about was her dying sister.

“No, don’t do it!” Rachel yelled it, but it was already too late. Kaitlyn’s head was already on the ground. Rachel cursed and then fell to the ground crying. Her twin sister was dead! The rest of her twin sister stood on the Star of Adam, naked. Chloe had no clothes on at all.

Rachel caught a glimpse of Chloe. She was on the ground and she was in tears. What was going on? What could bring Chloe to tears? She was such a strong teenager, it just didn’t make sense.

Rachel didn’t dare look at Kaitlyn, but something was drawing her to look over in the direction. Standing right in front of the bench that Kaitlyn lay on was a man who looked like a shepherd. Right next to him, but much lower to the ground was a lamb. A young lamb that was beautiful. The shepherd and the lamb stared right at Rachel. What was going on? What were they doing here? There were no sheep in the village, which also meant that there were no shepherds. Rachel had only heard about them through the people who talked about earth. Why did Rachel recognize them then? It didn’t make any sense to why; but what she saw, she had no doubt that what she thought was actually what she saw.

Chloe was crying out where she was on the ground. Had she seen the lamb and the shepherd? Had she seen Kaitlyn die? Why was Chloe crying? Rachel had to know.

Rachel ran over to see Chloe. She needed to know why she was crying like she was.

“What’s going on Chloe? You got what you wanted, Kaitlyn is dead. Why are you crying? I have never seen you cry before. I know she was partially you, but you hated her.” Chloe continued crying.

Rachel stood there and put her hand on Chloe’s left shoulder. Andrew stood with the rest of the crowd who was still mocking Kaitlyn, even though she was dead. Stephanie and Hannah were the only ones who had stopped and they were down on the ground and crying.

“I rejected myself. What is going on with me Rachel? Kaitlyn only spoke the truth, but yet I failed to believe her. I rejected her and let David kill her. What is wrong with me?!”

“I did the same thing Chloe. I was the only one that David would have listened to, but yet I let him kill my own twin sister. I am the worst person in the world. We must follow Kaitlyn. I was there when she was talking to Stephanie and Hannah, and that is what she had said. She told them to follow her completely. I don’t fully understand it, but we can go and talk to them and find something out.”

Chloe and Rachel got up off the ground and walked over to where Stephanie and Hannah were crying on the ground. Rachel tried to get their attention and once she finally did, they all got up together and walked to Kaitlyn’s house, and took a seat in Kaitlyn’s living room. Rachel, Stephanie, and Hannah sat on the couch, while Chloe, who was partially Kaitlyn, sat in Kaitlyn’s recliner. They sat in silence.

The silence didn’t last long before Rachel finally had to speak up. She was sad and she just needed to talk. Talk to the others. “I want to apologize to all of you. I have been rude to all of you in different ways. I wasn’t always the best daughter to you Stephanie. No, you didn’t always treat me the best, but you were a great mom to me. I thank you and I apologize for how I treated you. I never knew you well Hannah, but I don’t think we got off on the right foot. I am sorry about that. I probably did something to you as well Chloe. I don’t remember for sure, but I am known to be very rude. Thank all of you for accepting me. Earlier I was the enemy of Kaitlyn, but now I see who she truly was.”

The others just smiled back at Rachel. They all looked glad to have here there. Chloe and her were twin sisters, so they were meant for each other and finally found the middle ground. Rachel hardly knew Hannah, but Hannah seemed like a very nice girl and Kaitlyn had found the best in her. Stephanie, well she had been her mother and it was great to be back on the same side as her.

“What do we do know? Kaitlyn is gone, how are we supposed to follow her now?” Chloe didn’t fully understand what was going on yet. All she knew was the fact that she needed to follow Kaitlyn.

“We follow Kaitlyn completely. Everything that she has done, we need to do as well. That means that we must also follow her in to death. I’m not sure exactly how to do this, but I know it is what needs to be done. Kaitlyn gave her life so we could be with Abigail, now we need to give our life so we can meet Abigail after we die. I am just no sure exactly how we are supposed to follow her in to death.” Rachel wanted to know, but something just wasn’t quite coming out.

How did they follow her in to death if she was killed by a knife? They couldn’t just go and cut their own heads off, that would be suicide. They weren’t supposed to die, they were meant to help others come and follow. What were they supposed to do? The smicks, they could use those!

“I know the answer.” Rachel was jumping with joy. “We will smoke the smicks and then we will talk to Abigail through the smoke, and we will then feel the answer inside of us. I know it will work. Do any of you know where Kaitlyn kept the smicks?”

“They’re in her room. I will go get them real quickly.” Hannah left and went up the stairs.

Hannah came back with four smicks, and each of them went and took one, lit it, and smoke and began talking through the smoke. They asked Abigail what to do next. They then felt Abigail’s love and waited for her to answer them inside in their lungs. They waited and waited for what felt like forever.

“I know the right answer; I can feel it in my heart. I know what we must do!” Rachel was jumping with joy again. “We must do exactly as Kaitlyn did and cut off our heads. I know this sounds ridiculous, but we will come back to life. I don’t know how, but in some way we will be able to be a new person free from rejection. We will no longer reject Abigail, but we will praise her and thank her.”

Rachel went in to the kitchen and got four knifes, one for each of them to use. Rachel could see that they all agreed with her. They must have felt it in their hearts as well. She entered back into the room and gave each one of them a knife. Each girl took the knife up to their neck and let the cool blade touch their skin. They then waited a moment before they actually went through with it.

Chloe and Rachel were the first two to move the blade from their neck and then use all the force they could to pull the blade straight back and towards their neck. The second that the cold blade hit Rachel’s neck, it bounced off. What was going on? Why didn’t it work?

Chloe, Stephanie, and Hannah all had the exact same reaction; the blade wouldn’t go in to their necks. They each tried again, but nothing happened. They couldn’t do it! It was amazing. Then in a sudden moment, they all knew why it bounced off. They couldn’t kill themselves. Abigail just wanted to see their loyalty. They were willing to kill themselves for her, so she knew they would follow her.

They were really alive know! They couldn’t kill themselves because they had Abigail, their mother, on their side.

The four girls went outside and for the rest of the day shouted out to the whole village to hear what had happened to them, they were saved by Abigail. They were saved!

The four girls had gotten up early the next morning. They had talked the whole night away that Kaitlyn had died. The rest of that day they had told everyone the truth, but no one was willing to follow them. Nobody wanted to hear the truth. They had gone back to Kaitlyn’s house after a long day of talking and went to sleep. They didn’t sleep long, but they needed that little rest.

Chloe was the first to see her. It was Kaitlyn! She was alive! What was going on? She had died two days ago, but now she was back. It was the most amazing thing that Chloe had ever seen. She was raised from the dead. Herself was back from the grave. She was raised again.

“Kaitlyn!” Chloe screamed and then came running to meet the girl that really was herself, but just the better half. She had to be reunited with herself. Chloe hugged Kaitlyn, and then her body began to shake. She shock violently and then was turned around and was gone.

Rachel, Stephanie, and Hannah just stopped and stared at the sight. What had just happened? Chloe was there, and then she was gone. It was like she had gone inside of Kaitlyn. It was the strangest sensation that any of them had ever seen.

“The truth is, Chloe is me. Right now she has rejoined me. Chloe is no longer a human person that will be with you. Yes, she will be with you, but not in the flesh. When each of you embrace me, Chloe will enter you as well. You will be filled with Chloe, but really you will be filled with me. Whenever you want to talk to me, Chloe will come out of you and will become human and you will be talking to me. I am Abigail as well, so you will be talking to Abigail.

“It is a bit complicated, but the truth is Rachel is the one that is really Abigail’s daughter. Yes, I was as well, but I broke off of Rachel. I may have been born as a human from Abigail, but the truth was, I am really Abigail. Somehow Rachel as a fertilized egg was mixed with something from Abigail and I was born. I am Abigail, but yet I am human. As I said, it is a bit hard to comprehend.”

Hannah was the first one to run up to Kaitlyn and give her a hug. She shook and Hannah knew that Chloe, no Kaitlyn, no Abigail had entered in to her. She was a new person. She had Abigail in her, but yet she lived in the body. She had truly killed herself with the knife and Kaitlyn had raised her by sending Chloe in to them. It hadn’t physically happened, but it was still the truth. It was amazing!

Rachel and Stephanie followed and did exactly what Hannah had done. They were all excited that they could see their savior, the one who had gone to save them from their rejection. They killed their rejection by banging the knife against their necks. They hadn’t died to the world because they were needed in the world, but they felt as if they had died and were raised again, just like Abigail had been.

Hannah could do nothing but smile in happiness. Kaitlyn was alive! It was the most amazing experience in her life. It was greater than what had happened the day before on the third story of Kaitlyn’s house. She was seeing someone that had died, but now she was alive.

They had seen Kaitlyn’s body hanging from the jail the day before and had wept, but they had gotten over it and gone out and told of the good news that they were new people. Now they had seen Kaitlyn alive and could speak of the even greater news. The news that death could be overcome.

A week had passed since Kaitlyn had been killed. No, it wasn’t Chloe, but it was Chloe. Chloe and Kaitlyn were the same person, but they had just split. Andrew had liked them before they split, and had then gone and followed Chloe. For some reason, though Kaitlyn made him feel so much like she was Chloe. Now, they were both gone. Andrew had nothing left.

He didn’t believe Kaitlyn or what she came to do, but yet the three people that meant the most to him were following her. Hannah was the sibling he was closest to on earth. Stephanie was the one who had helped him steal Rachel away from Kaitlyn. Rachel was the one that he had loved and then dropped when he wanted Chloe. Now Chloe was gone, so he loved Rachel.

He wanted to be with them, but he didn’t want to follow what they believed. It didn’t feel right for some reason. Why had they followed Kaitlyn? Now they had completely white skin, while the rest of the village had dark skin. All of their skin was as perfectly white as Kaitlyn’s was.

Rachel had become even more beautiful. She was beginning to look like Kaitlyn. Her hair was becoming red again. She looked almost like Kaitlyn. They were twins, so it made perfect sense. Maybe that was the reason that Andrew liked her so much. Because she reminded him of Kaitlyn and Chloe.

Andrew had been staying with David for the past few days. He didn’t really like David, but what else did he have. He hated Natalie because she had been the one who had killed Kaitlyn. Yes, David had ordered it and that was why he hated both of them, but she was still the one who completed it. As much as he hated what Kaitlyn had stood for, he still loved her and wished that she would still be in this village. He was left by himself. Rachel, Stephanie, and Hannah had talked to him every day since Kaitlyn had left them, but he didn’t want to believe them and follow her. This village was becoming nice.

He wouldn’t feel so bad if he had to live in the village for the rest of his life. Going to earth didn’t really mean much to him. Yes, he would like to see his mom Abigail again, but did he have to follow them to get back to earth? It just didn’t make sense and he didn’t want to believe it.

He had spent such a time rejecting it that it would take a whole lot to get him to believe the truth. He knew that Kaitlyn was probably right, but he didn’t want to become different so that he could believe it. He wanted to be a normal person in the village. That was what he really desired. He wanted to be with the people that were really his friends, but he was separated from them by what Kaitlyn had done. He really wanted to believe deep down inside, but he wanted to believe and live how he wanted to. He wanted to be normal, but that wasn’t the way that Rachel, Stephanie, and Hannah were.

There was a knock on the door of the house. David was still sleeping and it was early in the morning, so Andrew went and got the door and opened it. Rachel, Stephanie, and Hannah stood in the doorway. He wasn’t surprised; he hoped that it would be them. He was actually glad to see them.

“We want to talk to you again. I think we have finally found a way to convince you. You must come outside and follow us. I believe that you will really want to see this.” Hannah spoke with joy.

Andrew followed the three girls as they led him down the street and towards the jail. Why were they going there? It didn’t seem to make any sense. Yes, Kaitlyn was killed there, but what would seeing where she was killed do to him? He followed them anyways, and they entered the jail and went right back to the place that Kaitlyn had been killed. It was still stained with blood.

On the place that Kaitlyn had been killed lay a lamb. It was a cute little lamb that was a white as snow. It was as white as Kaitlyn was. The lamb didn’t move, it just lay there. Black spots began to appear all over the lamb. The spots continued to spread until the whole entire lamb was covered in black. A snake slithered up along the bench and took a whack at the lamb’s heel with its tail. The snake slithered up on to the bench and lamb crushed its head. A man that Andrew didn’t recognize then came up and took the lamb, that was now black and looked in serious pain, and he slaughtered it.

Andrew didn’t seem to notice, but he had begun to cry. Tears rolled down his face and fell to the ground. It was such a beautiful scene, but yet devastating. It was really moving him, even though he didn’t know why. What was it? It was a lamb that was getting killed. Yes, it was sad, but what was it that made it beautiful? What was the power behind what he was seeing? Andrew couldn’t understand.

The lamb lay dead on the bench. The time seemed to pass by quickly, though only for the lamb. For Andrew time seemed to stand still. The lamb got up and walked over to Andrew. What was the lamb doing? The lamb killed Andrew’s leg and then looked up at Andrew’s face and smiled. The lamb then disappeared and Andrew never saw it again.

What had just happened? Was what he had seen really real? Could it be? It just didn’t make any sense. It was all really crazy, but there was some kind of strange power in the whole thing that was drawing Andrew to come to it. Was it supposed to symbolize something? It didn’t seem to mean anything on its own. Was the lamb supposed to be Kaitlyn?

Questions rattled through Andrew’s head, but he still didn’t have any answers. “What was it that I just saw? I don’t understand it. Hannah, please explain it to me.”

Hannah smiled, then walked up to Andrew and kissed him on the cheek. Andrew blushed and then Hannah began to talk. “That was what happened to Kaitlyn. She was killed by what is evil and wrong in this village. She died so that we could go back to earth to see Abigail one day. Another thing that I think you will love about all of this is that when you accept Kaitlyn, she gives you Chloe. Chloe will come live inside of you and whenever you want to talk to Abigail she will come out. She will come out and you will be able to talk to her just as if you were talking to Kaitlyn or Abigail.”

Andrew liked that idea a whole lot. He would love to be able to have Chloe and Kaitlyn and Abigail with him at all times. It would be the most amazing thing that he could get. He was really beginning to warm up to the whole idea. The thing was, it wasn’t just getting to have Chloe and Kaitlyn. The real thing that was drawing him was the power in the lamb that he had just seen. He didn’t fully understand it, but he knew that it was important and that it was amazing what Kaitlyn did for him.

“How do I follow Kaitlyn? I want to follow her.”

Hannah, Stephanie, and Rachel jumped for joy when they heard Andrew say what he had. They all came up to him in one quick second and took him and hugged him. They then each gave him a kiss and they all talked about throwing him a party at Kaitlyn’s house and they took him with them.

When they arrived at Kaitlyn’s house, Hannah and Stephanie began to cook some food while Rachel brought a knife in to the living room. “Okay, I know this sounds weird, but it is the way that you can follow Kaitlyn in to her death. You must take this knife and cut your head off.”

What?! That was absurd. Why would he want to cut his head off? That was a crazy thought. It was a crazy thought, but in a quick second he knew that it was what he had to do. He knew that he had to cut his head to off to follow Kaitlyn, and he quickly became at peace with the idea.

“Give me the knife, I am ready to die and follow Kaitlyn.” Rachel smiled looked at him, gave a little laugh and then handed Andrew the knife.

Andrew took the knife to his neck and let the cold blade push up against the skin. Andrew took a deep breath, pulled the blade back from his neck and then swung it with all of his might forcing the knife to fly right back at his neck. The moment it hit his neck it bounced off.

Suddenly he began to shake and he could feel a person joining him. Chloe! He knew then that he didn’t have to die. Abigail just wanted to know their commitment. She wasn’t going to let them die; she wanted to know how far they were willing to follow. It was their heart that mattered most, not their own bodies. His skin quickly turned completely white like the rest of theirs.

Rachel saw the change and ran up to Andrew and embraced him with a hug and then gave him a kiss. Andrew smiled. He had Chloe inside of him and could talk to Kaitlyn and Abigail whenever. In the village he now had Rachel, whom he knew for a fact like him liked he liked her. It was the perfect match as far as he could see and it was all through Kaitlyn. It was Kaitlyn; she was born to die for them all.